Thank you for the abundant and multi-sprinkled flower reward, thank you for the hundred ☆ evil flower reward!!

Ao Long actually fell in love with those robot soldiers on the moon, which is the basis for opening up the universe, and Ao Long believes that it should still be very beneficial.

In the title page story in the original book, Anilu went to the moon alone, found and saved those robots, and relied on his thunder power to charge, but Ao Long himself also has the ability to control thunder, so naturally there is a way to activate those robots.

So on this day, Ao Long flew to the moon alone, and put everyone else into the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven, Ao Long remembered that there were ancient characters on the moon, just for Robin to decipher.

If there is any ability that Ao Long has now that no one else in the One Piece world can match, it is definitely the ability to fly, I saw that he was like an upside-down meteor, directly like a rainbow light breaking through the sky.

"Is this the moon? It's really desolate, the concubine thought that there should be a Qionglou Yuyu above the moon, carved beams and paintings!! "

Looking at the crater in front of him, Hancock was very disappointed. For this trip, Hancock deliberately wore a khaki dress with a long placket to show off her well-repaired figure.

"But it looks big here, is the ruins of the Sky Island people that Brother Ao Long said are here?"

Guina and Dusty are very curious, very happy to look at the scene here and the sea is completely different, they are like twins, as Ao Long's left and right swordsmen, their daily attire is a variety of colors of samurai robes, today the two of them, Guina is wearing a cyan robe, and Dusty is a fiery red samurai robe, which looks like they complement each other, bringing vivid colors to the gloomy lunar surface.

"But there doesn't seem to be a sea here, there is land everywhere, and the concubine hasn't seen a planet without a sea yet?"

Hancock looked into the distance, and saw an endless black earth, a potholed surface of the planet, nothing on the surface, and it looked very desolate.

"Look, there's going on over there?"

The attentive Robin listened attentively, wearing a long net stocking, which brought out her slender legs well, and as a historian, she looked around for the difference between this place and the outside world as soon as she arrived on the moon.

"Alright, let's go and see, maybe we can meet some space pirates!!"

Ao Long has actually always been very curious about places outside the One Piece world, since there are space pirates here, which means that there are still living beings in the unexpected places in the One Piece world.

After walking some distance, they saw a large crater with a huge construction site with all kinds of facilities and what seemed to be excavation.

In front of the construction site, there is a group of robots that are only tall and short at the waist of Ao Long, and they are fighting with a space pirate who looks like a giraffe, obviously, that space pirate has the strength comparable to that of a rear admiral, and those robots only have the strength of the lieutenant colonel level, under the attack of the space pirates, several robots have gradually lost their strength.

"Young master, where can we help?"

Monet asked, looking apparently sympathetic at the robots, but she didn't know if they were friends or foes.

"Hancock, I'll leave that tall guy to you, that's what I said about the Space Pirate!!"

"Okay, Concubine Rong will go back when she goes!!"

I saw that the space pirate who chased the robot and beat it turned into a stone statue without support under Hancock's fragrant feet for three rounds, and was finally kicked to pieces, which was given to her by Ao Long, and for clear enemies, she must not spare her hands.

"Wow, Sister Hancock's strength seems to have increased a lot since last time!!"

Guina and Dusty have always targeted Hancock, after all, Hancock, as the only female king of the Seven Martial Seas above the sea, can be said to be a representative of the female powerhouse.

"Let's go, Robin, let's go see what those little robots are coming from!"

Holding Hancock and Robin's hands, Ao Long walked directly in front of several robots.

"Hello hero, thank you for avenging the doctor!!"

Several robots saw Ao Long coming over and saluted very politely.

"Well, I want to ask where you came from, do you know the natives of this moon?"

Robin stepped forward gently, and the beautiful face and gentle smile made those robots unable to refuse at all.

"We are robots from the Machine Island, created by the Doctor, because when the Doctor was admiring the moon before, he was surprised by an explosion on the moon and choked to death eating moon cakes, and we are here to seek revenge from these space pirates!! It is said that the Doctor was a former moonman and left because of a lack of resources! "

Very useful news, that is, there are indeed ruins on this moon, but these creatures created on Machine Island do not know the information of the moon.

Dr. Zkimi, who likes to admire the moon in Operation Anilu, is likely to be the remnant of the moon, the last moon man on Earth. The evidence is threefold:

1. He likes to admire the moon because the moon is his hometown.

Second, he has a level of technology that is far ahead of his time, and the only way to go to the moon without passing through the end of the great voyage is the balloon he made.

3. The robot he built is almost the same as the one in the ruins on the moon, indicating that he uses the technology of the moon man.

Speculation: Dr. Zkimi may have been a so-called "hermit" among the Moonmen, living in seclusion on the remote Isle of Machines, and thus escaped the Great Purge that year. Unfortunately, in the end, he choked to death by moon cakes, and at this point, the last moon remnant on Earth died, and the moon people became extinct.

In fact, Ao Long also has a guess, that is, the inhabitants of the weather island in the original book may also be moon people, because many things on that weather island are similar to the technology of the moon people.

Robin looked at the factory in front of him and looked at Ao Long with a speculative gaze.

"Well, in my opinion, this place is for digging ruins, let's just kill those space pirates, it's clear, so let's go straight to the sideways!!"

Ao Long looked at the construction site that was still digging in front of him, and sensed it, there was no strong person in it.

All the way in, there were two beautiful women on the left and right swordsmen, Guina and Dusty, who opened the way, and all the space pirates were killed by the two.

The group followed the excavated passage and discovered that there was an underground city underneath a crater.

"Wow, this style is so spectacular!!"

Robin looked at the underground city with admiration, it was so magnificent and it looked like the place where the moonmen lived before they left.

"Alright, let's go to the city center and have a look, maybe there will be some unexpected gain!!"

According to the guidance from memory, Ao Long led everyone to the center of the city, only to see that there was a very large building here, which looked like a factory and a museum.

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