"Really? Am I really pretty? "

Looking at the sister paper with eyes narrowed into a slit, Ao Long had to sigh, this sister paper used to like others to praise her for her beauty.

"That's right, you're in charge of my daily life during this time, po!!"

shamelessly took advantage of it, and overbearingly let the little girl be responsible for her own life.

"Okay, don't panic, the pirates have been exterminated by me, so if you know how to cook, go get something to eat for everyone. Sister, what's your name? "

"Ahh I... My name is Monet!! "

"Oh, Monet, take care of everyone, I'll look elsewhere."

Ao Long, who didn't realize who Monet was, directly assigned her a task, and he went to the captain's room, because Ao Long knew that according to the practice of the One Piece world, the most precious things were often in the captain's room.

"Wow, what is this? What did I find... A Devil Fruit, it seems that luck is really good. system, please help identify what kind of Devil Fruit this is. "

"Host, this is a natural snow fruit, belonging to the branch of the law of water."

"Snow Snow Fruit, isn't this the fruit of Doflamingo's secretary in the original book? What's the name of that transformed beauty... Hey, no matter, let's put it away first. "

"Ahh It hurts... That guy is amazing!! "

"What just happened, how did I faint..."

"By the way, Captain Bron told us to catch that intruder..."

"Captain Brang... Yes!!! What about Captain Bulang? The captain is gone..."

At this time, the ordinary crew members of the Blood Leopard Pirates who were stunned by Ao Long's dragon power finally woke up, only to find that their captain and cadres were gone.

"Ah!! Could it be that the captain ... By... Killed..."

"How is it possible, bastard, Captain Bron is so powerful, how can he be defeated, you must know that our Blood Leopard Pirates have never been afraid of anyone..."

The crew looked around blankly, feeling very dazed by the situation in front of them.

"Let's go to the cabin and see if the captain is there..."

The group wanted to squeeze into the cabin, and Ao Long, who just came out of the captain's room, naturally wouldn't let these vicious pirates disturb the slaves who had managed to overcome their fears.

"I hate human traffickers the most, since you are so loyal to your captain, go down and accompany him!!"

The green sparrow sword was drawn and directly cut off the heads of several pirates who were shouting very powerfully.

"Benefactor, it seems that there is not enough food on this boat, let me ask you if there is anything you can do?"

At this time, Monet, the Snow Maiden, came from the kitchen and asked Ao Long for instructions, it seems that those slaves want to hold a banquet to celebrate their liberation.

"I still have some food here, let's use it first."

With a wave of his hand, Ao Long took out a lot of food from the Dragon Ball Cave Heaven, which was enough for this group of people to hold a banquet.

"Hey, your captains and cadres have been killed by me, do you want to resist?"

"What? The captain was killed, so... Doesn't that mean he's better than the captain!! "

"With such a big man, do we still have the ability to resist?"

"Whoa... Ping Pong..."

I saw that all the weapons of the ordinary pirates on the deck fell to the ground, and without those few radicals and diehards, the remaining pirates lost the will to resist and surrendered directly.

"Well, it seems that you still have a good eye, so from now on, this pirate ship will be taken over by me."

Ao Long saw that the nearly 100 little pirates were very obedient and softened, and he didn't bother to kill again, although he hated human traffickers, but since the first evil has been punished, the accomplice can still be tolerated.

"Hey, do you want to be a pirate? Took over this pirate ship!! Didn't you say you're not a pirate!! "

Monet seemed to have an extremely bad impression of the pirates, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he directly questioned him, and his fifteen-year-old body seemed to be filled with a power called courage.

"Brave beauty, are you questioning my decision? However, when did I say I was going to be a pirate? "

Ao Long looked at Monet, who had begun to take shape, and remembered a good poem. With a gentle smile at Monet, with a flash, the Green Sparrow Sword directly cut off the pirate flag of the Blood Leopard Pirates hanging on the mast.

"Hmph, even if you compliment me on my beauty, I won't like a pirate. Yes! Even if you cut down the pirate flag, you can't do it!! Hum!! "

Turning around and going back to the kitchen, does the brisk pace than just now indicate that the mood has improved? Did you think that Ao Long didn't want to be a pirate because of her?

"Hey, you guys!! Hurry up and help!! Part cleaning, part preparing for a banquet, celebrating... Forehead... Celebrate the fall of the Blood Panther Pirates!! "

The evil Ao Long killed other people's pirates, adopted other people's crews, and let the crew celebrate the destruction of the original pirates, but the Blood Leopard Pirates are a thing of the past, and the rest of the crew is still very cooperative. In particular, the cadres of the Blood Leopard Pirates were very brutal, and the life of the lower-level crew was not good, and when they heard that they could have a banquet, they immediately regained their energy.

"Sure enough, in the One Piece world, it's the easiest way to buy people's hearts with food."

Ao Long, who was leaning on the mast, sighed that this world seems to be full of famine, especially in the new world, and there are giant pirates who specialize in stealing food, it seems that this may also be a reason for the breeding of pirates.

"Hey, Becky, how's the situation in the West Sea? By the way, is there any news from Robin? "

"My lord, the current situation in the West Sea is very stable, our sphere of influence is slowly expanding, according to your request, those countries that are benevolent and love the people have not moved for the time being, and the islands with world nobles have not taken the initiative to provoke wars. The islands ruled by us have quickly restored their livelihood and stability under the unified administration of the law, and now your reputation in the Great West Sea has begun to be accepted by the people. As for Robin, there is no news of her yet. "

"Okay, I know, about the governance of the West Sea according to the law, you don't have to worry about it, we can select political talents to be responsible, and continue to select outstanding talents in these countries, and try to realize the governance of the islanders by the islanders. Robin's business, you guys stay tuned. Your Pingxi Army is the stable armed force guarantee of the West Sea, and you must strengthen training and enhance your strength!! "

"Yes, my lord."

The Spark Project in the West Sea has been in full swing, and there has been a lot of movement, but it has not attracted the attention of the world government, and Ao Long has gradually expanded its territory, gathered people's hearts, and transmitted ideas in this situation.

Four Seasons Island is his starting point, and it is also the place where the seeds of his ideas are cultivated, and the West Sea is the place where his ideas take root and sprout, and when this kind of thinking grows up healthily, it is not something that the world government can extinguish if it wants to.

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