Thank you for your support, and thank you for the encouragement to play an umbrella on a rainy day!! //

Since the security and concealment were in place, Ao Long had the idea of establishing a tongue-in-cheek organization, and the current navy's newspapers are mainly distributed through newspaper birds, which is not only slow but also has a narrow coverage.

With Saron and Becky laying base station phone worms all over the world, the Dragon Ace brand mobile phones and laptops issued by Ao Long have also entered the era of signals.

There are not too many violations of the Dragon Emperor mobile phone, after all, it is still the promotion stage, and Ao Long does not want to be strangled by the navy, but there is a powerful and domineering dragon aerial animation in the boot screen.

After asking the R&D team to develop an app called "Navigation Daily" as soon as possible, Ao Long ran to Robin and Olbia's room.

"Knock knock... Knock


It was Olbia who opened the door, and saw that she was wearing a simple shirt on her upper body, a short skirt on her lower body, her fair skin shining like pearls, and her jet-black hair was casually shawled. After practicing "Eternal Evergreen Gong", Olbia not only has a mature demeanor, but also regains the brilliance of youth.

At that moment, looking at the beautiful woman who opened the door, Ao Long was stunned, although he thought that Olbia, who cultivated the immortal cultivation method, would be more charming, but at this time, Ao Long felt that there seemed to be an existence in his heart awakening. At this time, Nicole Robin was 11 years old, Ao Long looked 15 years old, and Nicole Olbia was 29 years old.

"Your Majesty, are you here to find Robin? She went to Dr. Clover to read a book. Your Majesty? Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

Seeing that Ao Long just looked at himself blankly, Olbia was stunned, and two blushes appeared on his cheeks, but he didn't know why he was a little happy in his heart. Women want their beauty to be recognized, and she comforts herself.

"Ahh Oh...... Olbia, you are so beautiful. "

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty."

Looking at Olbia, whose eyes seem to be smiling, is like a blooming white peony, dignified and elegant, with a thousand demeanors.

"Your Majesty, Robin, she's not here, do you have something to look for her?"

"No, Olbia, I'm here for you."

"Looking for me, is Your Majesty hungry? It's not time to eat yet, is there anything to do with me? "

It's strange that Ao Long is looking for something to do with himself now, although Olbia is in charge of Ao Long's life, but he usually doesn't have a meal, Ao Long is either desperately cultivating, or he is dealing with state affairs.

"This time, I actually have something to discuss with you."

"If there is anything you can ask me to do, I will be very happy to be able to help Your Majesty."

I really wanted to say that I needed a warm bed, but Ao Long didn't dare to speak, for fear of being beaten, this is Robin's mother.

"I want to set up a newspaper to spread the world through mobile phones and laptops, and I want you to be the editor-in-chief." directly explained the intention, otherwise Ao Long was afraid that it would be bad if he accidentally said something wrong.

"Start a newspaper? But I haven't done this before, and I used to study history and archaeology. "

"It doesn't matter, you have a foundation in history and archaeology, and there must be no problem in starting a newspaper, besides, I will provide you with some materials when the time comes, and let you publish it directly in the newspaper."

"Since you trust me so much, then I'll take the job. Where do I work? You can arrange some helpers for me when the time comes. "

"No problem, when the time comes, we will handle it in the palace, anyway, we have machinery or something, I will arrange for auxiliary manpower at that time, you can think about how to get it yourself."

Back in his study, Ao Long asked the political minister Winsberry to arrange for dozens of beautiful girls to go to the palace to report to Olbia.

Ao Long has decided that in the future, unless necessary, the palace should minimize the presence of men, especially around Olbia, and women must be arranged.

But the consequences of such an arrangement immediately began to retribution, seeing so many beautiful women entering the palace and living very close to Ao Long, Robin had an opinion and ran to find Ao Long.

"Hey, Ao Long, why are you looking for so many beautiful women to enter the palace? Did you have some crooked thoughts? "

"Why, those are the outstanding young people who were specially selected to help Olbia set up a newspaper." Ao Long didn't blush when he lied, but he was right, those were indeed some die-hard people selected by the Political Minister, and they were also outstanding talents who were good at literature, art, and machinery.

"Really? It always felt like something was wrong. But Ao Long, in fact, it's okay if you have other ideas, recently I studied history with Dr. Clover and found that those historical kings were all three palaces and six courts, don't you want to? "

"How is it possible, Robin is so good, I regret it is too late."

I didn't say I wanted or didn't want to, I would definitely lie if I said I didn't want to, and I would definitely be beaten if I said I wanted to.

"It's strange to believe you men, but the historical trend of this world has always told everyone that women belong to the disadvantaged group, and you see those pirates or other strong people, the proportion of women is too low. And...... And..."

Robin remembered that she often saw Olbia sitting alone wiping the Fire Phoenix Sword, and that look made a deep impression on Robin.

"Ao Long, what do you think of Olbia?"


Shocked jaw, Ao Long didn't understand, but he had to pretend not to understand, who knows what Robin thought.

"What? What do you think of the Olbians? "

"Of course your mother is fine!"

"Don't be perfunctory with me, you actually have an idea in your heart, don't you?"

"How... That's your mother!! "

stepped forward and threw himself into Ao Long's arms, Robin didn't look at Ao Long's face, only heard her say:

"I haven't seen my dad since I was a kid, and I don't know who he is. When I was two years old, Olbia began to wander on the seas in search of historical truth. That time back in O'Hara, you know, I finally got my mom and I'm so happy. But that time, I almost lost my mother forever, but fortunately it was you, Ao Long, that you saved my mother and saved us all..."

"Don't say that, Robin, shouldn't I save you?"

"Well, since then I think I've really been happy, but I find that Olbia seems to be alone. I don't want other men to intervene in our lives, you say, if you were with Olbia, wouldn't we never be apart? "


"Brother Ao Long, I don't want to be alone anymore, I want to be with everyone, I want everyone to be happy..."

Looking at Robin, who was in tears, Ao Long looked at her misty eyes, bowed his head slightly, and gave her a warm comfort, until Robin was short of breath and his cheeks were red.

Newcomers and new books, ask for collections, ask for praise, ask for flowers, kneel for all!!

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