In the dense forests on the east bank of the Anduin River, Aragorn, the descendant of the Human Queen, wearing the Supreme Ring, holding the Sword of the Human Emperor, and several arrows in his body, fell in front of the eyes of Legolas and Jin Split.

"No.... !! of Aragon "

Legolas saw that this leader was a man of the queen descendant, and just fell under the bow and arrows of the strong orcs, angrily drew his golden bow, and shot through the heads of the strong orcs one by one.

"Don't... !! of Aragon "

If you want to talk about trust, Aragorn should be able to pat in second place in Frodo's heart, and the first is naturally Gandalf.

Although he had doubts about Aragorn's actions when he picked up the Supreme Ring but put it on his hand, in the end, he watched Aragorn fall, and all his doubts turned into sadness.

Could it be that after losing Gandalf and Aolong, the expedition is going to lose an important soul figure again?

Jin Split roared angrily, an iron axe swung like lightning, and a swift like a monkey, fighting back and forth among the armies of strong orcs.

Aragorn's death apparently spurred the expedition to the crowd, and even Boromo's fighting power exploded.

Finally, with everyone's concerted efforts, the Orc squad was finally killed, and Legolas and Frodo ran in front of Aragorn.

"Buddha... Gauze.... Many.... Sorry, no.... Able to protect... You're to the end.... The rest of the way you... I can only rely on myself!! "

He took the One Ring from his hand and handed it back to Frodo, and Aragorn didn't expect anyone to do anything to him.


Frodo wept .... With Aragorn's death, he was not so close to Legolas and Kimbi, and Boromo had long aroused his suspicions, so it could be said that there was no one left in this expedition that he could fully trust, so he understood what Aragorn meant by relying on himself.

At this time, Boromo also walked in front of Aragorn, probably because he was dying and his words were good, and Aragon regained his former wisdom, without the thought of Arwyn, and the jealousy of Ao Long, he handed over the sword of the human emperor in his hand to Boromo, and said:

"I thought I could surpass my ancestor Elendil, but I didn't expect that I was not as strong as I thought, maybe you are right, Ao Long is a man to follow, maybe he will lead Gondor to a new future...."

Although he did not recognize Aragorn's legal status, he was still sad that he was the last legitimate heir of Gondor.

"I have a hunch that the wise Gandalf and the mighty Ao Long will not die so easily, they are both people who have created countless legends.... Bolomo, you must go on bravely and firmly, this sword of the Human Emperor, please help me transfer it to Ao Long, and wait for me to say sorry to him...."

After saying this, he handed the blood-stained sword to Borromo and closed his eyes forever.

And Gandalf, who was fighting side by side with Ao Long underground, seemed to feel something, leaned on Ao Long's back, and said breathlessly:

"I just had a wave of alarm in my heart, it's very likely that something has happened to the expedition, and we need to speed up and kill these demons of Morgoth!!"

"Expeditions? With Aragorn here, nothing should happen, be careful!! "

Ao Long, who pretended to know nothing, saved Gandalf with a sword again, and at this time, there were already two fire demons left behind to besiege them, which were obviously left by Ao Long's special grinder.

In fact, Ao Long has always left a sense on Aragorn, and as soon as Aragorn died, he sensed it here, and knew that the fire was almost over.

On the banks of the Anduin River, Boromo contained tears and knelt down to the last of the Human Emperor's bloodlines before putting away the Human Emperor's sword.

Carrying Aragorn's corpse in an elven boat and letting him flow down the Anduin River, Boromo took out the horn of Gondor in his bosom and sounded the low groan of mourning for the hero.

Frodo, on the other hand, was looking at the Supreme Ring on his hand, because of this ring, he had lost too much, but thinking that the quiet Charles might be destroyed in the war, Frodo was still determined to complete his mission.

Looking out at Aragorn as the waves followed, Frodo turned and burrowed into the forest, clearly preparing to walk alone through the Swamp of Death and sneak up on Mount Doom.

"Frodo... Frodo...."

Seeing Frodo leave alone, his assistant and chef Sam immediately shouted loudly to follow, and it was clear that he was indeed loyal to Frodo.

"Aren't we going to keep up?"

Legolas asked Boromo next to him, who stood quietly by the river, watching Frodo go away.

"The rest of the journey is up to Frodo himself, and we can't help much."

Boromo knew that Frodo would definitely not agree to a detour to Gondor, and that the Death Swamp would be more likely to be exposed.

"Then all our efforts have been in vain, and the expedition has completely failed!!"

The dwarf Jin Split said in frustration, he didn't expect that before he left the Golden Forest, the Fellowship of the Ring Expedition would become like this, could it be that the Middle-earth Continent was really not saved?

"Our efforts have not been in vain, and we cannot leave Merry and Pipin behind and let them be brutally abused by the orcs!! As long as we have the strength, we must save them!! "

It turned out that during the battle just now, the two hobbits, Pippin and Merry, were captured by the remnants of the strong orcs.

"Throw away those useless ones, try to lighten the load, and let's go hunt the orcs!!"

Like a general, Boromo set the target for the next move for Kim Split and Legolas.

The dwarf Golden Split and the elven prince Legolas glanced at each other, and seemed to have found a new battle target, full of desire to fight.

Not to mention Boromo, Goldsplit, and Legolas' pursuit of the orcs, the battle between Ao Long and Gandalf in the underworld has also come to an end.

Ao Long soared into the air with a sword move like a flying immortal, and the golden crystal chain in his left hand controlled a fire demon, and was stabbed in the chest by Gandalf's enemy fencing at the right time.

The stone sword in his right hand took advantage of Gandalf's magic to stun the last fire demon, and a green pine welcomed the guests and pierced the head of the last fire demon.

With the tacit understanding, all the fire demons in the underground mines of Moriath were killed by Ao Long and Gandalf!!

Just after successfully killing all the enemies, Gandalf's whole body was about to collapse, and in Ao Long's surprised eyes.

Gandalf's Maia body emitted a brilliant white light, and it actually rose up, and finally fell back into Gandalf's broken body, like a rejuvenation, and all of Gandalf's wounds were healed in the blink of an eye.

Originally, Ao Long was going to organize Gandalf's promotion opportunities, but he didn't expect that because of the battle, his Maia soul and human body would fit again, and his perception would be successfully upgraded, and he would change from a gray-robed wizard to a white-robed wizard.

"Congratulations, White-robed Wizard Gandalf!!"

Anyway, Aragorn is dead, and Ao Long naturally won't be a villain anymore, so he immediately stepped forward to congratulate.

And the bodies of those fire demons were also included in the small world by Ao Long.

"I don't know what you did with those fire demons, but it's not a small one. Alright, Your Majesty, we've been away from the expedition for too long, so let's get back at once!! "

Smiling at Ao Long, Gandalf said gently, Ao Long could feel a calm and wise demeanor from his expression.

I thought it was the improvement of his strength that made his self-confidence go to another level, and sure enough, I saw Gandalf waving his upgraded white jade wand, directly chanting words at the magma under his feet, and the rock wall above was directly broken through a cave by the dragon scroll turned into magma.

Ao Long and the white-robed Gandalf were rediscovered.

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