At this time, the world of great navigation was already boiling, merchants were closed, and pedestrians on the streets seemed to be waiting for the end of the world.

Of course, it's not because Ao Ryu and Luffy are making a big fuss about advancing into the city, but because the war between Whitebeard and the navy is about to break out.

Ever since the Navy announced that it was going to execute Ace in public, everyone knew that a great war was coming.

Especially when the Navy suddenly notified the early execution, anyone with a little brain knew what the idea of the Warring States War was, but Whitebeard is Whitebeard, although people are old, but there are still many fans.

"Did you say he would go tomorrow? Although he is white-bearded, after all, he is old, and he has not heard any rumors about him for so many years. "

At a vegetable market in the East China Sea, a vendor asked, knowing that the people around him were just as concerned about the matter as he was.

"He... is already an outdated pirate, this world is no longer his, and the current Whitebeard is just a bad old man. "

A shepherd in the South China Sea was telling passers-by what he thought about the matter.

"You have to know when the world government and navy have lost a war, and tomorrow may be a change of sky!!"

In a street corner in Xihai, the uncle who smoked a cigarette said that they were all members of the generation who had experienced the glory of Whitebeard and Roger, and it could be said that Whitebeard was the existence they needed to look up to and worship.

"Oh my God, where is this world going....."

A nun is praying in the church for her fate and the fate of others.

And Marin Fando originally had a naval family town, but he had been notified a week ago and evacuated one after another, and at this time, Marin Fando had been built into a wide stage by the navy, waiting for the protagonist to play.

The shelter is located in the Chambord Islands, where journalists from all over the world are ready to get their hands on the material.

At this time, in the advancing city, under the leadership of Ao Long, the city has gradually become empty, and it can be said that the pirates who have a little value have been turned into nourishment, although Ao Long can't retreat and absorb it now, but he knows that this will be his capital to open the dragon gate again.

So this time he was unscrupulous, the Blackbeard Pirates had lost the qualification to play the role, or Blackbeard, Ao Long had always disliked it, since he bumped into it, it should be regarded as revenge for his cheap apprentice.

Seeing that Luffy and Blackbeard are inseparable from each other, and that Magellan and Hiryu are not comparable, Ao Long is still very proud, knowing that Luffy's rubber fruit weakness is too obvious, he directly taught him the Dragon Roar Golden Bell Jar and the Tiger Roar Iron Cloth Shirt, all of which are tempered skin and bones, and sure enough, the current Luffy is acceptable.

"Red, let's settle it sooner, we have to rush somewhere else!!"

Seeing that Lone High Red seemed to have not moved for a long time, and was having a good time fighting with Bagas, the helmsman of the Blackbeard Pirates, Ao Long urged directly.

Vargas's characteristic is great strength, his great strength makes his attack a little wide open, a big iron rod swings back and forth, and Red is a bat umbrella, dancing impenetrable, two people one red and one black, fighting back and forth on the field, like a dexterous red bat going back and forth between a big black bull.

Hearing Ao Long's urging, Red also changed his attitude, and a bat umbrella directly hooked the area of Bagas's long legs, and Bagas's long heavenly stick directly pulled out a string of sparks on the ground, and finally stopped the decline.

But Red kicked directly on the tip of his umbrella, like a drunken kicking a pot, and with a deft turn, he held the handle tightly, and stabbed Vargas in the back of the heart from a strange angle.

"Tut-tut, it's a pity that such good blood is wasted...."

Looking at Bagas, who was bleeding nonstop, Gu Gao licked his bright red vampire lips, directly revealing two fangs, and biting on Bagas's neck.

Blackbeard's crew members, whom Blackbeard had managed to find, were all wiped out by Lone High's red.

"Damn!! Damn Straw Hat Boy, Damn Lonely Red!! "

Blackbeard Tiqi saw this scene of anger, although he didn't really care about the life and death of those crew members, but they were a few chess pieces that he finally found, and their strength was quite good, and all the losses were here, wasn't he angry.

"Oh, it looks like Blackbeard Tiki has other ideas?"

Lone High Red looked at Blackbeard and said, licking the blood from the corner of his mouth, as if he hadn't eaten enough.

And Blackbeard actually ran away after forcing Luffy away with a sword again....

ran away without the dignity of a strong man, but Ao Long is here, does he think he has run....

"Waldo, don't let that guy run away!!"

It was not surprising to Blackbeard's defection to Ao Long, after all, Blackbeard was a hero no matter what he said, and it was not easy for him to die here, and he would not fight to the end.

Bondi Valdo, the Momo Fruit Ability, can magnify his own speed, the speed and volume of objects he touches, by 1-100 times.

I saw him kick his feet to the ground, and then appeared in front of Blackbeard at the speed of light.

"I heard that the speed of the object is faster to a certain extent, and the attack power will increase a lot, I have been sleeping for 30 years, and I just want to try your trick!!"

Waldo punched Blackbeard in the stomach, and Blackbeard reacted quickly to block the attack by crossing his arms over his chest.

It's a pity that although he succeeded in blocking the iron fist of the world destroyer, he was also successfully blocked.

"Hehe, this lord, today's incident is just a misunderstanding, really, I just broke into the city by mistake, why don't you let me go."

At this time, Blackbeard's first thought was forbearance, he really had no better way to deal with these old monsters, get out first, and then think if he could get a few subordinates from Advance City to fight against the cloaked man.

"Really? It's a pity that I don't think it's a misunderstanding, when you send Ace to the navy, it will doom you. For your own goals, at all costs, I think it should be commonplace for you, but it's a pity that I don't have that much kung fu to play with you, so Blackbeard Teach, today you are still dying here!! "

Ao Long under the cloak looked at the blackbeard who bowed his head and surrendered, but from those eyes, he could still see how he could control this anti-bone boy.

"Damn, in that case, let's do it again next time!!"

Blackbeard heard the meaning of Ao Long's words, and put down a cruel word, directly over Bondi Valdo's body, trying to escape while Valdo let his guard down.

"Aeolus Legs !!"

It turned out that Kirby and his party, who had gone down to look for Ace, came up, and they happened to collide with Blackbeard, so they naturally wouldn't be polite.

And Ao Long also seized this opportunity, and appeared next to Blackbeard with a dodge, covering the sky with one hand, Blackbeard Tiqi was directly controlled, and was included in the chaos of the dragon beads, turning into powder!

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