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When a person attains the Tao and ascends to heaven, this principle is applicable everywhere.

Especially in the martial arts continent, where strength is respected, the appearance of a martial ancestor directly made the Great Yan Dynasty, which belonged to the lowest level in the Great War of the Hundred Dynasties, become a superpower that the super dynasty and even the super sect did not dare to provoke.

Even after Lin Dong became the lord of the plane, the Great Yan Dynasty became the center of the Tian Yuan Continent.

However, at this time, the Great Yan Dynasty was nothing more than a dilapidated small dynasty, and a country like this had countless new ones established every day, and naturally countless old ones had perished.

Since ancient times, the rise and fall of dynasties has been determined by the skill of decision-makers, but the succession of dynasties has been determined by the upper limit of deterrence, that is, the force value.

The rule of this world is basically for those ordinary people, and the basic ones with force value are formed into family forces, a bit similar to the scholars and doctors in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

The state supports the princes, the princes support the ministers, the ministers raise the scholars, and the scholars raise the guests.

The difference here is that the families with martial arts inheritance form a huge family force, and several family forces divide up a territory.

Further up, the greater family power controls the government of a country, so the royal power is just a joke here.

To be honest, Ao Long doesn't like this kind of atmosphere, there is no peace in such a world, everyone practices martial arts, and it is good to respect martial arts, but it is light to break the ban with martial arts.

Along the way, there are knives drawn everywhere, and arms and legs are often missing.

There have already been five waves of people who have seen the gorgeousness of the white dragon fish suit on Ao Long's body, but the thin skin and tender flesh seem to have no deterrent power, and they have been dealt with by him.

Out of his little world, a little inquiry can tell where this is.

Fortunately, he seemed to go directly to a small town, found an inn, and looked at the place where he was wearing ancient clothes and finally had a little Chinese style, Ao Long's heart was a little happy.

"Guest, what to eat? Sharpen or stay in the hotel? "

A young man who was short in stature and only thirteen or fourteen years old lowered his head and asked with a flattering face.

"Just come and order your signature dishes here, and find a clever person to introduce me to the customs and customs here, young master, I will travel and increase my knowledge everywhere, just to understand the customs of the treasure land."

Ao Long took out his hundred-fold fan, ready to inquire where he was first, so that he could make plans for the next step.

"Haole, this guest officer, come to the fire cow to run to the moon, a spicy head of the star rabbit, a pot of braised Luan chicken, a pot of good green seedlings, and the other kid is a know-it-all in this town, he has been walking the streets and alleys since he was a child, and he knows everything big and small."

Xiao Er asked Ao Long's opinion, but there was no doubt that the outstretched hands were to pay first.

I didn't know what the hard currency of this world was, so Ao Long took out three golden beans directly from his arms and threw them to Xiao Er.

"You see if this will work, one of them will be considered a bounty for you!!"

Fortunately, for ordinary people, gold is still hard currency, Xiao Er received the reward, the smile on his face became more sincere, and he hurriedly placed an order for Ao Long, and continued to introduce to Ao Long.

"This young master, the local area is Qingyang Town, Tiandu County, Yan Dynasty, and there are three major forces in the town, namely the foreign Crazy Sword Martial Arts Hall, the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce that operates all kinds of treasures, and the City Lord's Mansion that maintains order."

"Qingyang Town, Tiandu County, Yan Dynasty? Such a familiar place, it seems that where have you heard of it, is there the Lin family here? "

Ao Long thought of a novel he had read before, it wouldn't be such a coincidence.

"Guest officer, you are right, there is also a foreign Lin family, and it is not easy to say this Lin family. The head of the family, Lin Zhentian, is a Tian Yuan master, and his son Lin Zhen is the second Tian Yuan master in the Lin family besides Lin Zhentian. Because he participated in the Lin family competition, he was seriously injured by Lin Langtian, and his level also retreated from the Tianyuan Realm to the Diyuan Realm. "

Xiao Er saw that Ao Long seemed to be more interested in the Lin family, and immediately focused on introducing the Lin family.

"Sounds right, it seems that this is the world of martial arts, and it seems that the plot of this Lin family has not yet unfolded, which just gives me the opportunity to do things."

Ao Long secretly pondered in his heart, you must know that the Lord of Luck in this world, the forest land, has finally mastered this entire plane, this is a huge dimensional resource, if Ao Long can obtain it, it will be worth the trip.

I think that at the beginning, the Fu Ancestor and the Alien Demon Emperor of this world had a big battle in order to get the first plane fetus on the list of gods, and in the end they didn't succeed.

And later, the protagonist started his legendary life because he got the ancestral stone that was second on the list of artifacts in this town, and if Ao Long went to cut off the beard, it would also mean that Lin Dong's fate would die.

It's not that he doesn't like the protagonist, but what Ao Long has to do is to strengthen himself first, rather than letting an uncontrolled strong compete with him for resources, it is better to control this strong man in his own hands.

The so-called son of luck is just seizing every opportunity to strengthen himself and continue to rise, and now, this opportunity is Ao Long's.

Although he will not follow the route taken by Lin Dong, the control of resources can ensure the implementation of his plan.

"Xiao Er, book me a room, this is the room fee, the time is set first, not enough for me to add it when the time comes!!"

took out a big ingot from his arms, and Ao Long lived in a window-side upper room in Xiao Er's flattering service, which was still a private room, and by the window, he could see the mountains behind Qingyang Town.

Night soon fell, and a treasure appeared in Ao Long's hand again.

"The causal compass, it's been a long time since I've been useful, but I didn't expect my own causal line to be so abundant, promoting him to advance to become a top-grade magic weapon!!"

Looking at the causal compass in his hand, you must know that when Ao Long began to refine, it was just a magic weapon, but the embryo was good, but fortunately, this kind of growth-type treasure absorbed the cause and effect line on Ao Long's body and grew and improved by itself.

Ao Long can see with the naked eye that there is a thick causal line on the compass that is digested and absorbed by the compass, and when he looks closely, it is actually Iluvita who is still cursing loudly in another world.

It was the causal compass that cut off the cause and effect between them, making it impossible for Iluvita to chase them down based on the causal connection between the two.

"Good baby, it's a good baby who kills people and sets fires, destroys corpses!!"

Ao Long found himself unintentional, refining a good thing to clean his tail.

Following the guidance of the causal compass, Ao Long directly found the strange cave in the original book, but he didn't expect that there was really a strange stone spring here.

The cave is extremely hidden, and the surrounding boulders are hidden from it, so it is impossible to detect it unless you deliberately search for it.

In the crack at the top of the cave, there is a stone that seems to be the size of two fingers, the stone is only the size of two fingers, it is a faint gray color, Ao Long took it down, pinched it but has a strange soft feeling, that kind of touch, it should not be stone, but it is not like jade, let alone wood.

"Yes, it is really full of spiritual power, and it can transform the heavens, good baby!"

Ao Long knew that this was the ancestral stone, left by the leader of the ancient war, 'Fu Zu', during the battle of heaven and earth, he was crowned three kings in a row, but in the end he was also severely injured and fell into a dormant state.

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