Seeing Ao Long fighting alone in the earth prison of the Five Old Stars, he finally found the flaw in Masato Hirano, that is, the source of his power.

Although Masato Hirano can control the earth, it is more with the help of the power of the earth, so it can be said that the power of the entire Marinfando earth is concentrated on this earth prison and the damage is transferred, but there is no guarantee that the distant land will not be destroyed.

If the control of each piece of soil is the same, then Masato Hirano is the strongest of the five old stars, because that kind of control is close to God, but unfortunately he is not.

As the distance increases, he can only rely on the power of the earth, but cannot control it.

So the first thing that came to mind was to destroy the source of his power and cut off the island!! After all, the total amount of earth power in the entire Marin Fando is limited, and if the defense of the earth prison and the earth heavy armor is strengthened, it will inevitably not be able to take into account other places.

Shanks quickly understood Reilly's intentions.

"Red, you're here to attack this mud cage, we're going over there to destroy the island!! I want to see if these five old stars want to take care of their heads or their heads!! "

After saying that, the Hades King Reilly and the red-haired Shanks went straight to the island link of Marin Fando, and under the combined efforts of the two peerless swordsmen, as well as the three world destroyers who joined later, Marin Fando, who had already been shattered by Whitebeard and Hirano Masato, soon began to sink in a large area.

And Masato Hirano also felt that the power of the earth he could use was getting less and less, and the whole person began to panic.

"How is it possible, Ao Long, your physical strength is still so strong after repeated battles, even we can't have such strong physical strength!!"

Feeling the urgency of the situation, Masato Hirano said angrily, hoping to find Ao Long's flaws as soon as possible.

"Damn, I feel that the strength of his sword shows no signs of weakening at all, if it goes on like this, we can't bear it, this is simply a monster!!"

Keiichi Sonobe's long sword is also endless, but the repeated battles have made him feel tired, but the Ao Long on the opposite side will not let them go, like the sword wind of the waves, wave after wave.

"Hehe, even if there are these mud frames, I don't believe that you can go on like this, compared to consumption, I Ao Long has never been afraid of anyone!!"

Ao Long once again split Noda Keiichi's iron fist with a sword, and he was also shocked to take a step back, and said with a heroic smile, Today's battle is very fierce, but he has the support of the power of the cave, basically there is no feeling of exhaustion, and he is naturally different from others.

"Damn boy, it doesn't matter if you're strong, it's so fast, it's just a copy of me!!"

Keiichi Noda rubbed his swollen fist, knowing that he was known to surpass the speed of light of the yellow ape and Karp's iron fist, but he did not please in terms of speed and strength.


Finally, under the joint attack of everyone, the entire Marin Fando sank, leaving only the left land controlled by Hirano Masato intact, but such a force of the earth could not defend against Ao Long's attack, so it was very tragic that Ao Long slashed directly into Hirano Masato's chest with a sword.

The earth armor on Masato's chest was like a ceramic, and it shattered to the ground with a bang.

It turned out that this sword was not only the attack of Ao Long, but also the result of the lonely Red Red, Hancock, Anilu, and Ace attacking the Earth Prison together, and Rayleigh and Shanks and others slashed the land, so that this damage could not be fully transferred.


A mouthful of blood splashed out directly, Ao Long would not let go of such a good opportunity, and directly regretted it, smashing the internal organs of Hirano Masashi.

The five old stars died one more, and Ao Long was as happy as fighting monsters and upgrading, and he included Masato Hirano in the Dragon Bead Chaos for the first time.

"It's not good, hurry back to Mary Joy, please make a move!!"

The remaining Keiichi Sonobe and Keiichi Noda glanced at each other, knowing that they were invincible, this Ao Long was simply a pervert, and fled directly without saying a word.

Looking at the five old stars who fled, Ao Long did not chase after them at the first time, but solved the battle of Marin Fando with the red-haired and others as soon as possible, and the Warring States and Yellow Ape were all defeated and captured, of course, Ao Long did not mean to humiliate them.

Instead, let Ace and Luffy guard them before leading a large army and preparing to attack Mary Joy.

It is the center of the world government, with a more powerful legion.

Keiichi Sonobe and Keiichi Noda thought that Aolong's men and horses had almost lost in the battle with the navy, including Sengoku.

Although three of the five old stars died, the red-haired Shanks and the Golden Lion's pirates also died a lot, at least Sengoku thought he was contributing to justice.

But when Ao Long waved his sleeves, the battle legion of Four Seasons Island appeared in front of everyone again, as well as 200,000 water tribes and a million robot corps, Sengoku knew that he was really wrong.

Or that the whole world is wrong, they all seriously underestimated the power and strength of this man, and gathered the main elite under their command.

Under Ao Long's ability to control the water, the sea below Mary Joy has been completely frozen, and it has become a large point field.

Three days later, the 300,000 men of the Four Seasons Legion of Four Seasons Island arrived, and this was the first time that Ao Long's closest troops showed Qinghai their fangs, a full set of new equipment.

Four days later, the 200,000 water tribes of the Xihai Dragon Palace arrived, all of whom were powerful amphibious fighters equipped with standard weapons.

Five days later, the armed men of the beggar gang arrived under the leadership of Sharon and gathered into a chivalrous legion of 100,000 soldiers.

Ten days later, the four naval regiments, led by Capone Becky, Law, Dorag, and Bucky, came to join forces, with a total of 400,000 elite men.

At first, people who had some other thoughts didn't care much when they saw Ao Long's descendants, but when Ao Long waved his sleeves again, the million robot army silently appeared on the side, and all the careful thoughts were extinguished, and the cold steel body undoubtedly told the world that these were not dolls, but elites with powerful lethality and were not afraid of sacrifice.

"For so many years, the sea has been full of crime, blood, famine, death, despair, and injustice, let us put an end to all this with our own hands, and return the world to a bright future, and jointly create a world without hunger and despair!! The Dragon Emperor ascends to the pole, and the world is the same!! "

"The Dragon Emperor ascends to the pole, the world is the same!!"

"The Dragon Emperor ascends to the pole, and the world is !! the same"

Wearing a crown of heaven on his head, the face under the crown gave everyone a majestic shock, which was a cry for the beginning of a new era.

Under his leadership, the morale of the two million army was high, and they shouted out their vision for the future and their resentment against those tumors.

This era is not white-bearded, but the king of Canglong, Ao Long's !!

Persuaded by justice, the pheasant, who has always had a good personal relationship with Ao Long, took the Warring States and others to observe this expedition ceremony, they were shocked, it turned out that this world can still start a war like this.....

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