"Damn, don't let the old lady catch you, run away after taking advantage of it, hum!!" Yuan Yuan, who came to his senses, looked at the figure of Ao Long treading the waves.

"Don't get me up yet, when do you want to pretend to be dead!!"

Looking at the subordinates who were still on the deck, Peach Rabbit was angry, and a bucket of water woke up the first mate.

"Go check for me, check if there is a name Ao Long in the navy records, I want to know all the information about him!!"

"Damn bastard, it's still so strong, which Gadda jumped out of it. However, he looks quite handsome... Hum!! It is unforgivable to dare to say that I will be his woman in the future!! "

In this way, Peach Rabbit is alone in his cabin constantly thinking about the bad and good of Ao Long, that handsome appearance, for the appearance of the Peach Rabbit is still very lethal, coupled with the strength of the Peach Rabbit, it makes her feel excited and unconvinced.

"Look at his easy appearance, he must not have done his best, he looks younger than me, why is his strength so strong, damn it! Even if the strength is strong, I must catch you for revenge!! "

Silently thinking about the process of the two fighting, Peach Rabbit Yuanyuan, who had never been in love, did not realize that this aftertaste meant the beginning of love for her.

"Bang bang bang!! Major General, I have already compiled the information you requested. "

"Come in, just put the stuff on the table."

But the naval colonel did not quit there, and he had always had a crush on Yuanyuan, and he was obsessed with Ao Long

"Major General Yuanyuan, are you okay, it's all to blame on that damn Ao Long, who dared to be so presumptuous, the next time I meet him, I will definitely arrest him!!"

"Arrest him? Okay, Colonel, go down, and improve your strength before you think about what you say. "

Ignoring the blushing colonel, he bluntly pointed out that his strength was too low.

"Damn, I'll definitely arrest him, blame that damn Ao Long for embarrassing me so much!!"

Ao Long didn't know that his plan to flirt with his sister this time not only made Peach Rabbit miss him, but also a man who also missed him.

"Was it him? The Dragon Emperor ascended to the pole, the world is the same, what a grand dream. That man, wanted by the world government, disappeared for four years, has his strength been raised from the level of a major general to such a strong one? So what level is he now, Lieutenant General? General? "

Looking at the information in his hand and looking at the mighty and domineering dragon body of Ao Long in the picture, Peach Rabbit fell into deep thought.

"The road is also a trip to the world. Selecting the virtuous and capable, stressing faith and harmony, so that people do not only kiss their relatives, do not only have sons and sons, so that the old have the end, the strong have usefulness, the young have growth, the widows, the lonely and the sick, all have support. Men have a share, and women have a home. If you abandon the goods on the ground, you don't have to hide them for yourself; The power of evil does not come from the body, and it does not have to be for oneself. It is because of the plot to close but not to prosper, to steal and thieves and not to do it, so the outside of the house is not closed, it is said to be the same! "

Reading the information about the man's ideal country, Peach Rabbit felt both shocked and yearning, does that kind of ideal country really exist? Since it's so good, shouldn't it belong to justice? Then why does the world government want him...

In this era of pursuing their dreams all over the sea, a perfect dream is always so shining and intoxicating.

Peach Rabbit has developed a strong curiosity about Ao Long, curious about what kind of man it is, wild and uninhibited? Thinking about the world?

"Damn, didn't you say you were going to take a boat? He actually bullied me and ran away, and the next time I see him, I will definitely not let him feel better!! "

Peach Rabbit, who had made up his mind in his heart, did not forget his business, and reported the encounter with Ao Long on Xihai's trip to the current Navy Marshal Steel Gukong. Dialed the phone bug and contacted the air, yes, the current navy does not use the mobile phone issued by Ao Long, because it is impossible to control this technology, and for fear of intelligence leakage, all navies still use phone bugs.

"Lord Marshal, that person's strength has improved a lot compared to four years ago, and I have a feeling that I can't resist for a long time with his full strength."

"Really? Peach Rabbit, that's a dangerous person, the world government has not given up on the search for him until now, and your information is provided in a timely manner. "

Later, the air reported to the five old stars about the situation of Ao Long, but out of consideration for the maintenance of the current calm state of the sea, the navy was asked to make a low-key arrest. I don't know when the tide of comparative thinking has blown up from the people at the bottom, and if Ao Long is arrested with great fanfare at this time, it will definitely give a guiding light to those who are fighting for the great harmony of the world.

Three days later, a new wanted notice spread all over the world, it was Ao Long, for attacking a warship, defeating Rear Admiral Peach Rabbit, and offering a reward of 170 million Bailey.

At this time, the protagonist Ao Long is slowly and leisurely towards the windless belt, the West Sea crosses the windless belt is the new world, and Ao Long wants to start his career, so he starts from the new world.

"Hey, Becky? Now for the Spark Project. "

"Yes, my lord!!"

As a result, riots began to break out in those countries where the aristocracy oppressed the commoners more severely, and with the fire support of Capenbecchi, the decaying kingdom began to decline, and the old regime began to be overthrown in countries that had already rebelled. Soon a number of new regimes were established in the belief that the Dragon Emperor was king, and all the new states were joined by Ao Long, claiming to be "Han" to the outside world.

The government of the Han kingdom encompassed the many corrupt regimes that had been corrupted, and they were governed by the method of establishing governors on islands, and the concept of the Datong world became their development goal, and the fleet formed by Capenbergi became the support of the sea.

Each sub-island began to form a convoy, replaced with new weapons and communication equipment, realized information synchronization, management synchronization, and the Dragon Country began a unified banner: the Dragon Banner; The slogan of unity: the dragon emperor ascends to the pole, and the world is the same.

Since rebellions occur every year and occur everywhere, as long as the kingdom does not ask the world government for help, the basic world government will not interfere too much in the change of regime. So the spark began to ignite in the West Sea, and the layout of the outlets began to improve.

The world government's management of the islands in the four seas is relatively loose, and even the naval garrison is that only some large islands have naval stationing. The oppression and exploitation of the aristocratic class in many island countries led to a high level of resistance among the people, and the banner of the uprising was basically raised under the leadership of Becky, the leader.

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