Thanks to joke3430 for the flower tip, thank you for the ghost fox shdyxq flower tip!!

The city of the River Valley, under the governance of the three ruling ministers, is thriving and more magnificent.

The implementation of various political measures has allowed the dwarves of the Lonely Mountain Kingdom to feel the revival of the northern human race with the naked eye.

The most obvious change is in the population, the original River Valley City and Lonely Mountain are the military strongholds of the north, and the dwarves and humans act as the vanguard of the barrier.

Therefore, sacrifices are common, and production is weak, which naturally pulls down the development of the economy.

Twenty years ago, under Ao Long's careful governance, the concept of keeping the enemy out of the country had penetrated the hearts of the people.

So the rangers, made up of the elite of humans and dwarves, became a nightmare for orcs in the northern wastelands.

In the past twenty years of Ao Long's retreat, this policy has been continuously implemented, and a total of thirty orc lairs have been destroyed, and seven goblin underground kingdoms have been destroyed, effectively curbing the growth of dark forces in the northern wasteland, and at the same time ensuring that the soldiers of the Dragon Empire have basically seen blood.

There is war and sacrifice, but the pain does not make humans afraid, but only inspires their hatred of orcs.

Naturally, there is no shortage of resourceful people among the orcs, and in response to the Ranger strategy of Riverdale City, they formed a ghost organization, and also let a small number of cavalry wander at the junction of the south, if the two sides meet, they can only meet in a narrow way.

493 In the past twenty years, the two sides have reached a tacit understanding, and there have been no major encounters and extermination battles for more than five years.

Humans and dwarves live in semi-peace under the wings of Ao Long.

In the south of Mordor, also known as the Volcano of Doom, Gondor was discovered by Gondor's Tanma, there was a dark and vast military force on the rise.

There was the sound of training for a long time, and the fire of forging weapons came out.

It was Sauron who was secretly building up his power, but he was still waiting, waiting for the return of his most powerful companion, the One Ring.

A year ago, Gollum had been captured and tortured to Mordor, and Sauron needed news of the One Ring from his mouth.

Gandalf, who was far away in Rivendell, had also learned of the news and sent a message to Ao Long, hoping that he would pay more attention.

It's just that when Ao Long turned over the letter, he felt that Gandalf seemed to have something to say, as if he suspected that the reason why Ao Long was so powerful was because he had a magic ring in his hand, or rather, the Supreme Ring.

Ao Long knew that Gollum would not last long, and although Gollum regarded the One Ring as his own life, Mordor's cruel torture was not so pleasant.

The Shire in the south also had a letter to Ao Long, which was Bilbo. Baggins, who said he was nostalgic for the beautiful scenery of Riverdale and Lonely Mountain, and the story of his adventures, and hoped to come back in his lifetime, and invited Ao Long to his 100th birthday.

What an interesting hobbit, he said that because he was not married, he adopted a distant nephew, and because the nephew was an orphan, Bilbo's kind and benevolent heart was compassionate.

Obviously, his nephew is Frodo, the little male protagonist of the Lord of the Rings.

The above are the main matters reported by everyone after Ao Long appeared in the council hall.

Dealing with the political dragon that has accumulated for twenty years is relieved.

In fact, there are not many, and the three ruling ministers basically helped him solve the small and big things, and he only needs to make some adjustments in the plan.

"Okay, the troops above the Northern Wasteland can't, those orcs have been quiet for five years, and there is a big accumulation of population and resources, so don't let the patrol personnel let their guard down!!

"Yes, Your Majesty!!"

In fact, Ao Long knew that the current Middle-earth continent was falling into a brief period of peace, and everyone was waiting.

Waiting for a spark that can ignite a powder keg to appear!

That is Gollum's confession, the reappearance of the One Ring!!

Back in the dormitory, Tariel has already risen, and the female elf warrior's physique is good, not only can she unlock a variety of postures, but her recovery power is very fast.

"Tariel, what's wrong, I let the kitchen stew a little nutritious soup, drink a little when you get up!"

Let the maid serve the love soup prepared in advance, you must know that women care most about how men treat her afterwards, and Ao Long's single performance moved Tariel.

"Okay, okay, isn't it just a bowl of soup, why are you still moved to cry!?"

Ao Long said as he fed the soup and wiped his tears from Tariel's eyes.

"No... No...... It's me who didn't give you a letter here, and now I feel that I am no longer afraid, as long as you have in your heart that I love me, I will be content. "

With that, Tariel pulled out a letterhead made of leaves from his robes, a common method used to pass messages between elves, and different letterheads meant different things.

Tariel's letterhead to Ao Long is made of snow-white sycamore leaves, which are used by elves to send lovesick love letters to their beloved.

Obviously, this is a love letter from a distant elf, no doubt from Princess Alvin of Rivinedell, who is known as "Mu Xing".

Naturally, Ao Long would not open the letter in front of Tariel, after all, it was very hurtful to express his concern for another sister in front of another sister.

After pacifying Tariel, Ao Long went to his study alone, spread out the letterhead, and saw that it was written:

"Since you say goodbye, it is difficult to pass on good news, and I am very happy to hear that Jun has shown his skills in the north, showing his prestige, and attracting the Middle-earth continent to compete for the first time.

I heard that there is a beautiful woman in the north, peerless and independent, and I am very happy that you have found good news.

It's just that I don't know when I will return to the south to comfort my thoughts! "

It seems that this is a love letter asking Ao Long to go south, remembering that the sun and the moon are like light, and the beauty is like jade, and I haven't seen him for forty years now.

For human beings, forty years is basically equal to the most glorious life.

Fortunately, Princess Alvin is a long-lived elf, so she can afford to wait.

Another meaning should be that she already knows about Tariel, but her attitude is not clearly expressed in the letter, and it seems that she will have to meet to find out.

However, as a peace-loving elf, Tariel is like this, and Alvin should be fine.

Ao Long dragged his chin and pondered in his study.

"Looks like it's time to take a trip south, not only Bilbo's birthday, but also Alvin's affairs that need to be dealt with!"

Love debt is to break through, or you have to grit your teeth and pass it step by step!

He stayed with Tarrell for a month, and spent five years dealing with the political affairs of the Dragon Empire in a high-profile manner, strengthening his control, and patrolling the national territory and strengthening diplomatic exchanges.

In fact, he had a few drinks with Thorin, took Tariel back to his mother's house once, and then went to the northern wasteland to bully the orcs to show his strength.

Then Bian began his journey south.

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