Thank you for the flower reward of Wolf Smoke, thank you for the flower reward and praise and encouragement at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and thank you for the flower reward and praise and encouragement of the people in the mirror!! I hope that all readers and bigwigs will continue to encourage and support!!

Without the opportunity in the original book, Lin Dong naturally did not have the ability to extract quenching fluid.

I don't know what he's doing here today, maybe he wants to touch the opportunity and see what the unexpected gains are.

After all, his talent is also okay, and he also has a father who loves him, the golden jade branches and red ginseng that Lin Xiao obtained, coupled with his own hard work, and now he also has the strength of the triple body realm.

Of course, this strength is still not enough in front of Ao Long.

"Qingtan, you wait for me here first, and I'll come when I go..."

Lin Dong's eyes swept around, reminded Qing Tan, and then turned around and ran into the crowd, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Qingtan was very well-behaved and ready to find a place to rest, but all of a sudden, the little face like a pink carving began to turn white, and a trace of cold air visible to the naked eye slowly seeped out of his body, so that the ground near him was full of fine ice chips.

"Oops... The cold is back in the air! "

Qingtan gritted her teeth lightly, her petite body kept trembling, and her little face was also surging with pain, and the cold quickly formed thin ice chips on her clothes.

This Lin Dong is also big-hearted, and he left a beautiful woman who may get sick at any time on the street, but he went to do other things.

This kind of cold attack is something that Qing Tan has often experienced since she was a child, every once in a while, there will be an extremely strong outbreak of yin and cold qi in her body, under that kind of cold air, her body will become extremely painful, for more than ten years, I don't know how much she has suffered because of this cold qi, but for this kind of cold qi, even Lin Dong's father Lin Xiao, there is no way.

He once tried in vain to use Yuan Force to forcibly expel him, but the final result was that he had to lie on the bed for half a month before he could remove that strange cold qi from his body.

Of course, these are trivial things for Ao Long, with his current realm, everything in heaven and earth is just energy, even if he can't resolve it, it can be exchanged for the system.

Ao Long knew that this was a problem with Qing Tan's physique, and it was the most cold demonic body, but in fact, it was just the accumulation of cold qi in the body, which belonged to a good seedling for cultivating the cold attribute, but it was limited by the vision of the martial arts world, and it was not well explored.

At this time, Qingtan was already in pain and couldn't stand steadily, and found a stone pier next to the street of the trading market to sit down, and her abnormal appearance quickly attracted the attention of the people around her, everyone felt the cold coming from her bones, and they also avoided it, pointing and pointing, but no one stepped forward to care.

"Brother Lin Dong, where are you..... Qingtan is so painful..... Brother Lin Dong...."

Qingshi Town is such a large place, and Lin Qingtan often goes out to purchase, so everyone has heard about her, and the repulsive gaze at this time made Qingtan's heart feel aggrieved and hesitant.

"Beauty, I can cure your disease."

Just when Qingtan was aggrieved, hesitant, and afraid, a warm voice entered her heart, making her feel the warmth of being cared for again.

I saw that it was a young man of Xun Shijia who was holding a white paper fan and wearing a white suit, the long hair on his head was pulled up with a jade crown, and the emerald jade Huang hung around his waist, with a height of about one meter eighty-five, and his handsome appearance was edged and cornered, and he seemed to look more attractive than her brother Lin Dong.

The most important thing is the smile on the corner of his mouth, which really makes people feel very secure, just like the spring and Xun wind, blowing through the green wheat field, a burst of ups and downs.

This is Ao Long's routine, he put away the paper fan, stretched out his hands that were as white as jade, and did not shy away from holding Qing Tan's hands, a force of the world turned into chaos and lost into Qing Tan's body, and soon the cold air in Qing Tan's body was suppressed, and Ao Long's power swam around Qing Tan's body.

The biting cold turned into smoke and evaporated from the shivering Qingtan, making the Qingtan, who was frozen by the cold air and almost confused, rise like a bun cage, and she gradually woke up.


Qingtan's comfortable little mouth opened, and the frost on her body quickly melted and evaporated, and she didn't need to feel this warm feeling for a long time, you must know that since she can remember, her cold physique makes her only feel warm on the outside even if she is roasting, but the body is cold as before.

This time, Ao Long's shot made her warm and comfortable all over her body, and when Ao Long's power brushed her body, from the top of the skull to other protruding ends, it was like nerve endings were being plucked, making her feel that she seemed to have nothing to hide in front of Ao Long.

The blue sandalwood with blushing cheeks, coupled with an uncontrollable soft moan just now, made the delicate her crimson all over, lowered her head, and said in a voice like a mosquito;

"Thank you Childe for coming to the rescue, Qingtan already feels much better...."

said that he wanted to withdraw his hands from Ao Long's hands without showing a trace, and Ao Long was naturally not the kind of person who was entangled, so he let go easily.

"No, your illness is not getting better, or if you continue to delay, you will definitely die in less than three years, this is the yin evil bead that I just extracted from your body, if you don't treat it, your future illness will definitely get worse and worse every time, until your body can't stand it, and it will freeze directly into ice, and the whole person will explode."

Ao Long's words were not alarmist, his investigation just now found that this Qingtan did have a special physique, just like a chemical factory that produces yin and evil qi.

If everyone's body is a factory, then Ao Long's factory has turned into the world and become the nutrients of his small world, and this Qingtan's body factory has produced a steady stream of yin and evil energy.

And eating, sleeping, and even breathing, all the things that can be converted into energy will be deeply processed by her physique, and become this extremely cold evil qi.

"Qingtan knows, but Qingtan is already very content, and he is very lucky to be able to live for so many years, since he was adopted by his father-in-law, he has worried them a lot, this is fate..."

After listening to Ao Long's diagnosis of her body, Qingtan's cheeks, which were originally red because of shyness, suddenly turned to a hundred, but then turned calm, this delicate girl seemed to be desperate, and she had already been mentally prepared for the future.

"Qingtan, your name is Qingtan, right? That's what I call you, I think you may have misunderstood, I just said that I can cure your disease, not only to alleviate it as just now, but even to cure it. "

Ao Long gently looked at the delicate woman in front of him who would rather die by herself than drag down her family, and there was a feeling of pity in the cuteness.

"Ahh You mean, you can cure my cold disease, forget it, the price of being able to cure this must be very high, thank you. "

Qingtan is not a fool, with the strength of the Lin family and Lin Xiao's favor for her, if there was a way, it would have been used a long time ago, why bother to delay it until today, so when Ao Long said that she could be cured, her first reaction was impossible, and her second reaction was that even if it was possible, it would not be an easy thing.

"No, sir, please save my sister, as long as you can save her, I am willing to repay you with a straw!!"

Just as Ao Long was about to speak, a young man in Tsing Yi appeared next to Qing Tan.


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