"Thrandil, war is coming, Dorgudo's army is pouring out, and your lives are in danger!!"

When they arrived at the Great Hall, it was clear that Gandalf wanted to make a preemptive preemption, which is the most common tactic used by a lobbyist.

"Mithranda, don't use the usual tricks of wizards to intimidate us as soon as we meet, just as you thought that Thorin should be the king of the mountain for granted, and I take it for granted that he should return my things!!"

As the last elven king of Middle-earth, Thranduil is not so easy to fool, you must know that during the Holy War of the Ring, King Elon was just a herald, and he was an important commander on the elven side, and the status of the two was not the same.

"This time it's different, Thranduil, the army of the orcs is already approaching!! They're all war machines, and this time they're all pouring out!! "

It seems that Gandalf did do some bluffing things in the past, so he didn't justify Seppa's words.

"Gandalf, I personally think it's better for you to give Thranduil and me an analysis of the motives of the orcs."

"Motivation? The motive is ourselves, when Thorin returned to the Lonely Mountain and was ready to rebuild his home, he had to take action, he didn't want the dwarves to return to the Lonely Mountain at all, the blasphemer Asog was sent out to hunt down the expedition, you know this very well, his master intends to control the mountain!! Not only for the treasure in the mountains, but also for his strategic location, which is the key to reclaiming the kingdom of Angmar in the north!! "493

Gandalf said as he led Ao Long and Thranduil to the lookout, opposite the Lonely Mountain, and north of the Lonely Mountain was the former site of the Kingdom of Angmar.

"If that kingdom rises again, Lone Mountain, Riverdale City, Glen, Loreen, Shire, and even Gondor will fall!!"

"Mithranda, no matter what you say, but where is the army of orcs in your mouth, we can't not hear the slightest movement!!"

It was clear that Thranduil was suspicious of Gandalf's military intelligence, but Ao Long didn't doubt it, but Ao Long didn't care, and sometimes, some people don't wake up without going through pain.

"Alright, Mithranda, this matter starts with you, and I will end it!! Ao Long, what is your opinion? "

It was clear that Ao Long's words still carried a lot of weight, and Thranduil politely consulted him.

"Ao Long, are those gold coins really that important to you?"

Gandalf is now able to persuade one side as best he can.

"Gandalf, I think as a wise wizard, you have to learn one thing, that is, to guide children, sometimes you have to be ruthless, hit children on rainy days, anyway, idle is idle, today it is getting dark, and when our army comes to the city tomorrow, maybe Thorin has woken up and is willing to fulfill the promise of a king."

Ao Long (BDCE) naturally knew that the orc army was indeed coming, but sometimes it was better to block it, and he hoped to use Gandalf's power to kill Zoro and get that Maia's demigod-level power, so he had to integrate into the camp of the righteous side.

"You... You don't know the temper of the dwarves, they won't surrender!! "

"If that's the case, how can you expect the stubborn and greedy dwarves to help you fight those orcs? Gandalf, my good friend, have a good night's rest, I think there will be surprises tomorrow. "

Patting the old wizard on the shoulder, Ao Long went directly to supervise the work with Tariel overnight, and it was obvious that he needed to prepare more for the upcoming big battle.

Early the next morning, Ao Long and Thrandi arrived at the gate of the Lonely Mountain Kingdom with a large army, followed by a phalanx of human and elven soldiers, and most importantly, in the human array, there were thirty trebuchets.

"Why don't we bring more trebuchets?"

Tariel asked curiously, after all, it was hard to build so much.

"Two reasons, one is that it is not needed, if it is against these dwarves, I think thirty crosses will be enough; Another reason is that it doesn't work because we don't have that. Carry stone bullets. "

"And how about we build so many trebuchets?"

Tariel didn't understand, why did he have to work so hard to build so many when thirty was enough.

"Those are the same as the repair of the city walls, we need to wait for other enemies!!"

"Do you believe what Gandalf said? An army of orcs will invade us? "

Tariel, who had been following Ao Long, naturally knew about the military information Gandalf had brought, but Thranduil didn't believe it.

"In the country of the dragon, there is a saying called being prepared for danger in times of peace, and there is also a word called being prepared!!"

Ao Long gently brushed Tariel's long golden hair, thinking that maybe it would be good to teach the elf to be a beautiful secretary who integrates Chinese culture.


At this moment, Thorin Oak Shield above the city gate shot down Thrandil's horse with an arrow, and it was clear that he was more disgusted with the elves than Ao Long.

"One step further and I'll shoot through your eyebrows!"

"Yes, damn elves, watch out for our arrows, hahahaha!!"

"Don't you dare to come here!!"

The other dwarves all clamored one after another, and it was obvious that the fall of the kingdom under the mountain and the inaction of the woodland kingdom had made these dwarves unanimously have a bad attitude towards the elves.

I saw Thranduil smile slightly, and as soon as he raised his hand, the elves behind him picked up their bows and arrows one after another, and put on the arrows, and in an instant, a huge phalanx of archers was ready to shoot at any time.

Looking at the dense arrows, the dwarves were instantly frightened and hid under the stones, it was clear that if the elf missed, the dwarves would become a hornet's nest.

Looking at Thorin's stunned eyes, Thranduil felt that his aura was enough, and raised his hand again, only to see that the five thousand elven archers had put away the arrows at the same time, and the bows and arrows were put away, and the neat posture and the same voice showed that the elves were neat and strong.

It was clear that Thranduil had brought the elite of the Woodland Kingdom this time.

"Thorin Oak Shield, we are here today to give you an ultimatum, and I hope you can return the things that belong to the Woodland Kingdom as promised!!"

"Something from the Woodland Kingdom? No, the treasures of the Lonely Mountain belong to the Durin family, and you don't want to get a gold coin from me!! I'd rather die!! "

Thorin looked at the elves down the mountain, spears like a forest of steel, but his greedy will made him not admit defeat.

"I'm fed up with these dwarves!!"

Although Thranduil was mentally prepared for Thorin's refusal, he didn't expect him to be so ineffective.

All the elven and human armies were ready to attack again, and at this time Gandalf ran out, apparently hoping that his last efforts would persuade the dwarves.

"Thorin, lay down your weapons and open the gates, these treasures will kill you!!"

Thorin was silent to the ....

"Thorin, we can't win!!"

The old warrior Balin hopes to finally persuade his own king, but he is just returning other people's own things to their original owners, wouldn't it be good to keep the Kingdom of Lonely Mountain? Why do we have to fight each other?

All the people looked at the dwarven king, the expedition, Thrandil, and Gandalf, and the atmosphere gradually froze.

"Alright, Thorin, like a king, tell everyone whether you choose to fulfill your promise or choose to defend your greed with a war!??"

At this moment, the raven of the lonely mountain flew back and landed in front of Thorin's eyes, and Thorin, who had been hesitating, seemed to get some signal.

"Then, let's go to war!!"

As he finished speaking, there was a neat step in the hills in the distance, it was the sound of the army advancing, and it was clear that the reinforcements that Thorin had been waiting for had arrived!!

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