Thanks to Q** for the flower tip!!

Under Ao Long's means, the biggest geographical disadvantage of the Whitebeard Pirates was directly solved.

The sea surface of the crescent bay of the entire Marin Fando was raised by Ao Long by dozens of meters, which was the same as the Navy Square.

All the pirates and navies stared at this scene in amazement, and their hearts were cold.

"It is worthy of the Dragon King, this method is really extraordinary!!

Bartholomy Bear and Moria, the two last Seven Martial Seas, saw this scene and directly dispelled their inner thoughts, especially Moria, who originally wanted to watch the fire from the other side, but when they saw this scene, they directly followed Ao Long.

"Damn Ao Long, I must grill you into meat skewers, I think I'm an admiral, I haven't eaten dragon meat so far!!"

When Akainu heard Ao Long's insult to him, he naturally gritted his teeth and fell into Ao Long's hands many times, and Akainu knew that this was not a man who seemed to be with.

"Since you've ruined the plan, let's fight with dignity!!"

In the face of this situation, the Warring States were also very helpless, the time was not right, and the geographical advantage was also destroyed by Ao Long, so they could only use people to win.

"A dignified battle, how could I have ever been afraid of anyone with a white beard!!"

The white-bearded naginata pointed directly at the Golden Buddha Warring States, with a domineering and provocative face.

"Really? Whitebeard, it's a pity that your subordinates don't seem to be as strong as you!! Pheasant, let them all go to war!! "

Sengoku didn't mind Whitebeard's self-confidence, or he had been planning for a long time for today's war, and he was well prepared.

I saw that the naval headquarters, which had been collapsed and tattered, suddenly opened several tightly closed walls, as if the door in the dark room had been opened.

I saw 10,000 robots like Bartholomy Bear coming out of the door on the left side of the headquarters, and it seems that the World Government has succeeded in developing him, and in front of these robots is Tomomaru carrying a battle axe.

On the right, there are 100,000 elite navies again, all of whom are high-standard standard weapons, and they are waiting in a fierce formation.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the Whitebeard Pirates were a little broken again.

Sengoku's meaning is very clear, Whitebeard is strong, but Sengoku can drag him, and then take advantage of this opportunity, the navy will kill these Whitebeard's families.

"Hey, bear, why are there so many of you over there?"

Moria looked at the identical bears that were neatly arranged, and felt that it was incredible, if there were really 10,000 bears, there would be no way to fight this fight, you must know that the strength of the bears even the lieutenant general could not win.

"Those are all robots created by the world government according to my previous experimental data, and the cost of each machine is comparable to that of a warship, and the laser cannon is installed in the mouth and hand of the machine, which is powerful."

Knowing the relationship between Moria and Hancock and Ao Long, Xiong did not hide that the laser cannon is still very powerful and advanced technology for this world, and in Xiong's opinion, this is indeed a thorny problem.

"Oh, Sengoku, does it look like you're arrogant? Are you going to slap us in the face? Isn't it just the number of people competing? Do you think it's the only ones you have? Last time, thanks to you, the Praetorian Guards of my Canghai Kingdom have been eating idle food recently!! "

Ao Long watched with interest as the Warring States pretended to be serious there, and when all the warriors were arrayed and imposing, Ao Long raised his Canglong banner.

Knock, knock, knock!

Directly hit the thick ice three times, and the deep voice spread far away.

Then I saw that in front of the sea area of Marinfando, there was a sudden surge of waves.

"Look, what's that? There's movement in the sea again!! "

Pirates with good eyesight have noticed something unusual in the sea.

I saw the waves rolling, and the Seven Martial Seas Jinping on the stage didn't know when he disappeared.

"Fisher Tiger, the commander of the Praetorian Guard of the Dragon Country, and Jinping, the deputy commander of the Praetorian Guard, meet Your Majesty!!"

The waves calmed down, and suddenly the Praetorian Guard legion composed of 200,000 shrimp soldiers, crab generals and other aquatic tribes appeared on the waves.

The sound of the 200,000 legions kneeling neatly broke through the sky, and even the execution table where Ace was located was shaken, and this divine power immediately surpassed the back hand of the Warring States.

The navy felt cold palms, where is this encirclement of pirates, it is completely the navy being counter-surrounded.

Even Whitebeard looked dumbfounded, he hadn't seen such a big battle in so many years.

"Ao Long boy, this.... NB, more than my pirate group NB!! Hahahaha, now it depends on how arrogant the Warring States are. "

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the Warring States at this time, and this Nima slap in the face was too loud.

Even the three major generals feel a little guilty in their hearts, this is not a kitten or a puppy, looking at the momentum and strength, they are all elite.

"What..... How is it possible that those people can actually ride on the waves...."

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates and the navy saw this scene as if it were a myth.

"This time we have won, with the Dragon King here, we will definitely be able to capture the naval base."

Obviously, the current Whitebeard Pirates are no longer satisfied with rescuing Ace, but are going to bulldoze the Navy Headquarters.

"Hurry up and inform the commander of the air that we need to support !!"

Warring States made a decision at the first time, at this moment his plan to trap Whitebeard can be said to have completely changed its taste, and the variable of Ao Long appeared in the matter of nine out of ten, and the 200,000 army was not a joke.

"Jinping, as the Seven Martial Seas, you actually dare to betray the World Government, and now I announce that you will cancel your Seven Martial Seas identity!!"

Sengoku looked at Jinping beside Fisher Tiger and was very angry, and the defection at this time was obviously the most demoralizing.

"Seven Martial Seas..... I'm not rare, Sengoku, I advise you to obediently let go of Brother Ace!! "

Jinping naturally couldn't weaken Ao Long's momentum, and after knowing that Ace was Ao Long's apprentice, his position naturally became clear.

"Let Ace go, you guys are dreaming, let me Sakasky finish this son of sin ahead of schedule today!! It's a gift to your Dragon King! "

Before Sengoku could speak, the Akainu in the back suddenly made an astonishing move, directly turning his right arm into magma, preparing to directly execute Ace.

"Fire Fist Ace, it's your honor to bury you in my magma today!!"

A huge magma fist was about to fall on Ace's head, but Sengoku didn't stop it, and even blocked Karp in front of him intentionally or unintentionally.

"Magma? Isn't it amazing? Let me show you my Thunder Dragon Scroll!! "

Just when Akainu let out a cruel smile and thought he was going to succeed, a flirtatious voice suddenly remembered in his ears.

I saw a pair of big earlobes, wearing a loose shirt, and holding a golden stick Anilu suddenly appeared next to Ace, there was no thunder fruit, but he practiced the "Five Elements Divine Thunder" taught by Ao Long, and the skill of lightning control should not be underestimated.

A dragon beast transformed by fire and thunder zigzag upwards and went straight to Akainu's magma fist.

"Damn, another Seven Martial Seas has betrayed!!"

When the Warring States saw this scene, they shot directly, wanting to come to Wei to save Zhao, and directly attacked Anilu with the fist of the Golden Buddha.

"Shadow Horn Gun !!"

"Pressure Cannon !!"

Xiong and Moria shot at the same time, blocking Sengoku's attack on Anilu, and two more martial arts counterattacks.

And the empress Han Cook didn't know when she had arrived at Ao Long's side, looking at her man with a sweet face.

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