"Across the Wing!!"

"Flying Sword !! in 100 Steps"

At the critical moment, it turned out that Guina and Dusty rushed over and directly helped Hancock share part of the pressure and alleviate the embarrassing situation.

"Sister Hancock, let our sisters help you get rid of this paper tiger!!"

Guina and Dusty said to Hancock.

"Thank you two sisters for your help just now, this paper tiger is still left to me to solve, since it is the paper emperor, then I will come to a fire lantern, you two help me get some torches and oil over!!"

Hancock said to Guina and Dusty, it seems that she has thought of a way to crack the paper three-headed and six-armed giant warrior of the Paper Emperor, although the texture is hard, but after all, it can't get out of the scope of paper, I believe that under a fire, this Paper Emperor will have to scream.

"Alright, Sister Hancock, let's go find the source of fire!"

Soon Guina found some gunpowder and oil in a branch of the Praetorian Guard, and the two of them returned to the square with four full barrels, where Hancock and the Paper Emperor were engaged in a fierce battle.

"Guina, you spill the gunpowder from the tall building over there, and I'll spill the oil from the roof here!!"

As soon as Dusty saw the many paper giants, he directly divided the labor with Guina.

There was no time to say anything, Guina was like a little fox, a few steps to the top of the tower opposite, a throw out of the gunpowder keg in her hand, the green bird sword unfurled, directly scattered two barrels of gunpowder all over the sky, like a sandstorm everywhere.

Powerful people like the Paper Emperor and Hancock are naturally incompatible, but those paper giants are naturally not so flexible.

"No, it's not enough, it looks like we still need to add a handful of oil!"

Dusty, who was on the roof opposite, saw the gunpowder in the sky, and knew that it was a little worse to ignite the paper giants that were harder than steel, so he directly threw the oil drum in his hand into the air, and a snake raccoon flipped over, and the volley crossed in all directions, and the eight giant sword qi directly poured all the oil in the two oil barrels onto those paper giants.

"Guina, light the fire!!"

When Dusty was still rolling in the air, he shouted directly.

"Oh no, it's not good!!"

As soon as the Paper Emperor heard about the fire, coupled with the smell of gunpowder and fire oil in the air, he didn't know what a few people were paying attention to.

It's a pity that it was already a step too late, and Guina directly slashed more than a dozen fire lamps at the place where the paper giants were gathered with a hundred-step flying sword, just like a dry firewood fire, all the paper giants were ignited at this moment, and it was still that kind of raging fire, which could not be extinguished.


The paper emperor felt a sense of weakness in his body after the paper was burned out, and he knew that he was going to suffer this time, but he didn't dare to take back the paper giant he made, because that would cause him to burn himself, who made himself an origami man!!

"If you dare to make your concubine so embarrassed, you should have been prepared to die a long time ago!! Look at the fragrant feet of the concubine's body!! "

Seeing that the paper giants of the Paper Emperor were gone, Hancock stepped on the air, and a red ripple appeared under her feet, holding her enchanting figure high, and she crossed to the Paper Emperor in two steps.

And the paper emperor's entire body instantly turned into a piece of paper, breaking in the air with strength, dodging the blow, and then the whole humanoid piece of paper folded again, just like the other side of the paper has an extra water chestnut, in fact, the paper emperor's whole front and back were swapped, and the antelope hanging horn punched Hancock's shoes fiercely.

I saw that Hancock's petrification power and the paper emperor's origami power instantly touched a piece, emitting a powerful air wave, shaking all the surrounding ruins and walls into the air, and smashing them down again.

"Dusty, are we going over and help?"

Guina clenched the Qingluan Sword in her hand tightly and said to Dusty next to her.

"No, this is the opponent that belongs to Sister Hancock, if it doesn't work, the master will have already made a move!!"

Both Dusty and Guina knew that Ao Long was always watching them, and although Fish-Man Island was already in shambles, the monitoring of the entire city in the Crystal Palace had never been interrupted.

Since the world government wants to make a big show, Ao Long will accompany them to put on a good show, anyway, the show is still to come.

Ao Long decided that since this Fish-Man Island has played its due role, it is better to muddy the water, take this opportunity to turn from light to dark, and when the time is ripe, he will directly give the navy a head-on attack.

At this time, in the water capital, more than half of the fish-people loyal to Princess Otohime and Neptune had been killed or wounded, and if it weren't for the help of the navy led by the tea dolphin, it is estimated that the entire army would have been wiped out, and the vice admiral of the tea dolphin has always been blocked below, although those cannonballs can attack the palace wall of the crystal palace, they can't damage the tiles there.

You must know that the entire water was created by Ao Long by refining magic weapons, and with the washing of twenty years of willpower, the current Crystal Palace is even more miraculous, and the firmness alone is no longer something that cannonballs can hurt.

"Gargoyle-sama, now that the Imperial Forest Army has suffered more than half of the casualties, please hurry up and bulldoze the Crystal Palace in one fell swoop!"

Princess Otohime has asked CP7's gargoyle to take action many times, but it's a pity that the gargoyle has always been like sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, just saying that he is not in a hurry.

It seems that this gargoyle, like the Paper Emperor, wants to consume the strength of Fish-Man Island on a large scale, and even if Fish-Man Island is handed over to Neptune for management, the world government wants him to be just a puppet and be controlled by the world government at any time.

In the Crystal Palace, Ao Long had already seen Hancock's situation through the surveillance video, and thought that it was almost time to close the net.

"Let's go, it's time to make the World Government feel a little pain!!"

Then Ao Long took Olbia and others to the city wall, but at this time he changed his appearance, wearing a Taoist robe, a long white beard and white hair, and a handful of floating dust in his hand.

Since he wants to turn from light to dark, naturally he can't show his face in this operation, anyway, as long as he kills CP7 and CP8, it will already be regarded as a big loss of blood for the world government.

"The ladies are coming!!"

Above the castle tower, there are naturally guards and soldiers, although they don't know the white-bearded Taoist who has changed in Ao Long, but Robin, Monet and other women they know.

"Let Shrimp A and Shrimp B directly strengthen the offensive, and make these rebels pay the price of blood!!

Monet conveyed Ao Long's instructions, according to Ao Long, it is the twenty years of comfortable life that makes Fish-Man Island forget who brought these to them, in this case, let these ungrateful Fish-Man people return to a worse situation than twenty years ago, and Fish-Man Island without strong people will eventually be just a sweet spot in the eyes of all forces, and everyone wants to take a bite.

Fish-Man Island, in Xia Li's Fish-Man Cafe, is rubbing her prophecy crystal ball.

"Your Majesty, I have seen the destruction and decline of Fish-Man Island from the crystal ball, don't you protect us anymore..."

Since Ao Long left Fish-Man Island, Xia Li has been free, and she still opened a Fish-Man Cafe on Fish-Man Island like in the original book, but after experiencing Ao Long's incident, her heart naturally flashed Ao Long's figure from time to time, and she had a premonition of this rebellion, but she never saw the result.

Eventually, she saw the decay of Fish-Man Island in Fire and War.

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