"Great, first the elite of Gondor came to support, and now the elven army is coming, we have hope!!"

The sensual Iowen covered her excited cheeks and said happily.

"Yes, they all came, at least giving us the confidence to fight bravely!!"

King Xiyudun sighed, in fact, the euphemism of this sentence is that it is only a battle, and if you don't win, you will lose, but the odds of winning are not high.

Watching the elves march into the Rohan Ice City with their longbows in hand, the eyes of the surrounding people and soldiers also appeared with excitement, and everyone gathered around to welcome these warriors.

"King Xiyoudon, King Aolong, on the orders of Kellerpeng, we, the elven soldiers of the Golden Forest, have come to support Rohan in his war against the Orcs of Isengard, may the ancient oath be with us!!"

The leader of the elven soldiers walked up to Ao Long and Xiyodon and saluted gracefully.

"Welcome, and may the ancient oath be with us!!"

King Hiudun also returned the salute as a representative.

Doodle.... Doodle....

Knock knock..... Knock knock knock....

At this moment, the horn of the orc army was heard outside the city, and the alarm bell sounded from the lookout tower of Rohan Ice City.

"Quick, go to the wall!!"

As soon as Ao Long heard these voices, he knew that the orcs were coming.

Legolas, Jin Split, and Boromo all went up to the city wall, and they saw that a hundred miles away, there were at least 30,000 strong orcs, 493 braved the freezing rain and severe cold, held their weapons high, and the breath exhaled from their mouths could be frozen and killed.

"What's going on out there? I can't see it, what's the situation? "

Due to his short legs, the dwarf Jin Split was obscured by the city wall, and he couldn't see the battle situation in front of him at all.

"Do you want to see it? Why don't I bring you up? Or find you a chair? "

Legolas and Jin Split had become a happy rival, and when they saw the dwarf's embarrassed appearance, they laughed directly.

"Whew... Whew.... Hmph, pointed ears!! "

Jin Split looked at Legolas obliquely, and at the glance of his malicious smile, he knew that the elven prince had no good intentions.

"Alright, you two."

Ao Long couldn't help but laugh at the fighting spirit of the two people like children, and directly waved his hand to conjure up a few ice bricks under Jin Split's feet, and put them up, so that Jin Split could also see the battle situation outside.

Looking at the army of orcs outside under black pressure, the dwarf Jin Split seemed to think of the hatred between the dwarves and the orcs, and the fact that the Moriaya pit was killed by the orcs, and said angrily.

"I bet their filthy heads must be vulnerable under my axe!!"

"Oh, yes? But I think my arrows might hit them a second before your axe falls!! "

Legolas triumphantly stroked the golden bow Galadriel had given him, which had a longer range and was more accurate.

"Hmph, then we'll compete tonight to see who has cut down more orcs."

The two men seemed to be treating the fight as a match today.

"Okay, you two take care to protect yourselves, it may be a tough battle."

Ao Long told the two of them, walked to the front of the lookout, and saw that the half-orc army had advanced halfway, and he was about to enter the firing range, drew his bow and arrows, and bowed to all the bows:

"Everyone, listen to me!! Preparation.... The bow is full of strings... Shoot!! "

Ao Long took the lead in a rocket down, directly a fire phoenix, lighting up the entire night sky, only to see the rain of arrows of others turned into phoenix wings, and fell straight into the army of half-orcs

"Ahh Damn Ao Long... How could he be in Rohan!! "

A half-orc who had seen Ao Long's methods cursed loudly, he thought that this war was just to bully the declining Rohan humans, but he didn't expect that there was a great god hidden here.

"An army of orcs, attack!! Fight back!! "

Soon the orc archers also began to assemble and returned fire on the ice of Rohan.

A contest of archers began on both sides, but fortunately, there was a cheating weapon on the human side, and soon the half-orc archers were cleared.

Unfortunately, there was a limit to the archers' resistance, and soon the orc army was in the city.

"Climb the siege ladder!! Ascend the siege ladder!! "

The biggest difference between this half-orc and the previous battle of the Five Armies is that they have an engineer Saruman, who is a wizard who is good at technology, so he created a siege ladder that can attack the city without breaking through.

Sure enough, soon the powerful orcs attacked the city wall, and the hand-to-hand combat between the two sides began, directly entering the white-knuckle battle stage.

"Your Majesty Ao Long, this won't work, we have few people, it's hard to defend!!"

Xiyuton said to Ao Long, hoping that this resourceful human emperor would find a way to solve it again.

"Well, it looks like we'll have to find a way to break their siege ladder."

Looking at the freezing rain in the sky, Ao Long felt that it would be a pity not to take advantage of such a good weather.

"Since they are going to the city, let them become our new city, and we will continue to drip water into ice and pour wider walls!!"

Ao Long's eyes rolled, and he thought about it, and said to King Xiudun.

"Well, His Majesty Ao Long is worthy of being a legendary hero, and he thought of a solution so quickly. But we need to do our best to hold down these orc scum first. "

"Boromo, Boromo!!"

Ao Long shouted loudly, facing the son of Gondor who was fighting in the crowd, since Boromo was so loyal to him, Ao Long naturally wanted to give him a good deal.

"Your Majesty, you call me?"

Boromo wiped the blood from his face and ran over to ask.

"Well, there are too many siege ladders for the half-orcs, we need to crack their white-knuckle battle on the city wall, you go and organize the women and children of Rohan to boil water, and then bring it up, and splash it directly down the siege ladder, let those half-orcs have a hot bath first, and then turn into the soil of our ice city!!"

Boromo was also a commander in command of large battles, and as soon as he heard Ao Long say this, he knew what was going on, and he deeply admired Ao Long's wisdom.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I'll go down and arrange it now!!"

"Thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine!! Count this forty under my ass!! "

On the other side, Jin Split was counting the heads of the orcs he had cut off, competing with Legolas.

The axe of the golden split is indeed sharp, and the head of a half-orc must be cut off with an axe, and the efficiency is still very high.

"Forty-one !!"

The cunning Legolas, who shot an arrow directly through the orc under the golden split, said proudly.

"Ahh Pointed ears, you're too cunning!! I'm going to keep competing!! "

In the joyful killing contest between the two people, Boromo finally arranged for someone to carry the boiling water to the city.

"Pour !! Splash!!! "

At the sound of an order, all the siege ladders were covered with boiling water, and although the armor of the orcs could defend against arrows, it was not waterproof at all.

"Ahh Ahh

In the scream, the half-orc directly scalded into a rolling gourd, but before it fell, the water was frozen into thick ice sculptures, some fell, directly became ice slag, and some directly became part of the city wall with the siege ladder.

Ao Long's move suddenly alleviated the problem of insufficient troops on the city wall, and the orcs below would not be able to climb up for a while, after all, those ice walls were very smooth.

"It's so powerful, I didn't expect ordinary water to have such a huge power!!"

Xiyoude said with emotion, after all, such a tactic has not been seen in Middle-earth.

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