"We are from the West Sea in Qinghai and arrived at Four Seasons Island by accident, so please forgive me if we have any offense."

No matter what the final result is, it will be stronger than facing the current crazy world government in Qinghai, and all Ao Long's posture is not high. And these three ruling ministers give Ao Long the feeling that the strength is not bad, at least at the level of the pheasant.

"Please forgive my curiosity, because no Qinghai people have been to Four Seasons Island for five hundred years, and for some special reasons, we hope that the two guests can tell you how to come here."

"Oh, the way to get here, we flew here!!"

"What?!!! Fly...... Flying over... How is it possible, it is difficult for birds to fly in on Four Seasons Island because of the storm clouds, how can you fly in. "

"We did fly in, but we have no ill intentions, and we hope to live on Four Seasons Island." Maybe it's a good place to settle those scholars, it's very hidden, has an independent ecosystem, and everyone can live a normal life here.

"It is a pleasure to welcome you to Four Seasons Island. But before we do that, we have a reluctant request, and we hope you will agree."

"Oh, I don't know what we need help with, if I can, I'll do my best."

didn't say anything in one mouthful, Ao Long only agreed to do his best.

"I wonder if when you entered the palace, you found a large ashlar block in the palace square?" Political Secretary Bai Lei said.

"Well, when I came in, I did find a huge stone in the middle of the square, I don't know what is special?"

"That stone has my king's sword stuck on it, and in order to welcome my king's return, Four Seasons Island has selected countless warriors to pull out the sword, but no one has been able to pull it out so far. Since you can leap over the storm cloud layer and have a good strength, I would like to ask you to help Four Seasons Island pull out the sword in the stone. "

"Oh, draw your sword, no problem, I'll try it."

When I heard that it was just a sword, whether it could be pulled out or not, it would be harmless, so why not try it.

Soon the group arrived at the palace square, looking at the stone sword in the stone, the gilded hilt was carved with intricate patterns, and the whole sword body was a foot long and leaked outside, but it was rusty.

"Lord Bai Lei, is this the sword in the stone you are talking about? It looks like it's rusty, will it be blasphemous to dedicate such a sword to your king" Kapenbecki is also a person who has seen a good sword, looking at the rusty sword in front of him, he feels that there is really nothing special.

"Becky, you have to remember that fetishes are obscure, and it's not the sword that looks sharp that is the best. You must know that even if the Supreme Knife 12 workers are placed here, there may not be any remnants of it after 500 years of wind and sun. All, how can a sword that can still stand for 500 years be ordinary. "

"What you said is right, in fact, this sword in the stone has been like this since it fell from the sky 500 years ago, 500 years have passed, this stone has begun to grow moss, this sword in the stone is still like this, including the rust on it has not changed."

"It seems that it is really a divine sword! Is it okay to pull him out? Becky, you go and try it".

"Yes, my lord!!"

Confident, Carpenbecki jumped onto the stone platform and tried to draw his sword. Bai Lei and the others did not stop it, although Ao Long seemed to be the master of the house, but God said that pulling out the sword in the stone can't be a follower?

It's a pity that although Four Seasons Island gave Becky this opportunity, it was obvious that he couldn't pull it out, even if he used the power of the Devil Fruit, the sword in the stone was still indifferent.

"My lord, I've let you down! But I think that sword is more evil, and it's normal that you can't pull it out. "

Going with confidence, full of frustration, Becky felt very faceless, and was worried that Ao Long would not be able to pull it out, and there were no steps to go down, so the steps were paved in advance, so that even if Ao Long couldn't pull it out later, it was normal.

"I'll try, maybe a miracle will happen."

Ao Long jumped on the stone platform, tried to pull out the sword in the stone, but found that he couldn't pull it out, he didn't believe in evil He used the power of the Jiao, the true yuan in his body was running, and he held the hilt of the sword tightly, but found that the true yuan in his body was losing to the sword in the stone.

"What's going on? It's such a strange sword, I'll give it to you if you need it."

Speed up the True Yuan in his body, because he found that after the Sword in the Stone absorbed his True Yuan, the rust on the sword began to peel off, leaking out a cold blade.

Just when Ao Long couldn't hold on, the sword in the stone finally stopped absorbing it, and fed back a more refined true yuan to Ao Long, and then, the sword was pulled out.

"The Sword in the Stone... Pulled out... How can it be... Finally..."

Looking at Ao Long, who pulled out the sword in the stone and stood on the stone platform, the three ruling ministers couldn't believe this scene, could it be that the prophesied day had finally come? Has the prophesied King His Majesty finally appeared?

"Here, your King's sword in the stone is indeed a divine sword, and you can feel a rushing sharpness in your hand, this should be the legendary sword qi."

Although he was very reluctant, Ao Long still handed over the sword to Bai Lei. In fact, he knew that if he simply pursued a sword, he would continue to accumulate energy, and he could also find the strongest Dragon Emperor system to exchange it.

"Thank you, can I ask you a presumptuous question?"

Instead of taking the sword from Ao Long's hand, the trembling hands of Bai Lei and the other two ministers seemed to indicate the nervousness at this time.

"Huh? You ask, although I don't necessarily answer. "

"You're not human, are you?!"

"You're not human, your whole family isn't human! Eh, no, it seems that I am indeed not human, I am a dragon, what's wrong! "

"Are you really a dragon? A cloud-swallowing dragon? "

didn't care about the first half of Ao Long's words, the point was that after hearing the second half, the three old men were immediately excited.

"Yes, although the strength is not at that level, is there anything wrong with that?"

"Your Majesty!! We've finally waited for you!! "

The ministers who heard this conversation knelt directly on the ground, crying bitterly.

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