The world of One Piece can be said to be a world of talents, and a natural Devil Fruit can shape a super pirate, who can be the emperor and the king.

However, the ups and downs of 900 years have never shaken the dominance of the world government, although many countries are unwilling to join the alliance of the world government in this process, but it is undeniable that the orthodoxy recognized by everyone in the One Piece world is the world government.

The main composition of the World Government is the Draconians, and its subordinate organizations include the Navy, Army, Government Guard, CP Series Secret Service Organization, Scientific Research Guardian Force, and other corresponding affiliates.

But what really suppressed the sea and made the world government stand for less than 900 years is indeed due to the five old stars, whether it is their strength or political skills, they have played with generations of heroes in applause, ending one era after another.

There is nothing wrong with the iron-clad battalion soldiers, exchanging Karp's life for a greater probability of hitting Whitebeard, at least the five old stars think it's a good deal.

Already old and human, they know how to minimize risk.

And today, here, the five of them will once again end an era, clean up the dregs of this era, soon, these so-called legends, whether they are kings, will disappear in the long river of time, not even a single wave will rise, this is the confidence of the five old stars in time.

The five old stars' greatest weapon has never been their own great strength, or their clever political acumen, but time.

Even if they occasionally stumble, they will be forgotten by time, and they will always become the ultimate victor when they are not old or dead, which is a natural advantage.

So at this moment, the five of them are looking down on all beings, like gods on high looking down on struggling mortals.

Masato Hirano, dressed in a black suit, with curly white hair, a white beard of Peng Song, a flat hat, and a scar on the left side of his face. It has the strength to control the earth, and stands on the earth, with unlimited power.

Yasuki Masuya, wearing a dark blue suit, has long straight white hair and a long beard. The bright-faced powerhouse of the Celestial Dragons can control the power of the stars.

Keiichi Noda, dressed in a crimson suit without a knottie, has blonde hair, a beard that is also blonde, and a scar on his chest. A strong physique, it is said that the speed can reach the speed of light of the yellow ape, and the strength exceeds that of Karp.

Kenichi Ogata, dressed in a dark green suit, has a bald head (just the top of his head), has two splayed mustaches, and has a birthmark on his forehead. It has the ability to control the withering glory of all things, and its strength is strong.

Keiichi Sonobe wears a white robe, a bald head, and glasses. The only one among the five old stars who is not wearing a suit and has a beard. And in his hand he has a knife similar to the three generations of Zoro. The shoes are not leather shoes like the other four, but clogs, suspected to be samurai of Wano Country. Possessed by the world's top swordsmanship, it can be said that it is the most powerful swordsman in the One Piece world.

Keiichi Sonobe's chosen opponent is the red-haired Shanks, as a swordsman, he still likes to ravage the genius who is quite accomplished in swordsmanship, and the red-haired swordsmanship strength he has heard of for a long time.

Kenichi Ogata's chosen opponent is the Golden Lion, which is a fierce opponent, and he can feel that the Golden Lion's strength has not only returned to its peak state, but also gone further than it was back then.

Noda's chosen opponent is Lone Taka no Red, a vampire known for his speed and weirdness, and Noda wants to show him the combination of strength and speed, which is not something that can be compared to a simple yellow ape and a cap.

The opponent selected by Masato Hirano is the Hades King Reilly, don't underestimate Reilly's strength, the man who can be crowned the king is only qualified if he has reached the peak of unmatched in a certain field.

The last Yasuki Masuya, the strongest of the five old stars with long hair and long beard, the bright-faced powerhouse of the Tianlong people found the dragon king Ao Long.

"I know that there is a giant vice admiral in the navy, named Salon, who is your man, and the beggars he leads are now lighting fires everywhere in the Great Passage, causing the whole world to be in flames. But Ao Long Boy, nine hundred years have allowed us to see too many intrigues and intrigues, but in the end they all died, and the five of us are still there, and the world government is still there, do you know why? "

Yasuki Masuya can be said to be the most annoyed with Ao Long, and the Marijoya emancipation incident of that year formed an undying bond between Ao Long and the Tianlong people. He had always wanted to kill Ao Long, but the other five old stars didn't agree, so they didn't put it into practice.

"Although those people did not succeed, they left a spark for future generations, and although you still exist, you have emitted a stench of the times from your bones!!"

Ao Long has never flinched from this kind of trickery.

"Hmph, those people are the same as you, they are all so self-conscious, as long as you are slaughtered, everything will be smoothed out, all the losses will be made up, and all the dead will return!!"

Yasuki Masuya said as he stretched out his five fingers and made a pulling motion towards the sky.

"It's time for you people to see the power of our five old stars!!"

I saw that the sky that was originally blue and white suddenly flashed with stars, and the silver-white starlight on the starry sky converged into a beam of energy under the control of Yasuki Massuya, directly attacking Ao Long.

Like the flight of the imperial sword, the star qi above the powerful starlight directly pierced the sky, and it could be turned at will under the control of Yasuki Masuya.

"Nice abilities, Starlight? I've always needed it, but unfortunately I can't pick it up, thank you for the gift!! "

I saw Ao Long open his mouth and swallow the Gengjin Xingchen Qi guided by Yasuki Masuya into his stomach in one gulp, which was actually swallowed into the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven.

You must know that this is the starlight that has been tempered by the ability of Yasuki Masuya, it is the essence of the stars, and its lethality is incomparable, it can be said that even the solidity of the Red Earth Continent can be pierced by him, and if someone else encounters it, he will definitely die.

This is also the reason why Yasuki Masuya is the most powerful as the Five Old Stars.

"What.... You actually swallowed all my Xingchen sword qi into your stomach, how is this possible?? "

Yasuki Masuya was surprised to see this scene, for more than nine hundred years, no one has ever been able to swallow the stars like Ao Long, even if the strength is strong enough to resist for a moment, he will die of hatred in his continuous starlight attacks, so Yasuni Masuya's opponents are generally a sword stream, that is, a starlight will end the battle.

"Ugh! It tastes good, and with a little more, my stomach can still digest!! "

Ao Long burped, and seemed to be very reluctant to swallow these starlight, in fact, after the previous starlight entered his Dragon Bead Cave Heaven, it quickly nourished the evolution of the stars in the Cave Heaven, and promoted the improvement of the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven, which naturally promoted the improvement of Ao Long's strength.

Yasuki Masuya, who didn't know that his actions belonged to his rivals, naturally felt that he could burst Ao Long with more effort, so he directly strengthened the output of his ability, increased the energy pillar of silver-white starlight convergence, and slashed towards Ao Long fiercely.

The fierce aura emanating from the starlight directly scratched the cheeks of Reilly and Shanks, which shows that this starlight is definitely not only as gorgeous as it looks, but may be even more ruthless in killing!

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