"Mom, how long do you think it will take for Brother Ao Long to break through this time?"

At the door of the dormitory, Robin asked Olbia, he knew that Ao Long needed many days for each retreat, but a month had passed, and Ao Long still hadn't come out, and she was already a little worried.

"Robin, you have to believe him, it's just a breakthrough in cultivation, there will be no problem, when Your Majesty finishes the breakthrough, his cultivation will definitely improve again, and then he should be able to reach the level of the admiral of the Navy Headquarters."

"Really? Brother Ao Long is really powerful, Robin's strength is not even a brigadier general now..."Robin wore a water-red skirt today, held his head with his hand, and looked in the direction of Ao Long's dormitory, where there was a man she liked.

"You are still young, your cultivation will slowly rise, you must know that your strength is stronger than your mother now. And aren't you distracting your energy from the study of history and the exercise of Devil Fruits?" Olbia comforted Robin, in fact, she herself had been tugging at her heart all this time.

"Okay, Robin, you go back to rest first, come and change me tomorrow, I'll go in and see how Your Majesty is doing."

Because Ao Long retreats for a long time, Olbia and Robin took turns to protect Ao Long, and they were basically Olbia at night. In the past month, observing Ao Long's state of being a young man, she felt as if she was getting closer to the little boy.

Olbia, who entered the dormitory, didn't know that at this time, Ao Long also entered the Dragon Ball space to transform the Dragon Ball Cave Heaven at the critical moment, and the entire body of Qiu Jiao began to exude a strange fragrance, which is a unique product of the Jiaolong clan, called ambergris.

With the gradual improvement of the Dragon Ball Cave Heaven in Ao Long's body, the smell of ambergris became stronger and stronger, condensing around the five zhang range of Ao Long's dragon body.

"What a smell, so good..."

Olbia originally wanted to observe the state of Ao Long up close, but as a result, he entered the ambergris enveloping area and was attracted by the smell of ambergris.

"Well, this smell is really fragrant, why does Your Majesty's body exude this smell..."

Not knowing the effect of ambergris, Olbia unconsciously got closer to Ao Long again, and it was already less than three feet away.

"Whew... Why does it feel a little hot, anyway, His Majesty is in retreat and there is no one else here... Whew... It's so hot, but Your Majesty is so fragrant..."

It seems that when he was with Robin's father again, Olbia felt an impulse rise in his heart, but the object of the impulse in his mind turned out to be not Robin's father, but the figure of Ao Long.

Ambergris, a product unique to dragons, can promote the urge to cross tails and stimulate the primal impulses in the heart.

This time, when Ao Long broke through, his body was tempered again, and in the process of Dragon Ball evolution, some characteristics of the dragon clan have been gradually completed, which of course is the reason why Ao Long's cultivation is now uncontrollable in the breakthrough.

I saw that under the stimulation of ambergris, Olbia had only the last protection on his body, which was as thin as a cicada's wings, and his whole complexion began to heat up, his breathing speed increased, and his eyes seemed to be foggy.

At this time, Ao Long happened to be tortured by the Dragon Ball Advancement and turned back into a human body, because he had just broken through, and that dress was sacrificed again.

Ao Long, who was honest with people, saw Olbia in front of him, who was approaching the bed, the demeanor of holding the pipa and half covering his face, already faint red and slightly haired, the impact of fair skin, two straight snow legs more than one meter long, slowly approaching, Ao Long's eyes flashed a trace of red light.

The primitive impulse was stimulated, and the visual stimulation led Ao Long's actions, and he already had adult thoughts, where could he still endure the beautiful scenery in front of him.

I saw him take a step forward and directly take Olbiya into his arms, only to feel that Olbia's skin temperature was slightly hot at this time, and he exhaled like an orchid. I made up my mind in my heart, followed the real impulse in my heart, lowered my head and tasted the fragrance, and moved my hands freely along the curve.

At this time, Olbia is already difficult to distinguish whether it is her fantasy or reality, and the feelings she has been suppressing in her heart seem to burst out like a volcano, and she just wants to cherish the moonlight tonight with the person in front of her, where can she take care of tomorrow and later.

The moonlight shines through the veil of the dormitory and shines on the dragon couch, and the silvery moonlight is like a romantic white peony sprinkled in front of the window. I saw a cheerful rhythm coming from Ao Long's dormitory at this time, as if he was composing an accompaniment to some beautiful stories.

The two of them realized each other's intentions in the blending of water and milk, and at this moment the two were both intoxicated and sober, letting go of all their worries and only obeying the truest heart.

What the two didn't know was that in the moonlight at this time, there was also a figure who was also silently looking at the two people in the dormitory, silently shedding tears, with a happy smile on that little cheek, and this sad cry.

"I originally thought that if we were really together, everyone would be happy, but who knows, after we are really together, I still can't stop hurting in my heart... Why is that? Robin doesn't know, Robin is confused..."

The two in the dormitory knew nothing about this, as they seemed to be only immersed in each other's worlds. The dragon nature is like this, perhaps this characteristic has also been blessed after Ao Long became a dragon clan, and a night of fighting, so that the two of them enjoy the pleasure at the same time, the cultivation has also been improved to a certain extent, Ao Long has just improved the realm of the Dragon Ball Cave Heaven has also been stabilized, he clearly feels that his strength should have reached the level of the admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Regarding the relationship between the two, in fact, Robin has been matchmaking, and all the two of them know it, this time it is a matter of course, stabbing the window paper, and Ao Long also eats Olbia into his mouth.

The next day, Robin calmly brought breakfast to the two of them, and made fun of them fiercely.

Ao Long was originally a super-thick-skinned person, so he naturally wouldn't admit it after eating, so he directly let Olbia and Robin move into his dormitory and live a three-person life.

I thought it would be a very happy thing, but who knew that a week later, something happened that Ao Long was caught off guard.

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