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This time Dann II did not refuse Ao Long's order, and shouted loudly:

"The dwarven chariot strikes!! Shoot those goblins and aim for their filthy eyes!! "

The elven phalanx on the other side was also wielding a large number of arrows, and the human trebuchet was almost finished throwing all the stones, after all, it was impossible to prepare so many rocks with a grinding plate.

Despite the help of humans and elves, several chariots were smashed by the goblins' maces, and some dwarves were trampled under the feet of the giant goblins.

"Tariel, blow the horn, let the elven archer shoot all the arrows in his hands, and then retreat as we shoot, we retreat into Riverdale City, and defend the city!!"

Seeing that the goblins were almost gone, Ao Long knew that the time had come to retreat.

Trembling Mi..... Trembling rice.....

The ancient horn sounded in the sky again, and Thranduil knew that doing what Ao Long said was the best way to minimize the number of deaths in battle, so he did not hesitate to give the order to retreat and attack.

Obviously, the archers were well suited as cover fighters, with the infantry and Terrans retreating first, and the archers taking cover in the back, shooting the orcs who caught up.

"Bard, destroy those trebuchets, and don't leave any of them for the orcs !!"

Seeing that the trebuchet was dragging down the human mobility, he couldn't take care of it at this time, and directly let Bard destroy it all.

Asog on the opposite cliff had obviously seen the changes on the battlefield, but he still had an army of 20,000 orcs waiting in the rear who had not joined the battlefield, and seeing Thrandil's elven army beginning to retreat, he felt that this was a good opportunity to break through.

"They can't fight on two fronts, it's time for us to do it!! Attack on Riverdale!! "

It was obvious that Asog wanted to cut off the elven army's retreat before the elven army and the human army retreated into Riverdale City, after all, compared to the siege war, on the plain in front of the Lonely Mountain Kingdom, the orcs had an advantage.

I saw that from the tunnels made by the earth-drilling insects, an army of half-orcs came out again.

A new kind of orc soldier appeared, a gigantic goblin with two chains passing through its eye sockets, pinched like reins in the hands of the orc soldiers, and carrying a trebuchet-like shelf behind their backs, like the ancient giant elephant cavalry, dragging two meteor hammer-like weapons in their hands.

This is simply a weapon of war, with a meteor hammer in hand that can sweep in melee combat, and a trebuchet behind it that can be thrown from a distance.

"Return to Riverdale!! ~! "

Ao Long roared loudly, but unfortunately the dwarves did not follow his orders this time, although they had joined forces to repel the first wave of attacks from the orcs, but Dane II felt that they had reached the dwarves' homeland, and they could retreat to the Lonely Mountain King City.

Unfortunately, Thorin did not open the gates, and Thorin never appeared.

"Return to the Lonely Mountain, Return to the Lonely Mountain!! Return Ilubo!! "

Unlike humans and elves, the dwarves chose the Lonely Mountain, but unfortunately the gate of the Lonely Mountain behind them was not open for them.

Legions of dwarves were slaughtered, and Iron was slaughtered by orc legions.

At the same time, under the cover of the elven archers, Ao Long and the others went to Riverdale City.

On the opposite hill, a giant goblin appeared, and they lay on the hill, and immediately became a row of human trebuchet pedestals, which were obviously siege weapons prepared by the orcs.

"Tariel, sound the rallying call!! Let the army prepared in the city do the defense, and the trebuchets at the head of the city prepare to smash the filthy orcs for me!!

Looking at the boulder flying into the air, Ao Long said to Tariel beside him that before he set off, he had asked Thranduil to leave behind an elven army and some humans, watch the trebuchet, ready to attack at any time, unlike the people of Middle-earth, he would not bet all his troops at once.

Trembling..... Trembling hair....

The loud horn resounded over the battlefield again, and the trebuchets on Riverdale City were thrown into the air like locusts, although they could not completely intercept the goblin slings, but they still achieved good defensive results.

"If only it was an interceptor missile, none of those stones could fall!!"

Looking at the wall that had been smashed open by the goblins, Ao Long said.

"Lord Ao Long, what is an interceptor missile?"

"Well, I'll talk about this later!! Get the bed crossbowmen ready, ready to shoot those iron heads!! "

Fortunately, Ao Long asked the elves and humans to vigorously repair the walls of River Valley City, and now it is much stronger than the city wall in the movie, although some walls have also been smashed, but they are still largely well preserved.

At this time, Ao Long had already seen the kind of goblin with a head like a huge nut on the head of the half-orcs, this is an orc who has practiced the iron head to the extreme, and he hit his head on the city wall, like a death squad, and the city wall will definitely be knocked through a hole, and then Riverdale City will be like a no-man's land for these half-orcs.

Seeing that the last of the elven archers had entered the city under the cover of Gandalf and Thrandil, Ao Long immediately shouted loudly:

"Close the gates!! Locks and closes!! Shoot me the orcs who come close!! "

Ao Long's roar once again fluttered over the battlefield, and his grasp of the fighter plane was absolutely just right.

"But Lord Aolong, those dwarves?"

Tariel saw the Iron Foot Legion and Dane II fighting alone in front of the gate of the Lonely Mountain, and asked hesitantly, after all, it was the alliance that fought together before.

"Tariel, the clarion call of the alliance has always been aimed at those who obey military orders, since the dwarves have chosen the lonely mountain, let them be with the lonely mountain, as for the alliance, we will vigorously kill the enemy here, which is the best sharing of their pressure!!"

Indeed, under the influence of Ao Long's trebuchet, those giant trebuchets have basically been scrapped, which is a great enemy for the dwarves.

Rumble... Prosperous....

The gates of Riverdale were closed, and the orcs approached the walls.

"Bed crossbowmen, release !!"

In an instant, from the city wall of River Valley City, hundreds of bed crossbows, focusing on taking care of those iron-headed giant broken city brondcloths, only to see the three-meter-long crossbow arrows, directly skewered those broken city corrimbs into meat skewers, and at the same time, the crossbow arrows of the bed crossbow because of their huge strength and unabated momentum, penetrated through a broken city of Golimp, and also penetrated a row of half-orcs following behind the Golimp.

It's like a scavenger, a bed crossbow goes down and directly cleans out the orcs on a line like an eraser.

"Oh, damn it, what kind of weapon is that!! Let's increase the intensity of our attacks, that kind of arrows must be limited, we must break through (Manohao) Riverdale City!! Farming! "

Doodle... Doodle...

The orc's horn sounded again with Asog.

A large number of orcs like ants rushed to Riverdale City, and the pressure on the dwarf Dane II's side was reduced, but they had been severely reduced in numbers when they fought alone, seeing the elves and humans retreat into Riverdale City, guarded by the city walls, but the gate of the lonely mountain still did not open.

"Where's Thorin!! Thorin, we need his help!! Our King, where is he?! "

At this time, Bahrain, Wald, Chili and others behind the gate of the palace in the lonely mountain were sitting together in frustration, listening to the mournful screams of their own people outside the city separated by a wall, which was a kind of pain of being abandoned by their people...

"Fight to the death!! For the Lonely Mountain!! For Ilubo!! "

Although Thorin did not appear, Dane II held his hammer high and attacked with all his might, because behind him was the last kingdom of the dwarves, Iruba!!

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