Thanks to hjy** for the flower tip!!

The expedition was soon safely reached the edge of the dark forest, thanks to the horses sponsored by Bion, and Gandalf looked at an arch formed of trees, and inside the door was a stone platform covered with moss and vines, and the intricate patterns of the elves could be faintly seen.

"This is the Elven Gate, the path to the Dark Forest..."

The dark jungle is like her name, deep and dark, it doesn't seem to be a good place, according to Huaxia, that is, the mountain must be dangerous, and the forest must be strange.

"This forest doesn't look right, as if it's sick, and there's no other way to go?"

Biwei looked at the dead trees everywhere, and there was a sense of foreboding in his heart.

"No, unless you're willing to make a big circle north, double the distance, and risk being chased by orcs at any moment."

It was clear that Gandalf had never seemed to have another choice for the path he had led, and he led the way into the forest.

Suddenly, Gandalf saw that there seemed to be some mark behind the elf statue covered by vines, he approached the tree and used the black magic array to open it, only to see that the tree was the sign of a bright red eye, and the evil aura directly frightened Gandalf back twice.

He remembered the news that Bion had brought that the orcs had formed an alliance with the necromancers of Dorgudu, which was why Asog had pursued Thorin Oak Shield all the way.

"The undead have been seen haunting near the Rodol Ridge...."

Angmar Witch King, the head of the Nine Rings and the deputy commander of Sauron, after Angmar's death, the Terrans of the North sealed his body and belongings in the Rudol Ridge.

In other words, this necromancer is most likely Sauron, because he can regenerate the dead as undead, and if he makes a move, it is not impossible to resurrect his deputy commander.

"No, I'll have to find out for myself!!"

Both Saruman and Galadriel need to know this information, otherwise Middle-earth will be lost again.

Looking at the bright red mark in front of him, Gandalf couldn't calm down no matter what, and saw that the dwarves outside the forest had put all their horses back to Bion, the bearman, and only Gandalf's brown horse was left.

"Keep my horse, I'll use it again!"

"You're not going to leave us, are you?"

The dwarves were stunned, and Bilbo asked directly, after all, Gandalf was the initiator of this event, and it can be said that he led the people to get here, and no one knew how to go next.

"I don't want to do it unless it's a last resort!!"

Gandalf said with a solemn face, it was obvious that he was worried now and urgently needed to understand the shady scene behind it.

"You've changed, Bilbo Baggins, and you're no longer the hobbit you were when you left the Shire."

As he walked past Bilbo, Gandalf suddenly turned his head and stared at Bilbo.

"Well, something did happen to me, Gandalf I think I should tell you that inside the Goblin cave, I found something."

"What did you find?"

Gandalf hoped that Bilbo would be honest and that he could feel the power of the Ring, although he didn't know which one it was, but unfortunately Bilbo struggled to say after putting his hand in his pocket.

"I found my courage!!"

In the end, he still didn't reveal the secret, and Ao Long naturally wouldn't expose this kind of thing.

"Anyway, as long as our Bilbo keeps his kindness and bravery, that's fine, isn't it? Gandalf? "

Ao Long's explanation obviously eased the atmosphere between the two men, and Gandalf did not delve into it, and in fact he did not have the energy.

"Don't enter the Lonely Mountain until I come back!!"

As he walked past Thorin Oakshield, Gandalf said cautiously, knowing the adventurous nature of these men, fearing that they would accidentally wake up the sleeping dragon.

"It's not just the green forest, there's a stream full of dark magic in the forest, don't touch the water, just take the stone bridge. The air in the forest is cloudy and psychedelic, and they invade your consciousness, and it is you who have gone astray. "

Ao Long knew that this dark jungle was too dense, and that there were large spiders with dark magic lurking inside, and the silk webs sprayed by these spiders everywhere emitted hallucinogenic poisonous gases like condensation of air.

"Let's go, we must get to the Lonely Mountain before the day of Dulin!!"

Watching Gandalf ride away, Thorin Oakshield gave the order to set off again.

Everyone walked for a long time in the dark forest, the forest was dark, the air was humid, and Ao Long could already smell the poisonous gases in the air, of course, these were nothing to him, but to the dwarves they were very deadly.

Sure enough, after walking for a long time, the dwarves began to experience various symptoms of discomfort.

"The air... I need air..."

"My head, I'm dizzy..."

"I found the stone bridge!! The bridge Gandalf spoke of!! "

Finally, under Bilbo's exploration, everyone walked along the stone road to a stone bridge, but unfortunately the bridge in front of everyone was a broken bridge.

The entire bridge was basically broken, and it was obvious that everyone couldn't jump over, and one of the dwarves had an idea:

"Can we swim over?"

But it's clear that it's an idea of a lack of oxygen in the head.

"Didn't you listen to what Gandalf said? This forest has been cast with black magic! The water of this creek is full of magic!! "

Thorin Oak Shield looked at the black stream beneath the bridge, and said solemnly, it was clear that the water could not be touched.

"Why don't I think it's so mysterious...."

This is the dwarf, stubborn and self-righteous, who is reluctant to listen to admonition.

At this moment, Chili saw a dead vine that seemed to lead to the opposite side, and was about to try it, but was stopped by Thorin.

"Chili, let's send the lightest one first..."

Seeing Thorin's perfect act of selling his teammates, Ao Long was really a little unhappy, only to see him directly pick up Bilbo, a parabola, and the stunned hobbit was thrown directly by Ao Long across the bridge.

"I think the lightest of us here has made it past successfully, friends, who else wants to ride the fast train!!"

Ao Long looked at Thorin and said, obviously, this dwarf king disappointed Ao Long again, no matter how light the hobbit is, this has nothing to do with the dwarf, even if Bilbo does not fall because of lightness, it does not mean that other dwarves will not fall because of the weight, obviously, this is Thorin hopes that Bilbo will go to explore the way for everyone.

"You... Mr. Ao Long, don't forget the contract you signed, we are a group. "

Thorin Oakshield looked at Ao Long a little angrily, it was clear that Ao Long's actions had made him very passive now.

"It doesn't matter, I can help the other dwarves get there, you see, Bilbo, he's the lightest, he's gone, isn't that what you're for?"

It was clear that Ao Long didn't eat his set.

"Alright, Thorin, isn't it better that Lord Aolong's strength can make our past safer? Lord Aolong, I'm sorry for your trouble, try not to make us rude!! "

Old Balin came to Ao Long's face, bowed and apologized sincerely.

"Okay, no need, we're a team after all, I just hope that everyone can give each other's backs instead of overusing them."

I saw Ao Long run to a big tree on the side of the road, take Pang Bo's axe, and as soon as the axe went down, the big tree that was thick with one person was immediately cut down, and soon a wooden bridge was built by Ao Long.

Under the stunned eyes of the dwarves, he walked smoothly and made peace with Bill.

"Ao Long, thank you!!"

Bilbo's heart was filled with warmth and gratitude at this time.

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