Thank you for the praise and support of the flying saucer!!

The leader of Vera, Manvi, the most powerful of the Vera, was appointed by Iluvita as the head of kings, and later ruled by Manvi, and his prestige convinced all Vera. Manwi's wife, Valda, the god of the stars (the elves worship the stars), created the sun and the moon.

The second in strength to Manvi is Uomu, he is the god of the sea, he doesn't like land, so he usually doesn't spend time with other Vera, likes to wander in the sea, cares about elves and humans very much, and goes back to convey news when he has a major decision, and he only goes back when Vera has a major decision.

Oli's strength is second only to Ou Mou, the god of the earth, the outlines and landforms of the continent are his masterpieces, the gems and gold are all created by him, and he is very fascinated by the craftsmanship. His characteristics are very important.

There's also a Vera named Mandus, the god of the underworld, who is in charge of the soul after death, which sometimes feels a bit prophetic. After the elve's death, the soul was in a daze on the temple of Mandus.

Finally, I will introduce a Vera named Euromi, let's just say that he is the god of war, who is relatively irritable and likes to hunt. Euromi was the first to discover the elves, and Vera also likes to take the lead in war.

Iluvita, the supreme level, Yahweh, such as the Buddha; Maiya's status is equivalent to ordinary Buddhas, bodhisattvas and the like, Manjushri and the like; Maiya is equivalent to an Arhat, subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger.

Mirkor, who is twins with Manvi, is more powerful than Manvi, but he is disobedient and does not listen to the conductor when playing the big movement, highlighting his ability. So Manvi was appointed queen, and Mirko was not convinced, he had a part of all the other Vera's abilities, arrogant and empty-eyed.

The Hobbit is able to eat fourteen meals a day (not including snacks) namely breakfast, afternoon tea (second breakfast), lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and supper, they love simple foods such as rice bread, giant meat, small tomatoes and pig-flavored cheese, they have a special hobby for body organs, they love beer, and they usually drink in bars.

Because eating is usually associated with banquets, hobbits are more hospitable, let alone courteous guests like Ao Long.

"Since I've been to Shire, I've liked the environment and the pace of life very much, can I bother for a while?"

A gold coin appeared in his hand as Ao Long spoke, and Bilbo's already happy face became more sunny, and he grabbed the gold coin, put it in his pocket, and said.

"Welcome, of course, our hobbit home may be a bit low, I hope you don't mind."

Bilbo was very happy that a person who admired himself could spend a lot of money to live in his own house, knowing that the purchasing power of this gold coin could buy Bilbo enough food for a month.

In this way, with the sycophant opening the way and the gold coin escort, Ao Long and Bilbo became good friends, and then Ao Long was silently improving his Yellow Dragon power and waiting for Gandalf's arrival.

This time, Ao Long's target was the demigod-level evil dragon Smaug, but it was clear that he had no key or map, and he could not enter the Lonely Mountain by himself, where there was a high-level magic array after all.

Judging from the information of the system, although the evil dragon is not a divine dragon, his dragon blood is in line with the law of the dragon, which is still conducive to the recovery of the dragon gate.

A month later, Bilbo got up early, and in the past month, Ao Long's life has not changed much, in Bilbo's view, Ao Long is a very quiet and wise friend, every day when the day is just dawning, in the high place of that hill, in a strange posture to watch the sunrise, Ao Long told him, that is called meditation, is a method of practice.

But Bilbo tried, and the halfling's knees seemed very short, and he meditated like pins and needles, and the most important thing was that he didn't get anything, so Bilbo felt that this kind of practice should be talented.

In fact, Ao Long is conditioning his dragon bead world, which is a nascent world, where everything sprouts, but it still seems very low-level, but fortunately, there are many of his team and collections in it.

On this morning, Bilbo Baggins got up early, and Ao Long obviously went out to absorb the early yang purple qi again.

Sitting in front of his house, holding a wooden pipe, this is the golden silk nanmu pipe given to him by Ao Long, carved with intricate patterns, it looks mysterious and luxurious, but in fact, it has no effect, because he knows that there are wizards in this world, so Ao Long decided to try to avoid exposing his abilities too early.

But Bilbo Baggins liked the pipe so much that he sat down in front of the door every morning, lit a pipe, and when he was done, Olon returned.

But today Bilbo Baggins was immersed in his own fantasy world, and the smoke he exhaled turned into a smoke and flew back to his nostrils.

"Ahem, ahem... Ahem"

Apparently, it was not normal for an old smoker to choke on his own cigarettes, and Bilbo Baggins, who had recovered from the smoke, suddenly found a tall, lanky, long-bearded old man with a gray beard, a gray cloak, a gray-blue pointed hat, and a cane in the shape of an ancient vine, looking at Bilbo Baggins with bright eyes.

The two looked at each other for a while, but Bilbo Baggins wondered if this person really didn't seem as friendly as Ao Long, but he still politely said hello.

"Good morning!!"

But the embarrassed and evasive look undoubtedly wanted to tell the old man that it was just a courtesy greeting, and had no intention of talking.

But the old man in the gray robe seems to have his eyes on Bilbo Baggins, in fact, he is indeed coming for Bilbo Baggins, and the smoke turned into a sparrow is his magic, in order to pull Bilbo Baggins out of his fantasy and into reality.

"What do you mean? Are you wishing me a good morning? Or is it a good morning, whether I like it or not? Or do you feel really good on a morning like this? Or do you just want to say it's going to be a good morning? Well? "

Obviously, the old man in the gray robe was a little speechless, and his purpose was to get close to Bilbo Baggins.

Of course, as long as you are thick-skinned enough, in fact, it turns out that the pick-up is still an act with a high success rate, Bilbo said in a slightly embarrassed but polite tone:

"Probably, all of the above..."

Clearly, Baggins wanted to end this awkward conversation, and it wasn't like he knew the strange old man.

The old man continued to look Bilbo Baggins up and down with a cargo gaze, and Baggins was uncomfortable as he scanned it.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

In order to break the deadlock, Bilbo Baggins took the initiative to speak.

"I can't see it yet, I'm looking for someone to go on an adventure with me."

"Adventure? I don't think anyone in the west of Brie is interested in adventure, disgusting, nasty, and uncomfortable to think about, and obviously, he's going to make people unable to eat on time. "

After saying that, Bilbo Baggins walked to the door of his yard in embarrassment and politeness, took the letter and prepared to go back to the house, obviously with no intention of inviting the old man as a guest.

It's embarrassing.

"I didn't expect that one day I would be used as a door-to-door button seller by the sons of Bungo Baggins and Beladonna Took, and I would be sent away in the morning!"

The old man said with a tone of disappointment and condemnation, which made Bilbo even more confused, and the old man's criticism continued.

"Bilbo Baggins, you've changed, but unfortunately not for the better!!"

"Excuse me, do I know you?"

Anyone who is criticized by someone will be unhappy, not to mention the comparison of Ao Long, Bilbo Baggins feels that he is also a passerby, why can't he speak as well as Ao Long.

"Well, you may have heard my name, but no, I'm Gandalf, and Gandalf means...."

Speaking of which, Gandalf seemed to want to tell the story of his glorious deeds.

"Wait, Gandalf, aren't you the wandering wizard who can conjure awesome evolutions? Old Tuke used to set off your fireworks on midsummer nights, but I didn't expect you to be doing your old job..."

Clearly, Bilbo Baggins' focus was on fireworks rather than wizards, which made Gandalf wonder if he had been too unprofessional.

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