If a country has 900 years of accumulation, then it must be rich.

And the world government has accumulated 900 years of heritage, so Ao Long never dared to underestimate him, after all, the hundred-legged insect is dead but not stiff, not to mention that the current world government has not declined to that extent.

Fortunately, this is a world that pays attention to strength, although the five old stars used political means to cover up the truth 900 years ago, but it cannot be denied that without their strength to suppress it, this world would have changed long ago.

And Ao Long happens to be more confident in his own strength, so this war is like a whirlpool.

Attracting eyes from all over the world, there are those peerless powerhouses, or hermits with righteous hearts.

The death of the steel bones, the appearance of the red-haired Shanks and the golden lion, gathered the strongest power of the Four Emperors in the New World, plus a coordinator, the Dragon King Ao Long, like a fragrant cake, making the five old stars feel that this is an opportunity once and for all.

The five old stars who have lived for more than 900 years are all human spirits, and for the navy, the world government can be the object of their protection, but for the five old stars, the navy is just a subordinate organization, even if it is disabled, it can be recruited again, under the banner of the world government, the most important thing is people.

Watching the fire from the other side and watching the tiger fight from the mountain are all the handicrafts that the five old stars are good at, but now the Warring States and others obviously can't watch it anymore.

The navy and supporting army were slaughtered by the three pirates and the Praetorian Guard of Ao Long.

"If you can't go on like this, what should you do, old man!!"

Sengoku asked Karp on the side, since Karp made a move, the two of them have reconciled again, at least in Sengoku's opinion, this is needed, the navy needs Karp, and justice needs Karp.

"Sengoku, Karp, Pheasant, Crane, Yellow Ape, it seems that you have been defeated!! Defeated by the pirates you've always looked down upon, hahaha!! "

The golden lion laughed wildly, and the two swords were already stained with the blood of the Warring States.

"Or, give me a face, your navy will surrender, okay??"

The red-haired Shanks pestle his treasure knife and began the persuasion mode of the face fruit.

"I think that my strength still needs the blood of the navy to water it in order to thrive better, after all, people are anemic all year round."

The lonely red bat cape fluttered in the wind, licking his bright red lips from time to time, and it seemed that this vampire was addicted.

"Red, don't forget, you're always human!!"

Whitebeard was a little tired of him sucking human blood.

"It seems like a bit of a bully, so many people are beating Sengoku and Karp, but I like to bully more and less, hehe...."

Ao Long looked at the last living force of the encircled navy, and smiled playfully, his women had joined the battlefield, which can be described as a big killing, whether it was Robin or Hancock, they were not vase-like characters.

At the fragrant feet of Hancock, many of the Pacifists were broken down to stone chips.

"Lonely Red, although you killed the steel bone empty, but I don't think your injuries are clear, even if you heal yourself through bloodsucking, it will take time, vampires are not without shortcomings. Shanks, you can't afford to save face, there are only navy killed in battle, and there is no navy that surrendered!! "

Sengoku stared at the pirates in front of him and resolutely resisted to the end, he lost this war, and he lost to these scattered pirates who were actually pinched together by one person.

In fact, no matter which pirate navy has hope of defeating, but when all the pirates are united, it is really a terrifying force.

"Hahahaha, why do you say so much, the old man is a naval hero, and this life is to be dedicated to the justice of the navy, if he can die on the way to eliminate the pirates today, then the old man feels that he has died as he deserves!!"

With that, Karp swung his iron fist and headed straight for Whitebeard.

Karp's ease and ease inspired Sengoku and all the remnants of the navy and army, and everyone began the final bloody battle.

"Kill, protect the justice of the world government, and kill all those pirates!!"

"Avenge the empty marshal!! Wash away the shame of justice!! "

The mourning soldiers will win, and these navy forces with the determination to die have caused great damage to the three pirates.

In the dark, the five old stars watching the battlefield were communicating.

"It's time to get the Legion of Guards!"

"Yes, if we leave none of those pirates behind, our rule can be stable for at least another 900 years!!"

"And the samurai legion of Wano Country is also on it, they are all masters of individual combat, at this time, go to work at ease, there will definitely be a better harvest!"

It turns out that the power of the world government is not only the navy and army, but also the guard corps and the secret service organization CP series that are directly in charge of the hands of the five old stars.

Now the CP series has been damaged a lot in the hands of Ao Long, but this guard corps is still fully established, and its strength is not inferior to that of the navy.

In other words, these are special units composed of elite soldiers selected from the navy and army.

Rumble!!! Rumble! Boom!!

The white-bearded pirate ship surrounded the Navy Headquarters, the army surrounded the water tribe of Ao Long, the golden lion and the red-haired pirates surrounded the army legion, and now the World Government's escort has appeared, and the red-haired and golden lion pirates have besieged again.

With Marin Fando as the central circle, a battle circle like an arrow target was thus formed, with me behind the enemy and the enemy behind me.

"Hahaha, come on, everyone, kill these pirates, our reinforcements are coming!!"

The Sengoku recognized the banners of those guard legions at a glance, and the arrival of this time was like a long drought and rain, which was inspiring.

"Whitebeard, it's time for your time to come to an end!! Let me finish you off with Iron Fist Karp!! "

Karp seemed to be in a state of isolation from the outside world at this time, giving full play to the greatest advantage and power of his "Iron Fist", and even the world's strongest man could not shatter his fist style, and soon both of them were scarred.

Whitebeard, who was finally healed by Ao Long, had accumulated more injuries on his body than before under the condition of using the Shock Fruit at a high frequency, but this terrible man was still terrifying, especially the five old stars felt terrible in their hearts, so they took action.

Looking at Whitebeard and Karp's final attack like two old men fighting hand-to-hand, he knew that this was the best chance to kill Whitebeard, but Karp and Whitebeard were already entangled together, just when the two of them wrestled.

Thorn slip.....

A sword pierced Karp's back through Whitebeard's heart.

"How could it be....."



"Karp !!!"

"Whitebeard !!"

Dressed in a white robe, bald head, wearing glasses, but clogs, suspected of being a samurai in the country of Wano, and the owner of the world's top swordsmanship, Sonobe Keiichi, the swordsmanship powerhouse among the five old stars pulled out his long sword from Karp's body and said slowly.

"Karp, rejoice that your life ended with the evil Whitebeard, you deserve to be !!a naval hero."

"Fuck you Navy Hero !!"

Luffy was angry at this moment, and he was directly armed and domineering, and punched Keiichi Sonobe.

And Whitebeard and Karp are slowly falling...

The five old stars are all lore, wiping out the vitality of the entire enemy in an instant, and the many battles of Whitebeard, who was originally evenly matched, have consumed a lot of energy, and Karp's single-minded pursuit of death has made him physically and mentally exhausted.

Keiichi Sonobe's swordsmanship happened to be a key to plundering the last of life, opening the end journey of the two overlords.

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