After an awkward dinner, King Elrond, Gandalf, Aolong, Arwin, Thorin, Bilbo, and Balin gathered, and it was clear that this was the purpose of Gandalf's trip.

It was an extended platform, and the moonlight shone on everyone's faces, making it seem extremely silent.

"Our business has nothing to do with elves!!"

Apparently, Thorin was once again stubborn and unwilling to show up Durin's map.

"Please, Thorin, show him the map."

Gandalf really knocked Thorin to death with a stick.

"It is the property of my people, and it is my duty to protect it and the secrets it bears."

In Thorin's heart, he should be worried that the elves will be interested in the treasure of the lonely mountain, so let's get a piece of the pie, Ao Long thought.

"Don't bother me with the stubbornness of the dwarves, your pride will cause you trouble, standing in front of you is the only person in the entire Middle-earth continent who can read the map, give your map to the King of Elron!!"

Gandalf is really fed up with the dwarves' temper, and he goes straight to the point, the whole continent can understand it by one person, if you want to continue walking, ask him for help.

Thorin was moved, after all, if you want to enter the Lonely Mountain, you must know the way.

Taking the map from Thorin's hand with a defensive expression, King Elon unfolded it and looked at it.

"It's Gushan, why are you interested in this map?"

Thorin obviously didn't want to tell King Elon the truth, but Gandalf was able to break the siege in time, which allowed Ao Long to see once again that the old wizard who seemed to be kind to people was not ambiguous in lying.

"It's an academic problem, you know, there will be hidden information on such artifacts, you can still read the ancient dwarven language, right?"

King Elon gave Gandalf a deep look, and with his knowledge of this old friend, he naturally wouldn't believe any academic nonsense.

Looking at the map carefully, King Elon said:

"The moon text can only be displayed when it is in the same season and the same moon shape as the day when the text is written."

"It's a magical secrecy, so you only have three chances a year to decipher, and you have to make sure that there is a moon for those three days."

Hearing King Elon's explanation of the Moon Text, Ao Long couldn't help but sigh with emotion, this is definitely an excellent means to preserve the treasure.

"Hee-hee, there's something you don't know."

The beautiful Alwin saw Ao Long's amazed appearance, smiled, and looked pure and moving, so that Ao Long had the idea of kissing Fangze, of course, this self-control is still there.

"If there is a chance in the future, Princess Arwen should smile less."

Ao Long stared at Alwin's beautiful face and said meaningfully.


Not shy, Alwyn asked generously, after all, I have only heard that people laugh more, how can there be less laughter.

"Because when you laugh, it is more beautiful than the moon in the sky, and I am afraid that if you laugh, the moon in the sky will hide in the clouds in shame and dare not come out."

As soon as Ao Long's sweet words came out, Alwyn smiled even brighter.

"Nonsense, you're a person who will say these beautiful things to make people happy."

King Ayron looked at his daughter, and then at Ao Long, how could he have a bad premonition, it seems that it is necessary to avoid more contact between Ao Long and his baby daughter, so it is better to quickly decipher the password and disperse as soon as possible.

Walk in front of this cliff-like platform, where there is a boxy stone platform.

"These words were written 200 years ago on a midsummer night, under a crescent moon, and it looks like you were destined to come to Rivendell, and fate has taken care of you, Thorin Oak Shield, and the moonlight tonight coincides with him."

Unfolding the map and looking at the traces on it, King Elon said to Thorin beside him.

I saw the clouds in the sky disperse, and just as the moonlight of a crescent moon shone on the map, rows of words began to appear in the lower right corner of the map.

"When the thrush strikes, standing beside the gray stone, the afterglow of the day of Turin will shine on the keyhole. The Day of Turin? "

"It's the dwarven New Year's Day, and the last moon of autumn will appear at the same time as the first rays of winter sun."

Gandalf explained to King Elon and Ao Long that it was clear that not everyone knew about the dwarven festival.

"It's not good news, summer is coming to an end, and the day of Durin is just around the corner."

Hearing King Elrond's explanation, Thorin pinched his beard and said nervously.

"We still have time!!"

Old Balin was very calm.

"Time? Do what? "

Apparently Bilbo is still in the clouds.

"There is time to find the entrance, we must be in the right place, at the right time, then, and only then, we can open the door!!"

Old Barin explained with a serious expression, but it was clear that he was in a hurry and had already stated the goal of their trip.

Sure enough, King Ayron said solemnly:

"So, that's what you're for, entering the Lonely Mountain?"

"So what?"

Thorin was not satisfied with King Elron's attitude, could it be that the elves wanted to stop their actions?

"Some people don't think it's a good idea!!"

Saying that, as he returned the map to Thorin, it was clear that there were people and not himself, and this statement of King Elon was very substantial.

"What do you mean?"

The wise old wizard understood at once what King Elon meant.

"You're not the only guardian of Middle-earth."

King Elon gave Gandalf a meaningful look and turned to leave.

The elven princess Arwyn gave everyone a gentle salute, especially gave Ao Long a bright smile, and turned to leave.

Obviously, although the interpretation of the map has been achieved, the people still need to be repaired, and it is better to be able to get help.

The Lonely Mountain Expedition was stationed, awaiting the order to go on another expedition.

The next day, under the guidance of the elven princess, Ao Long began his tour in Rivendell.

I have to admit that the taste of the elves is indeed very high-end, and all the buildings are very exquisite and gorgeous, a bit like the ancient castles in Central Europe, but they are more vibrant, and they are built in harmony with the surrounding natural environment.

The two of them walked together across the small bridge and flowing water, walked through the ancient road and long street, and Ao Long told Arwin a poignant love story from time to time.

It's clear that Alwyn is at the age of the first love, and he loves to hear these stories.

It's night again, the night is as cold as water, and it's a good time for the beautiful woman to have an appointment.

Ao Long came out of his room, the sword of purity in his hand, and walked to the place where he had made an appointment with Arvin, the platform where he had read the map that night, and where he felt that the environment was quiet and undisturbed.

For some reason, Alwyn did not refuse Ao Long's invitation and agreed to go on a private date with him.

Clearly, Ao Long is one step closer to success.

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