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"Straw Hat Boy, I'm surprised that you can survive my poisonous mist!! And you, little skeleton, didn't expect that there were still people in this world who could absorb my poison clouds. "

The poisonous cloud created by Magellan gradually thinned under Brooke's absorption, coupled with its own dissipation, Luffy's figure has become clear.

So in the face of Luffy's armed color domineering attack, Magellan was both surprised and interested, as if he suddenly discovered that a little frog actually had the attack power of a puppy.

"Magellan, huh? No one can stop my determination to help Ace!! He's my Straw Hat Luffy's brother, and I'm the man who wants to be the King of the Pirates!! Rocket Tekken!! "

Luffy knew that Magellan was not so easy to defeat, so he could only seize the time to refine his skin, enhance his resistance to poison, and at the same time use fast-paced attacks to win the chance to win, he knew that Brooke's absorption of poison must be very limited.

"Luffy, let me help you!! Bone Sword Dance !! "

I saw that Brooke's two long leg bones bent slightly, and they collapsed with great bounce force, and the long sword in his hand pierced Magellan's eyes.

"Hahaha, I still want to become the King of the Pirates, you must know that there are many existences comparable to One Piece in Advance City, so you should stay in Advance City and do your daydream! Poisonous Dragon! "

As for the news that Ace has been taken away by Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel, Magellan did not say, or that this is a current secret of the navy, even in the face of a relatively weak opponent, it cannot be leaked, this is the rigor of the prison of the advancing city.

A purple-black venom in the shape of a western dragon flew directly from Magellan's back, slashing through a dangerous curve and heading straight for Brooke and Luffy.

Although the armed color domineering resisted part of the poisonous dragon, in the end, the poisonous dragon's wings still swept Luffy's rubber body, and Brooke's bones were directly swept to the ground by the poisonous dragon, becoming a pile of bones.

"Oh ho ho ho Brooke is a pile of broken bones, well, no, I would have died..."

After saying that, a yellow spring breath spread from the pile of broken bones, absorbing the venom left by the poisonous dragon, and finally Brooke's bones seemed to be manipulated, and they were spliced together again piece by piece, recovering into a skeleton man.

"Such a powerful little skeleton, not afraid of my venom!! It's a pity that the strength is a little worse. "

Magellan glanced at Brooke and felt that although it was tricky, he was not an opponent, after all, Brooke's swordsmanship took the dexterous route, and he couldn't get close to Magellan at all.

"Luffy-san, what's wrong with you? You okay? "

I saw that Luffy was finally wrapped in Magellan's venom, and unlike the original book, Luffy's skin was like a pond blown by an autumn wind, rippling with layers of waves, which looked terrifying.

"He's been hit by my poisonous dragon!! Death!! "

Magellan looked at Luffy's distorted face and trembling body, and knew that his poison had penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and it would be difficult for Luffy not to die.

You must know that in the original book, Whitebeard and his entourage were solved by Magellan's poisonous dragon with one move.

"Uh-huh.... Ace.... You wait for me, I will definitely come to save you.... Ace....."

At this time, Luffy was not thinking of his own life and death, but Ace, who was captured by Blackbeard and dedicated to the world government, he couldn't watch Ace being executed in public by the navy, the belief in his heart burned because of Ace, at this moment, this seventeen-year-old boy, resisted the erosion of toxins with an iron will.

In fact, Magellan is wrong, that is, although his venom wraps Luffy, but under the operation of Luffy's iron cloth shirt and golden bell jar, all the toxins are controlled at the level of skin and muscles, and Luffy can feel that his iron cloth shirt and golden bell jar are improving rapidly at this time, because his skin and muscles are constantly dying and renewing, and in this process of replacing the old and the new, the quality is gradually improved.

He thought of meeting Ace for the first time, two peers were in the den of thieves, and he finally had the company of his peers, but at that time Ace was full of rejection and distrust of the outside world, knowing that he moved Ace with his stupid actions, so he had this brother, and now her brother is in trouble, how can he lie here and be indifferent.

It's a flame-like burn.

Willpower is sometimes a powerful force that can turn things around.

Just when Luffy was dazed, he suddenly heard Magellan's voice in his ear.

"Blackbeard Teach!! You actually lurked in my Advance City, it seems that I Magellan is not powerful, and you have all forgotten the iron-blooded prestige of Advance City!! "

It turned out that Blackbeard wanted to take advantage of the fire to rob, and wanted to go to the sixth layer of the prison to collect a few powerful men, but he didn't expect to find that this place known as hell was actually empty after entering the city.

Driven by curiosity in his heart, he looked directly at the city with great interest, and it was here that he met Magellan and the Straw Hat Boy.

"Ho ho ho ho, this is not a straw hat Luffy, he was abused so badly by Magellan. Magellan, don't be so hostile to me, you must know that I am now one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, and it doesn't matter if you come to visit your Advance City..."

Blackbeard looked at Luffy lying on the ground, and Brooke, who was helping Luffy detoxify on the side, and was actually shocked in his heart.

"Could it be that all the rebellions above were caused by the Straw Hat Boy, and it seems that this guy's strength has grown very quickly?"

"I don't know, when I advance into the city, the Seven Martial Seas can also enter casually, if you want to visit, it's not impossible, there are still empty rooms below, you can stay here and have a good visit!!"

Magellan is really angry, how many years have he been advancing the city, and his advance city is synonymous with iron walls, but today it has become a vegetable garden, and any cat and dog can come in and take a stroll, which makes him Magellan's face where to put it in the future.

"Don't say that, you must know that I sent Whitebeard's right-hand man, Fire Fist Ace, looking at this friendship, how can you give me permission to visit, hahahaha"

Blackbeard is missing two front teeth and laughs wildly, in fact, although Blackbeard's strength at this time is good, but his subordinates are basically a few partners he found from all over the world, and his strength can only be regarded as average, otherwise he would not pay attention to the city, there are really no talents outside.

"Ace.... Ace.... Ace.... I must save you, so let me avenge you first!! Blackbeard, I'm going to beat you up!! "

Luffy, who was originally in a coma, finally woke up under the stimulation of the two keywords "Ace" and "Blackbeard", and the first thing he did was to help Ace collect a little interest first.

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