Thank you for the flower reward at the beginning of the year!

The clouds in the sky were overwhelming, and the pouring rain soaked the entire cliff, and the road under his feet was slippery.

One of the dwarves accidentally slipped down and almost fell into the cliff, but the other dwarves stopped him in time.

I watched as the rain began to fall heavier and heavier, and crucially, the mountains began to shake.

"How the hell is this weather, how do we hurry..."

Dwarf Dwalin complained that it was clear that it was very dangerous to walk such a mountain trail, which was only half a meter wide, in such weather.

"No, it's not the weather, it's man-made!! Look over there!! "

Old Balin was well-informed, and when he saw a boulder flying in the distance, he hurriedly said that everyone should be vigilant.

I saw a stone the size of a millstone flying from the rain, and it was about to hit the dwarves.

At the critical moment, Ao Long shot an arrow, like a burst of flame, cutting and shattering the stones, turning them into stone chips and falling.

"Whew... Whew... It scared the hell out of me..."

Bilbo Baggins looked at Ao Long with a grateful look on his face, and it was clear that the stone just now was facing him.

At this moment, Fili pointed to the distance and said in horror.

"The legend is true, it's stone... Golem..."

"This is a thunder battle between Golems!! Legend has it that when there is thunder on a rainy day, they fight each other..."

Chili also looked frightened, obviously, anyone who found himself standing on a mountain fighting with the enemy would not be calm, not to mention that the opponent was also a stone giant.

I only saw three or five giants composed of stones more than 1,000 meters high, colliding with each other with their heads, and throwing stones to attack each other, and Ao Long and the others were obviously on one of the stone giants at this time.

"Look your feet and pay attention to safety!!"

Suddenly, Thorin Oakshield shouted loudly, and the stone between him and Ao Long suddenly split apart, and the fifteen people were divided into three waves, Ao Long was alone on a stone giant, Thorin and the others were on a stone giant, and Bilbo Baggins and the Chili brothers were on a stone giant.

Looking at the stone giants who were so powerful that they shook the mountains in battle, Ao Long felt that these were some good men.

Especially Ao Long knows that these stone giants have wisdom that is not inferior to human beings, and compared with some cunning humans, these stone giants have an upright personality and go straight to the point, such people will not rebel once they are subdued, who doesn't like powerful and loyal subordinates.

Thinking of this, Ao Long shouted loudly to Thorin Oak Shield on the other side:

"I'm going to talk to these golems and see if I can get them to stop fighting."

"Don't go, Ao Long, it's dangerous!!"

Old Balin knew the danger of these stone giants, and hurriedly persuaded him, but unfortunately, Ao Long had quickly climbed the mountain rock like an ape and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Soaring clouds and fog are commonplace for Ao Long, not to mention crossing mountains and mountains, just to avoid shocking the world, it is shown with flexible steps and body skills, Thorin Oak Shield stared at Ao Long's more flexible posture than an ape, and felt more and more that this Ao Long was not simple.

Unlike the hobbit Bilbo Baggins, although Thorin still looked down on Bilbo at this time, he still regarded him as an ordinary member of the expedition team, and his subordinates assigned the same tasks, but he was not so proud of Ao Long, a very mysterious young man.

Ao Long quickly reached the shoulder of the stone giant between lightning and thunder, and looked at the shaking stone giant and the heads colliding with each other, as if watching two mountains come to life, and touched each other's peaks.

"Hey, guys, can I ask why you're fighting?"

Ao Long's voice was very penetrating, in fact, with the blessing of his mana, it clearly entered the minds of several stone giants.

"Uh-huh, where did the little worm come from, it actually ran to Shi Da's shoulder."

A simple but panicked voice came out of the mouth of the stone giant opposite, listening to the ears of others like a mountain wind, but Ao Long could understand it, it was obvious that this was a language belonging to the stone giant.

"How is it possible, Shi Er, don't try to divert your attention in this way, I won't be fooled!!"

I saw that the stone giant at Ao Long's feet did not look back, but picked up a huge rock from the ground and threw it at the stone giant on the opposite side.

"It's true, Shi Da, Shi Er is right, you see that there is really a villain on your shoulder."

At this time, a stone giant behind Ao Long also said affirmatively, which made the stone giant at Ao Long's feet look back at his shoulder suspiciously.

"Hello, your name is Shi Da? Very down-to-earth name. "

Ao Long greeted Shi Da with a smile, and could see that their names should be very distinctive.

"Well, there really is a human who didn't fall in the middle of such a fierce battle with us, boy, why did you come to my shoulder?"

Thorin and the others below finally calmed down as the Golem's fight stopped, but they couldn't understand Golem's words, and only heard the sound of the wind above their heads.

"Something shouldn't happen to Ao Long, right?"

Bilbo looked at the top of the mountain in horror, and could not see Ao Long under the clouds and mist.

"He'll be fine, let's get out of this place as soon as possible."

Thorin Oakshield gave the order to evacuate quickly, and whether or not Ao Long succeeded, at least for now, the battle between the Golems had stopped.

"You just asked why we fought? Of course, it's stronger than anyone, our stone giant's name is linked to strength, I'm the strongest, so my name is Shi Da, and the weaker ones are called Shi Er, Shi San..."

Obviously, Golem was playing a qualifying match just now, and it really hurts to be idle.

"What are you the strongest, Shi Da, don't forget, you lost to me last time, and I have been Shi Da for a long time, and today I will beat you down!!"

The stone giant on the other side, who was originally quietly watching Ao Long, immediately became angry when he heard Shi Da say this, and he was about to swing his fist at Shi Da, seeing that Shi Da had no time to defend because of his carelessness.

I saw Ao Long stretch out his right arm, quickly become bigger, and knocked Shi Er back with one punch, of course, he controlled his strength and did not hurt him.

"Wow, villain, your strength is so great, although Shi Er's strength is not very good, but you easily repelled him, you are really a strong man!!"

Ao Long, who took the opportunity to show off his muscles, didn't have time to boast, and Shi Er on the opposite side was already angry.

"Okay, it turns out that you are a helper invited by Shi Da, Shi Da, when do you need to ask outsiders for help in the qualifying match between our stone giants!!"

As soon as he heard Shi Er say this, Shi Da became anxious, this is not a thing, he didn't know Ao Long at all before, okay, you only saw it when you pointed it out to him.

"Alright, alright, you are all warriors among giants, stronger than many giants I know, don't let this hurt the harmony."

Ao Long hurriedly stopped the quarrel of several stone giants, fortunately, although the stone giants fought very wildly, they still had a very gentle personality in normal times, which was diametrically opposed to the dwarves, the reason was that they belonged to the essence of the earth, and had the thick and tolerant character of the earth.

"Do you know any other giants??"

Hearing Ao Long say this, Shi San, Shi Si, and Shi Wu in the rear immediately asked in surprise, you must know that the five of them have lived here for many years, and when they are bored, they just wait for a rainy day to play a qualifying match, and they didn't expect to be able to hear news from other giants from Ao Long's mouth.

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