Even if the spider is a little stronger, it can do a little magic, but it is still a spider, especially if the flesh and blood are not resistant to fighting.

In the depths of the dark forest, after a hard struggle by the dwarves and the response of the dragons, the spiders were finally gradually cleaned up.

"Let's go!! We should be safe for now!! "

Seeing that all the spiders had been wiped out, while everyone's minds were still clear, Thorin called on the dwarves to hurry back to the main road, while Ao Long was half a step behind.

Bilbo Baggins is frantically fighting a spider in order to retrieve his One Ring.

The dwarves who were running towards the road suddenly noticed that a huge spider had appeared again in the dense forest in front of them, and then a handsome male elf appeared on the spider's back.

Just as Thorin made a defensive gesture and the other dwarves clenched their weapons, a circle of elves suddenly appeared around them, and they all stretched out their bows and arrows to aim at the dwarves.

The male elf who took the lead was aiming at Thorin's head.

"Don't think I'm not going to kill you, dwarf!! I'm happy to accompany you!! "

Obviously, this is the wood elf in the misty forest who was the close neighbor of the dwarves who couldn't be saved back then.

Just when everyone was confronting, three big spiders suddenly appeared, and quickly attacked a beautiful female elf.

Ao Long, who had been hanging behind, knew that the time had come for him to save the beauty heroically, and this female elf should be the captain of the guard of the Dark Jungle, Tariel.

I saw Ao Long jump directly from the tree behind the female elf, cut off the spider's head with a sword, and then the female elf herself killed a spider, and the last spider was killed by Ao Long and Tariel together.

"You're not a dwarf? Where did your sword go? "

Tariel looked at Ao Long in surprise, it was clear that the wood elves hated dwarves, not humans, let alone a skilled human.

"That's a magic, my sword he's gone, if you kiss me, I'll tell you."


The 600-year-old Tarrell encountered this kind of straightforward kiss for the first time, and immediately blushed and turned away.

"Search them!!"

Legolas, the prince of the wood elves, ordered directly, and it was clear that he had no affection for these dwarves at all.

"Tariel, who is that?"

Legolas, who had a crush on Tariel, asked vigilantly when he saw Ao Long standing beside Tariel, because this was obviously a human, but the owner was not inferior to the appearance of elves, and looked more heroic and domineering than ordinary elves.

Tariel looked at Ao Long, and it was clear that she didn't know Ao Dragon's identity either.

"The land of the dragons, Ao Long, I have seen His Royal Highness Legolas, the prince of the wood elves, it seems that your handsomeness has not increased your confidence in love?"

Ao Long stepped forward and joked amusefully, in fact, he knew that Legolas would never agree to him being with Tariel because of his blood rank.

Legolas felt a strong sense of crisis as a rival in love, and said directly to his men:

"It doesn't matter who you are, since you broke into here, you must be in league with these dwarves, catch him!!"

Perhaps it was because he saw that Ao Long had no weapons in his hands, or perhaps it was out of the maintenance of love, Legolas gave the order.

"Your name is Tariel, isn't it? Your beauty is like the vast starry sky, bright and dazzling, then, lend me your dagger to use!! "

A warm breath swept across Tariel's neck, and Tariel's voice rang in her ears, and when she was about to refuse, Aolong's figure was already gone, and Tariel's dagger scabbard was empty.

I only saw the afterimage flashing, and the longbows in the hands of several elves who pointed their bows and arrows at Ao Long were all broken in two.

Ao Long, on the other hand, returned to Tariel's side and returned the dagger to its place.

"Thank you for the dagger, I use it very easily, and it seems that there is still your fragrance on it."

One sentence made the young elf shy again.

When Legolas saw this scene and was about to take matters into his own hands, Ao Long said:

"I don't think I'm malicious, I'd better go back to your Wood Elf castle first, let's talk about the rest, I don't think the dignified Wood Elf Prince is not an impulsive person!!"

Ao Long's words calmed Legolas, saw his skills, and knew that it was not a big deal for him to have weapons without weapons, so he didn't search Ao Long's body, but the other dwarves were not so smooth, just like going through the security check, all the bottles and cans were scavenged.

Thorin Oakshield's beastbite sword was also in Legolas's hands, and it was clear that the proud Wood Elf prince thought that this was the High Elf's sword, and that it could and should not have been in the hands of the dwarves.

Different people have different attitudes, Ao Long naturally walked with Tariel, and this female elf didn't mind, and generously introduced the customs of the dark jungle to Ao Long.

"Although those spiders have been killed, the dark power is still expanding, and there will definitely be more and more."

Tarreel said to Ao Long worriedly, as if he felt that Ao Long's heroic skills were very reliable, as if he felt that Ao Long had helped her kill a spider and a half before, although his mouth was a little annoying, but Tariel's beautiful smile was still open for Ao Long.

Escorted by Legolas, the group soon crossed a wooden bridge and entered the castle of the wood elves, and Ao Long saw Bilbo Baggins in a state of stealth, although he was able to hide from the others, but under Ao Long's dragon eyes, there was nothing to hide.

Unlike the original book, Ao Long did not give Tariel and Chili a chance to communicate, and it was clear that it was not a very sad thing to let such a beautiful flower die on a dwarf.

"Don't you want to search me? Maybe there's something to be gained below? "

Ao Long teased Tariel, but it seemed that Tariel was also very interesting.

"Maybe there's nothing..."

A smile is like a red maple leaf in the sunset.

The Wood Elf Kingdom is like an intricate wooden structure, and the long wooden bridges here are like interchanges, interspersed everywhere.

The other dwarves were imprisoned, with the exception of Ao Long and Thorin Oak Shield who were brought before the Wood Elf King.

On the way, the elven prince asked Tariel with a jealous face:

"What did that human say to you? Why are you so kind to him? "

"He's handsome, isn't he? And he's not one of those stubborn dwarves, but a heroic human warrior. "

Tariel is also very interesting, these words obviously do not make Legolas happy, in fact, Tarell has always regarded Legolas as an older brother, so there is a kind of sister naughty in it.

"Hmph, it's just a faster human, not my match at all, and with those dwarves, it's definitely not clean."

Obviously, Legolas's denigration didn't have the desired effect, and Tariel just smiled and turned away, which made Legolas a very threatening rival in love.

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