The five stone giants are arranged among the five mountains of the small world of Longzhu, and one is responsible for a mountain range, combing the mountains and rivers, so that the small world can develop more rapidly.

You must know that although there are some people living in the small world at present, it is almost a wild state, and many stars in the sky are still just illusory.

At this time, Thorin Oak Shield and others were also in danger in the cave, and they accidentally broke into the underground kingdom of the goblin.

In fact, goblins are also a type of orcs, but compared to the pale orcs, their IQ is a little lower, and they like to live in underground caves, and their combat power is much lower than that of the pale orcs.

The dwarves who were resting in the cave were surrounded by a group of goblin soldiers, and they descended into an underground tunnel and into a ruined cavern that looked large, surrounded by wooden trestles and wooden houses built along the cliffs, and these goblins were wearing less rags than orcs, and could only cover key points.

Surrounded by a wave of goblins, the kidnapped dwarves eventually crossed the trestle and met the king of the goblin kingdom, wearing a crown of bones on his head and sitting on a bunch of chairs made of goblins.

I saw that the goblin king had a large jaw like a sarcoma, longer than Gandalf's beard, dragging on his chin.

"Oh, isn't this the King of the Mountain, Thorin Oak Shield, son of Thorne, grandson of Thor? What is the wind that brought you to our Goblin Kingdom? "

It was clear that the Goblin King had the etiquette of a king, but the sneer on his face didn't seem to have any respect for Thorin.

Sure enough, I heard the Goblin King then say to his men on the left and right:

"Oh, I seem to have mistaken one thing, he doesn't have a mountain anymore, so isn't the name King of the Mountain a joke, hahahaha..."

The goblins on the left and right were also amused by the joke of their own king, and they all mocked the dwarves, and the grumpy dwarves were naturally unwilling to be ridiculed like this.

It's a pity that the goblins are outnumbered, and under Thorin's control, they are still suppressing their anger.

"I'll tell you bad news, the underground forces are currently offering a high bounty on your head, Thorin Oak Shield, you can't imagine who the bounty is, your nemesis, the leader of the Pale Orcs, the Blasphemer, Asog!!"

The goblins told Thorin the news with bad intentions, and it was clear that he was still interested in the bounty.

"No way, the blasphemer Asog is long dead, this can't be!!"

The old enemy that he worked so hard to kill, no one wants the other party to come back to life, let alone a difficult opponent like Asog, there were so many dwarves who failed to win back then, if Assog really didn't die, Thorin would not have the confidence to defeat again.

On the surrounding cliffs, the goblins moved their chariots, apparently intending to leave the dwarves here.

Seeing this, the dwarves knew that there was no way to reconcile and could not sit idly by, but unfortunately their weapons were quickly collected.

Thorin Oakshield's beastbite sword was also in the hands of a goblin, who pulled out his scabbard and looked at it, blinded by the silver-white light on the sword, and quickly threw the long sword out.

The Goblin King recognized the origin of the sword at a glance and cried out in horror:

"It's a beast bite sword, I know, this sword has at least a thousand half-orc blood on it, kill them, kill them!!"

All the goblins have rioted, and the dwarves, who have lost their weapons, seem to be left to sit still.

A powerful ray of magic burst out in the goblin's path, and everyone, including the dwarves, was stunned by the magic wave.

After seeing the light, it was Gandalf, a gray-robed wizard, with a magic array in his left hand and an enemy fencing in his right hand, walking in from outside the cave with the light.

"Take up your weapons and fight! Use your weapons to prove the honor of the dwarves and sweep through the enemy!! "

At Gandalf's call, all the dwarves came to their senses, picked up their weapons on the ground, and slashed down with the goblins, and along the way, the dwarves had become elite warriors, at least much stronger than the goblins.

I saw Gandalf in the crowd, attacking the goblins one by one, and the enemy fencing also emitted white light, cleaning up the surrounding goblins like cutting melons and vegetables.

"Everyone follow me, why didn't you see Ao Long and Bilbo!??"

"Ao Long helped us deal with Golem, as for Bilbo, maybe because he was afraid, he went back to Shire!!"

In fact, at this time, Bilbo is battling wits with Gollum and has picked up the One Ring that will change his life.

"Gandalf, are you looking for me?"

Just when Gandalf wanted to know about Bilbo's situation, Ao Long also appeared at the mouth of the cave, and it turned out that Ao Long had already solved the matter of the stone giant and rushed over.

Just as the Goblin King was about to see Thorin Oak's Shield, Ao Long flew an arrow into the Goblin King's mouth and burst open, and the Goblin King's head was sprayed with sauce.

"Thorin, Bilbo is my friend, I believe in his character, and I hope you, as the captain, believe in him too."

I don't know if Ao Long deliberately did it from time to time, but Ao Long did save Thorin, so Sorin could only wipe the dirt on his face very depressed and returned:

"I also hope that Bilbo is just delayed by something, but next time please try to avoid these things spraying on me, thank you!!"

Seeing that there were more and more goblins around, Gandalf's magic couldn't bear it, and immediately shouted anxiously:

"Everyone hurry up and follow me, this is not the time to talk about it, let's get out first!!"

"Okay, you guys go ahead, I'll escort the team!!"

I saw Ao Long's bow immediately, and suddenly five arrows flew together, which immediately suppressed the goblin attack, plus the goblin king was dead, and the morale also dropped.

"It looks like these are the heirs of your Goblin Kingdom? I wonder if any of you will be crowned king after they die? "

Ao Long said to the Goblin Princes who attacked the most, and immediately targeted the goblins who were better dressed with arrows.

Obviously, the higher the status of the goblin, the better it is to wear.

But there are too many goblins, like the man-eating ants in Africa, troublesome and fearless of death.

"Gandalf, the time has come to need your magic!! Let's have a firework!! "

Ao Long knew that what this Gandalf was best at was fanning the flames, and if he wanted to win more with less, the most important thing was to be able to use fire and water.

Sure enough, the wise gray-robed wizard was a little clear, and he was about to become a melee warrior as a wizard, only to see a bright light emitted from the top of his magic array, and it was a firelight spray on the surrounding plank road.

Soon these dry wooden structures were on fire, like ignited gunpowder, and began to spread around.

"Let's retreat and leave a grand dinner feast for these goblins!!"

Under Ao Long's control, no one noticed that a sudden gust of wind rose in the cave in this mountain, and directly sprayed the flames lit by Gandalf into the goblin army, like burning ants, and many goblins fell into the cliff.

"Hurry up, everyone, I'll take you on a roller coaster ride!!"

Seeing that the dwarves at this time happened to be on top of a trestle bridge, Ao Long directly cut off both ends, only to see that the bridge was like a cableway, sliding down the cliff at a rapid pace.


"Can I choose to say no?"

"I'm going to change the mode of transportation..."

Although the roller coaster is fast, not every dwarf enjoys this thrilling approach.

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