"Lord Marshal, they have attacked in a big way!!"



The Ice Age of the Pheasant provided a natural battlefield for the pirates and the navy, and the hand-to-hand combat was much faster than in the original book.

Mihawk, who was standing in the front row of the navy, suddenly drew his black knife from behind his back, and his falcon-like eyes were fixed on the whitebeard at the bow of the ship.

"Whitebeard, let me try the strength of the world's number one powerhouse!"


was blocked, the world's No. 1 male swordsman's slash was blocked by the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Diamond Joz, Diamond has the strongest force defense ability, and Hawkeye's slash did not break through.

"Hawkeye, huh? I can't let you challenge Daddy so easily!! "

Joz looked at the long sword in Hawkeye's hand, and the two were like a duel between a spear and a shield, a diamond fist like a tiger drilling the ground, and a black knife growing like a dragon turning over the river.

And the yellow ape under the execution table also disappeared from the chair because he didn't like the delicate atmosphere between the pheasant and the red dog.

"Eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade !!"

As soon as the yellow ape made a move, it was his own specialty, and the whole person turned into a ball of yellow light, like a small sun falling and smashed into Whitebeard.

"Hey, hey, that's too dazzling..."

Whitebeard said nonchalantly, as if the yellow ape's attack was not in his eyes.

Sure enough, a blue flame turned into a bird and met it, blocking the yellow ape's attack.

The attack waves of the two of them bloomed like fireworks in mid-air, blue flames and yellow circles of light rippling, directly breaking the ice and the battleship into a sieve.

"Yo yo yo, the Whitebeard Pirates are really scary!!"

Seeing that his attack was blocked by a captain, to be honest, Huang Ape's heart was still a little surprised, when did the general become so worthless.

"I can't let you capture our 'king' all at once."

Marco still has such a calm and calm look, although he is afraid of the yellow ape, but at this time he must stand in front of Whitebeard.

"What kind of body is he, he actually resisted the attack of the Yellow Ape General head-on without falling...."

A vice admiral was simply stunned when he saw this scene, they knew the horror of the admiral best, and it can be said that from lieutenant admiral to admiral is not only meritorious enough, but also strong.

If a senior general goes all out, he can even directly kill a lieutenant general in seconds.

"It's worthy of being an animal-type phantom beast species that is rarer than the natural system--immortal bird, no matter what kind of attack it receives, it can be reborn with the spread of flames, and I have never seen this kind of bird..."

After being blocked again, the yellow ape looked at Marko's arms that turned into the wings of an immortal bird and sighed.

"It still hurts..."

Marco grinned, in fact, this recovery is not without a price, physical strength is a very important source of energy.

"Really, if they are all gone, who will guard this execution table!"

Looking at the two positions around that were already empty, Pheasant had already faced up with Whitebeard's other captains, but it was really hard to say how many layers of strength he had exerted like that.

Akainu stood up, looked at Whitebeard, and flew up directly, blasting down a magma fist at the fiercest wave of pirates next to Whitebeard.

"The Great Spitfire!!

"It's terrible, a ship is gone, did I see the end of the world....."

Some of the pirates who escaped muttered that the strength of this attack was too strong.

"This fire is too fancy, Magma Kid, your flame doesn't seem to be very good, it's only suitable for lighting candles on the birthday cake!!"

Whitebeard turned a blind eye to the explosion around him, and directly and heroically mocked Akainu's attack.

"Don't you like lavish funerals? Whitebeard, hehehe...."

Akainu sneered.

And at this moment, another hole card came on the side of the Whitebeard Pirates, that is, the descendant of the demon Oz, a little Oz, whose entire body was the size of the Navy Square, rushed directly to the execution table above the square.

"Brother Ace, Oz is here to save you!!"

"Don't stop attacking, all the cannons are attacking that demon !!"

Ace watched from the execution table and shouted heartbreakingly.

"Oz, don't come here, with your physique, you'll be a target for them!!"

But at this moment, everyone was red-eyed, and the people of the Whitebeard Pirates kept rushing to the Navy Square in order to save Ace, and they were constantly eliminated, and the casualties on both sides gradually expanded, Ace's eyes were covered with tears, and he really regretted it.

At this moment, Ace felt that he was particularly weak and helpless, and so many people of the Whitebeard Pirates sacrificed for him.

"Brother Ace, I'll go to your place and wait for me!!"

I saw Oz directly lift a sea ship and wave it towards the giant vice admiral guarding the execution table.

However, it was a death-defying attack, and although Oz used his massive body to tear a hole in the square again, he still fell under the combined attack of the giant general.

"Oz, you idiot, reckless rushing forward and being brave are two different things!!"

Seeing this scene, Whitebeard said worriedly.

"Dad, don't stop me, I want to save Brother Ace, even if it's worth it a second earlier!!"

Looking at Ace in custody, Oz remembered the happy times he had with Ace, and he still wore the giant straw hat that Ace had knitted for him on his head.

"Everybody covers Oz !!"

What else can Whitebeard say at this time, he can only let everyone help Oz break through.

"Seven Martial Seas, why is Hawkeye the only one on the move, what are the rest of you doing, don't forget the agreement of the World Government!."

At this time, the Warring States suddenly discovered an abnormal place, that is, the Seven Martial Seas did not actively face the battle, you must know that letting the Seven Martial Seas participate in this war is largely to use them as guns.

Anilu and Jinping both glanced at Hancock, as if waiting for his orders.

"Let's go, since the marshals of the Warring States have let us do it, we have to give some face!"

Hancock attacked, but unfortunately her attack was indiscriminate.

And Anilu and Jinping are obviously not able to work, seeing this scene, although Sengoku is angry, but it is not good to say anything, after all, the Seven Martial Seas and the Navy are only using each other.

And Oz did not have the attack of Doflamingo and Moria in the original book, and naturally opened up a wider road, the elite of the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates were fighting in a large area, and the blood of death directly stained the ocean.

At this time, Karp ran to the execution table and sat next to Ace.

"Karp, what are you doing here? Do you have any objections to the battle plan? "

Seeing the sudden appearance of his old friend, Sengoku was worried about what had happened and asked directly.

"The opponent is a pirate, you can come however you want, I don't have any opinion."

"In that case...."

"Shut up, just stay here for a while, what's the matter!!"

Karp was annoyed at the moment, and he really wanted to punch him in the face.

"But the family is different....."

"It's really embarrassing for me, Ace, you guy, why don't you follow my route....."

Karp scratched his hair in annoyance, and at that moment, there was a wolf howl in Navy Square.

"Ace, I'm here to save you..."

It turned out that in a hurry, Bondi Valdo directly threw Luffy into 100 times the speed and power to Marin Fando.

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