In fact, Legolas is a grey elf, and his bloodline belongs to the noble Sindar elf bloodline. But the dark forests ruled by his grandfather and father were home to a large number of Sylvan elves.

And Tarel is the Sylvan Elf, although he is very good and is valued by Thrandil, but in terms of blood, the difference between the identities of the two is too big, in Tariel's own words, it is a lowly bloodline.

So when Oron reveals that Legolas has a different kind of affection for Tariel, Thranduil is determined to strangle this relationship that should not exist in the cradle.

At this time, the half-orc pursuers had already rushed to the gate of the woodland kingdom, looking at the woodland kingdom on the other side of the bridge, the half-orc pursuers could only stop, but they did not give up, but wandered around and lurked, obviously they knew that the lonely mountain expedition would not give up easily.

In the prison of the wood elves, Bilbo looked at the key in Ao Long's hand in surprise, and Ao Long smiled at him and said:

"Okay, Bilbo, in fact, these are all for strategic needs, don't be so nervous, help everyone open the door."

After releasing the imprisoned dwarves one by one, the group went to the cellar under the leadership of Ao Long, only to see Legolas and Tariel waiting here with the elven guards.

"Hmph, I don't know how you persuaded my father, but I won't easily believe the !! of you filthy dwarves."

Looking at the beastbite sword that Legolas was carrying behind his back, it was clear that he had no intention of returning it, but Ao Long began to speak, and said to Tariel on the side:

"I think Thranduil must have said that return all the dwarves' belongings! We're allies now, and there's an army of orcs out there that we need to work together to destroy. "

"Don't worry, their stuff is here, but is there really an army of orcs outside?"

Obviously, Tariel still didn't believe this, and his eyes were fixed on Ao Long.

"Hmph, he's inside our woodland kingdom, how can he know what is outside, it must be a lie!!"

Although Legolas is not ambiguous in the face of battle, he is obviously a young man without confidence in the face of love, although he has a handsome face and a sharp skill, but the excellent Ao Long gives him more pressure.

"Whether it's true or not, we'll find out later, but Tariel, I hope you, as the captain of the guard, remember that valuing the enemy is to cherish the lives of your comrades, and never take those filthy enemies lightly!!"

It was clear that Tariel had listened to Ao Long's admonition, and she began to believe a little bit in the hostility brought by Ao Long, the Woodland Kingdom has been really eventful lately, not only some dark spiders, but even orcs have appeared.

"Hmph, I don't believe it, if there really are orcs, then I'm willing to join the battle and escort you to complete this mission!!"

Legolas made a flamboyant promise, apparently aware of Tariel's order to escort Ao Long away, which is why he was so out of tune.

Ao Long looked at Legolas suspiciously, he felt that this elven prince was likely to use this reason and excuse to leave with Tariel, even if he was with Ao Long, he would feel more at ease with him.

"Alright, let's all get into the barrels, and Tariel, you guys are ready to fight, and then we'll go out along the stream below to attract the orcs who are lurking, and then you take the elven escort to surround them behind the orcs, I believe that if the inside and the outside are combined, these orcs should all be here to sink into the sand!!"

Once the strategy was in place, Ao Long let everyone get into the barrel, except for him, of course, because he felt that it would really damage his glorious image.

"Hey, Ao Long, aren't you coming down?"

Bilbo looked at Ao Long, who was still standing outside, and asked curiously.

"Oh, I'll join the Woodland Kingdom's guards from the periphery to snipe those orcs later, you know, I'm just an archer!!"

Pretending to spread his hands helplessly, Ao Long kicked all the barrels full of dwarves into the dark river with a single kick.

"I hate this mode of transportation, and I also want to go to the periphery to participate in the battle!!"

The dwarves shouted, but unfortunately Ao Long ignored them.

Thorin took one last look at the beastbite sword in Legolas' hand, coldly arrogant... Fell.

"Alright, everyone, since Ao Long said that there is an army of orcs lurking outside, then let those filthy orcs know how powerful our dwarven warriors are!!"

Thorin looked at the dwarves in the barrel and felt that these were the powers he could control, whether it was Ao Long or the Woodland Kingdom, they were all objects he couldn't play.

Along the stream, the barrels soon floated out, and the water in the valley flowed rapidly, crossing a low, rapid and turbulent waterfall, and the dwarves rode the barrels into the last section of the river before the sluices of the woodland kingdom.

Legolas saw that the orcs did not appear, and directly commanded the elves beside him:

"Close the floodgates, these people have deceived my father!!"

The trumpets sounded from the elves next to him, but Ao Long didn't stop them, because he knew that the orcs would appear soon.

Sure enough, as the elven horn sounded, on the bridge above the sluice, the elven guards were about to close the sluice gate, when a half-orc knife appeared behind them.


At the critical moment, Ao Long's arrow saved the elf's life.

"The orcs have appeared, the Woodland Kingdom Guard, kill with me!!"

Tariel's expression was serious, she had seen Ao Long's confident state before, and she had been preparing the escort team, but now she saw that the orcs had really appeared, and immediately gave a combat order.

Woo woo woo ....

The elven trumpeter next to him immediately changed the order of the horn, and all the elven guards immediately entered the attack state.

The dwarves' barrels were not stopped, they were still flowing downstream, and the orcs chased after them on both sides of the river.

This is the kite fishing tactic planned by Ao Long, and the dwarves can use the stream and wine barrels to slash the orcs on either side, and the orcs need to rely on their own feet to chase along the way.

In the process, the orcs gradually dispersed, making it easier for the guards led by Tariel to strangle and kill, while Ao Long fought fires, like a mobile battery, where there was danger, his arrows appeared.

Legolas, who was on the side, saw that there were really half-orcs, and he also put away the unhappiness in his heart and threw himself into the battle with all his might.

In this way, the dwarves followed the river from the inside out, while Ao Long and the others followed the river bank from the outside to the inside, and the orc pursuers were quickly wiped out.

In the end, the son of Asog the Blasphemer remained, but it was clear that he was so strong that he dodged Legolas's arrows.

The streams along the way became more and more turbulent, and the river became wider and wider, and the dwarves had limited lethality after all, and in the end, they mainly relied on the elven army to exterminate the orcs.

Ordinary elves have gradually been unable to catch up with the half-orcs, and only Ao Long, Tariel, and Legolas can keep up with the method of extermination.

It seems that in this operation, Ao Long not only has to kidnap an elf beauty, but also an elf prince.

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