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Rohan's territory is covered by pastures and grasslands, and is very empty, similar to the savannahs of Central Asia, the great plains of North America, and the Pampas of Argentina. The land of Rohan has been described as a "sea of grass"

to the west is the Isen and Adorn rivers, which connect the Isengard and the Denlanders; to the south is Ered Nimrais and Mering Stream, adjacent to Gondor; The eastern boundary is the Shumu River (Entwash); It is bounded by the Limlight River to the north.

The Rohan are characterized by tall, pale-complexion, mostly blue eyes and long, braided blonde hair, and a determined, fanatical, serious but generous personality.

They are a proud and self-esteemed people, but they are also people who do what they say, are upright and generous-hearted, and they are brave but not cruel, wise but not full of poetry and books; They don't record history in writing, but they write about everything in heroic songs, just like the first humans in the dark ages.

The Rohan people are known for their horse breeding and cavalry. Rohan's army was almost entirely cavalry, and the army was mostly well-trained volunteers, who were assembled in the event of war, and had relatively few regular troops. Soldiers were armed with round shields, spears, swords, light helmets, and paper-thin armor.

Bound by the Oath of Eor1, Rohan's army must rescue Gondor in distress. Gondor will call for help from Rohan with the Red Arrow, as well as the Warningbeacons of Gondor, which will also be manipulated by a series of Erednimras. In wartime, AmonDin's beacon would be lit first until the last, allowing Idoras to notice.

In the year 2509 of the Third Age, Gondor was invaded by a coalition of humans from the Northeast and the Orcs of Mordor, and the regent of Gondor, Sirien, appealed to Iosiod for help. Iotheo, the D king of Iossi, promised to help, and reinforcements arrived at the outbreak of the Battle of Celebrandt, defeating the orc forces.

Gondor gave Carranahon to Iosiod, who moved to Carranahon, which was part of Gondor in the early days but ravaged by the Great Plague of 1636.

Io was the first monarch of the kingdom of Rohan. In 2510, the Easterlins from the north invaded Gondor, and Io led his Iosiodian knights to defeat the enemy on the plains of Celebrandt. In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Gondor gifted Carrana Hons to Io. Io became the founding king of Rohan, and Gondor allied himself with Rohan.

There used to be a legend about King Io. His father, Léod, was a horse trainer, and one day Léaud captured a white foal and named it Mansbairn. It quickly grew into a strong, swaggering little stallion that no one was allowed to ride. Once Leod dared to ride the horse, but he fell off the horse, hit his head on a rock, and died on the spot at the age of forty-two. Io was only sixteen years old at the time.

Io swore to avenge his father, so he searched for the horse for a long time. But when he finally found the horse, he didn't shoot it with a bow and arrow, as his companions had guessed. Io just approached the horse calmly, then straightened up and said loudly to the horse, "Come here, Mansbane!" You have to change your name and surname! "

Strange to say, the horse looked at it. I actually walked over. "I'll call you Ferralov." Io said to the horse, "You love freedom, I will not blame it for it, you owe me a blood debt, I want you to give me your freedom until the end of your life." "

Io then mounted the horse, and Ferras obeyed.

Io didn't put any harness on it, and rode it home.

This horse is amazing, it knows what people say, but no one is allowed to step on it except Io. Io rode Ferralov to the Battle of Kellebrandt. Horses live as long as humans, as do their offspring, and only the royal family of Rohan are eligible to ride them. The only exception was the last of the husband's descendants, which Sheudon gifted to Gandalf the Grey-robed wizard. (The white horse ridden by Gandalf in the movie)

The slaughtered orcs were piled up into a mountain of corpses, and Iomo lit a fire.

Cracking sound...

Looking at the burning flames, Io Mo quietly thought about Ao Long's words, in fact, he had already sensed that something was wrong with Xiyouton, but there was no evidence, and there was no way to solve the game.

But he can't do it doesn't mean that others can't do it, this is the legendary king in the continent for decades, legend has it that he killed the lonely mountain with three arrows, killing the half-orcs in the north, his divine dragon empire has been prosperous and well-armed, he represents the myth of invincibility, and is also the last guiding light in the minds of the humans of Middle-earth.

"Your Majesty, when we rescued Shiyud, we found that the armor of those orcs had the white palm emblem of Isenger Saruman, and it is clear that they are not from Mordor!! It is very likely that Saruman has made a move on Rohan!! "

Iomo held the sword in his hand tightly, if Saruman was in front of him, he would definitely not be afraid of a battle, but he knew that with Saruman's strength, if he wanted to save Rohan, he had to ask Ao Long to make a move....

"It seems that Saruman's betrayal is very complete, I heard that he has researched a potion that can create strong orcs, and they also have strong combat power under the sun, which is very similar to these people in front of him!! In the war-torn kingdom of Rohan, the once wise and martial king Xiyodon was controlled by a rebellious magician with bewitching magic, and the loyal and brave commander was expelled, I seem to hear the cry of the people of Rohan and the sorrow of the plain of Rohan..."

In order to increase the psychological pressure on Iomo, Ao Long behaved like a compassionate elder, sighing there, he could not participate in the power of the Rohan Kingdom without the invitation of the Rohan people, after all, he represented a regime himself.

"Your Majesty, Iomme is willing to take these knights to your allegiance, and I only hope that you can stretch out your merciful hands and use your strength comparable to the gods to save the kingdom of Rohan!! On behalf of the civilians who are suffering, I would like to thank you!! "

seems to have figured out the pros and cons, Iomo, the third commander of Rohan, knelt in front of Ao Long, holding his knight's sword high in both hands, and the cavalry behind him were naturally looking at Iome's horse, not to mention that everyone had heard the conversation between the two before, and if they wanted to save their homeland, they had to ask this legend to help.

"Thank you for your trust, my knight, and you need to declare your allegiance not to me, but to the people of Rohan!!"

took Iomo's long sword, placed it on Iomo's shoulder, and completed the allegiance ceremony, but Ao Long still explained that his position was the people.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty!!"

2.4 Seeing the light of Rohan's day, Iomo was very happy.

"No, now is not the time to be happy, although you have been expelled, but it is clear that it is not the decision of Xieudon, I think he will definitely withdraw this decision when he wakes up, but I estimate that the Orcs of Isengard will definitely invade in a big way, we will part, you go to the Rohan Grassland to gather men and horses, let everyone be armed, and prepare for a big battle against the Orcs!" And I'm in charge of going to the court of Rohan to solve the troubles of Heudun, and let your wise king return again!! "

Standing under the firelight of the night sky, Ao Longjun commanded the orders of the world, and the cavalry in front of him fell to their knees and shouted loudly:

"Gather the Rohan cavalry and prepare for battle!!

"Alright, everyone, hurry up, Rohan needs time, and the cavalry assembly also needs time!!"

(The illustration is of the handsome Iomo, who became the eighteenth king after the death of Hieudon in the original book.) )_

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