Thank you for the flower reward and praise support of the people in the mirror, and thank you for the flower reward and praise support of the early Yuan!!

In the past, there was a beautiful woman Gongsun, and a sword dance moved in all directions.

The spectators are depressed like mountains, and the heavens and the earth are low for a long time.

Huo Ruyi shot nine sunsets, like a group of emperors and dragons.

It is like thunder to collect anger, and it is like a river and sea condensing clear light.

The lips and beads are lonely, and there are disciples who pass on the fragrance at night.

The beauty of Linying is in the White Emperor, and the wonderful dance of this song is promising.

Seeing Io Wen in the night tent, holding a small crystal sword, and her long skirt flying up and down with the sword dance, Ao Long thought of this poem.

"Bang bang... The sword is good, the person is good, and the dance is good!! "

Ao Long applauded and did not hesitate to praise him.

When Iowin saw his brother and uncle coming, he was not shy, and after giving a salute, he was ready to return the sword to Ao Long.

"No need, since you have been insisting on going to the battlefield, I think this sword should be able to help you, and he will be called the Sword of Eowing in the future!!"

Ao Long didn't mean to take back the sword, after all, this sword was only obtained by him, and there are a lot of good swords in his hands now, whether it is the human emperor sword or the stone sword, it is the sword of the king.

"Iowen, are you ready to go to war? This is absolutely not possible!! "

As soon as Iomme heard Ao Long say that Iowin wanted to go to war, he immediately became anxious, knowing that even he himself was not sure that he would be able to come back alive, so how could he agree to his only sister going to war.

"It's all your big mouth, this sword will be your apology!!"

Eowin stomped Ao Long fiercely, and unceremoniously accepted the sword, she really liked it so much, and the most important thing was that it was given to her by Ao Long.

It is not you who is beautiful, and you are beautiful!

"Brother, I'm also a part of Rohan, why can't I participate, uncle, I also want to fight side by side with you!!"

Eowing ran to King Heyodon, took his arm, and coquettishly said that as long as King Heudon relented, this matter would be fine.

"Alas, Iom, come with her, no one will be spared from this battle that will change the fate of Middle-earth."

King Xiudon sighed and said, in fact, he knew that if this battle was won, with his strength, he would definitely be able to protect Iowen's thoroughness, and if this war was lost, even if Iowen stayed in Rohan, he would not be spared in the end.

"Looking at your status, it seems that there is any bad news again?"

Ao Long asked, after all, King Xiyudon's state at this time was really worse than during the day.

"I just got the news that the pirates of the south have also joined the battle under the bewitchment of the demon lord Sauron, and they will take their huge pirate ship up the Anduin River and go straight to Minas Tirith, and the defense battle of Gondor is even more severe!!"

"Pirates of the South? Do we have a way to snipe them in advance? "

Ao Long asked with a frown.

"There's no way, if these pirates and Mordor's army come together, Rohan's support will probably be a drop in the bucket."

Iomo was also confused by this news, so he will.

"No, there's a shortcut, yes, but we don't have enough troops to defeat them! Unless...."

King Heudon had a different mind, but he seemed to be thoughtful, and he stopped talking.

"Oh, I don't know how?"

"The Road to Death!! It is possible to cross directly to the lower reaches of the Anduin River and intercept the southern pirates directly, but on that road .... There is an army of ghosts, who once swore allegiance to Esidor but did not keep their word to confront Sauron, and were cursed by Essidor that their souls would never rest unless their descendants came to summon them to fulfill their promise. "

King Xiudon said with a heavy face, because he knew that Essidor's bloodline was gone, and the last bloodline, Aragorn, had died at the hands of the orcs.

"Looks like I need to deal with those ghosts, it doesn't matter, I'm the best at this. If you want to subdue these ghost troops, the southern pirates will not have a problem, and besides, I am still very interested in the formation of the ghost army..."

Ao Long's expression moved, the black mud stone slab had not moved, and he had a hunch that maybe this trip to the road of death would have unexpected gains.

"No, you can't go to the Road of Death, it's too dangerous there!!"

When I'Owen heard that Ao Long was going to take the road of death, his face changed, and he hurriedly looked at Ao Long with a pleading look.

"No, you can go to the battlefield, why can't I take the road of death, you know, that's the key to the victory or defeat of the whole battle!!"

Ao Long's attitude was also very resolute, he understood the admiration in I'owen's eyes, touched her long golden hair, and said dotingly.

"Since you are ready to walk the path of death, then please allow me to be with you!!"

Seeing that dissuasion didn't work, Iowen thought of another way.

"No, you are with King Thedon, who needs your help more than I do."

"Then please let us accompany you on a journey to death!!"

At this time, Legolas and Jin Split happened to open the tent and came in, and naturally heard the conversation in front of them.

"Yes, we will go wherever you go, the dwarven warriors are fearless!!"

The dwarf Golden Split puts the honor and face of the dwarf first, and naturally will not lose to the pointy-eared Legolas.

"Look, our small team of warriors is very concerted, and I believe that no difficulty can stump us!!"

Ao Long smiled and comforted Iowing.

Boom.... Shrugging Dormi....

At this moment, the horn of the elves sounded outside the tent.

"Let's go, let's go out and have a look, we seem to have new reinforcements again!!"

Sure enough, at the gate of the camp, an army of elves came slowly, and the leader was Ao Long's brother-in-law, the son of King Rivendell Elon.

Rohan's cavalry was also greatly excited and rejoiced when they saw that the elves had come to their aid.

"Alright, since my brother-in-law is here to help, I'm relieved, Legolas, let's get ready to go. 493"

After the tripartite meeting and the grim situation he was facing, Ao Long made the decision to set off, after all, the southern pirates would not wait for him to exterminate them.

The military situation is like fire, not to mention that he has to subdue the ghost army.

"Ao Long, why don't you let me go with you?"

Ao Long's brother-in-law stood up and said.

"Okay, the elven army you brought still needs your command, and the road to death is enough for me, Legolas, and Jin Split. You have to protect yourself, or Arwin will blame me. "

Ao Long joked and turned on his horse.

In the original book, the sons of Aragorn and King Elon, as well as some of the Dengdan, formed the Gray Brigade, which Ao Long did not need.

After all, on this trip, Ao Long went with the intention of Taobao.

In order to stabilize the morale of the army, the invasion of the southern pirates was not announced, but Ao Long still gave an explanation, that is, he would intercept Mordor's army from the south to buy time for the Rohan cavalry.

All of them, with the eyes of a lonely hero, watched Ao Long and others ride horses and walk into the road of death.

Perhaps, he can really do miracles again? After all, what he represents is a legend in itself. "

Xiyoton watched Ao Long's distant voice meaningfully, comforting Iowen.

"That's right, after all, Rohan's defense battle has proven that he is extraordinary, we have to believe him!!"

Patting his sister on the shoulder, Iomo encouraged.

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