Thank you for the monthly pass reward and flower reward of the purple eye black knife, thank you for the flower reward of Dongfang without regrets, and thank you for the flower reward and monthly pass reward of 1jq**!!

"Young Master, what's that iron lump behind you? Why is it so ugly?! "

Just when Lin Dong was splashing, Qingtan and Xuansu came with their arms, Qingtan saw Ao Ban behind Ao Long, frowned, and asked.

Obviously, she was shocked by Ao Ban's ugliness, and Ao Long's heart was broken and she refused to answer, but he couldn't see that those two girls had a lot to do with Ao Long~ who had been cultivating the Great Dao of Yin and Yang Harmony in front of him.

"That must be a talisman.... But it doesn't feel like it, it looks weird... But sir, this is—it's ugly..."

No matter what Xuan Su said, she also made a name for herself in the auction house, and she had seen such a thing as a puppet, but the one in front of her seemed a little special.

"Ahem.... Below is the young master's refiner, Ao Ban, who has seen two young grandmothers...."

Fu Ao Ban introduced himself very discerningly, and as soon as his young grandmother spoke, the two girls looked at him with a lot of pleasing eyes, and immediately changed their words and said:

"Oh, so you're a refiner, no wonder you look so steely, not bad!!"

Qingtan blushed when he said this, but it doesn't matter, who let Ao Ban call the two of them young grandmother just now Ao Long didn't object, at this moment the second daughter looked at Ao Long in her eyes, delicate.

"You're the master's refiner? That is to say, you can refine treasures, do you have a stack of magic weapons for me? "

As soon as Lin Dong heard that Ao Ban was actually a magic weapon manufacturer, he immediately licked his face and came over to ask for a magic weapon, and sometimes even Ao Long wondered if he had crossed over, why he was so obsessed with magic weapons.

"Ahem.... Since you are the apprentice of the young master, I don't have a magic weapon here, but there is a high-level combat technique, called the Halberd Method, teach it to you!! "

After all, Ao Ban used to be a Nirvana Realm level powerhouse, and he was still very good at one or two exercises.

"Hey, hey.... Thank you, Master Aoban...."

"Okay, since you like magic weapons so much, I still have a few magic weapons here to give you together!"

At this time, Ao Long, who had not spoken all this time, opened his mouth and looked at Lin Dong solemnly.

"Master, if you give a treasure, you will give a treasure, don't look at the apprentice like this, I'm so panicked..."

Seemingly uncomfortable being stared at by Ao Long, Lin Dong couldn't help but twist his body, as if he had crawled into a small bug.

"In my door, dividing treasure means one thing, that is, to become a teacher, rely on your own strength in the future, travel to the mainland, seek opportunities, and look up to my prestige!!"

Ao Long was like a master of the fairy wind at this time, telling Lin Dong that he needed to pay attention to the tigers under the mountain after going down the mountain...

"No.... Master, the apprentice is still shallow and ruthless, where can something happen, master, why don't you let me continue to practice by your side, I will have those magic weapons!! "

Looking at Lin Dong with an innocent face, Ao knew that it was because of his protection that Dong had lost a lot of ups and downs and tempering.

"Needless to say, it's not that after you leave the teacher, I won't care about you. This is the Tianlin Ancient Halberd, which can be regarded as making up for the lack of your attack, this is the Broken Yuan Shuttle, which can help you rush or escape, and these are two intermediate talisman puppets, and now I will give it to you!! "

I saw Ao Long take it out casually, and one appeared in his pocket, as well as two extremely ugly ghost-like talismans.

Lin Dong, who knew that Ao Long's mind had been decided, could only take this energetic treasure, at first glance, it was an extraordinary thing, and when there was no urging, it already had such power, and it was okay to use, Lin Dong was sure that the aura emitted by these two things could not be compared to Wang Yan's spear and Qin Shi's feather fan.

Finally, Lin Dong looked at the two gatekeeper-looking puppets and whispered:

"Master, the treasure you gave me will be accepted by the apprentice, but forget about these two talismans.... It looks too ugly, and the temperament of the apprentice is too different. "

Ao Ban on the side was about to hide his face and cry, what kind of sin did he do, so that his products were repeatedly disliked.

"In this way, since you don't want this kind of talisman that is equivalent to the level of the Creation Formation Realm of the Three Realms of Creation, I'll give it to someone else. Also, Ao Ban, you will refine the talisman puppet in the future, please ask Qingtan or Xuansu for advice, it is best to make a design drawing first, don't make such an ugly thing again...."

"Yes, young master..."

Xuan Su looked at Ao Ban thoughtfully, it was obvious that this Ao Ban was only created after Ao Long went to the ancient tomb, and these two little ghosts looked at the tomb, it seems that the identity of this Ao Ban must have something to do with the owner of the tomb.

··· Asking for flowers...

"Don't, master, I want, I want!!"

As soon as Lin Dong heard that these two talisman puppets had the strength of the formation level, he immediately changed his mouth, you must know that these are two enshrinement-level bodyguards, the key is that they are just talisman puppets, they are not afraid of death, and sometimes they can play a stronger role.

It was not early, it was already gradually darkening, Ao Long looked at Lin Dong and said:

"You don't have to come over tomorrow, our master and apprentice are goodbye, you can go to the mainland during this time, with your strength, as long as you don't meet those so-called super sect people, it is enough to protect yourself."

"Ah, master, you're leaving tomorrow? Where are you going? Can I follow you in the trial? "

"Idiot, the chick will eventually have to spread its wings and soar alone, and if you want to become a truly powerful man, you need to face the wind and rain alone."

After speaking, Ao Long patted Lin Dong's shoulder, turned around and went back to the house, and his figure looked a little lonely in the afterglow of the sunset.

"You say, the master won't be really afraid of the four major families, so he ran away in advance, right?"

Just when the two daughters were still thinking about tomorrow's trip, whether Ao Long would carry them, Lin Dong's voice sounded faintly.


"Oh, Qingtan, why are you knocking on my head again, I'm your brother!!"

"Hmph, I'm still your teacher!! Let me talk nonsense, the young master is the most powerful person in the world, how can he see it in his eyes from the four major families!! Between the bullets, you can annihilate as much as you can!! "

Looking at Qingtan's appearance as a little fan girl, Lin Dong suddenly found that he couldn't find the language to refute, and the most embarrassing day finally came, a good sister became a teacher, and his eldest brother didn't do it, but he became a little apprentice who was bullied.....

At night, after dusk, in Ao Long's room, the second daughter was about to stage a crying and hanging.

"Young Master... You can't leave Qingtan alone when you go out this time..."

"You two pack up and join me on the road tomorrow!"

Before the strength of the long-time accumulation was brought into play, Ao Long's voice sounded faintly, making Qingtan's voice that was still pretending to cry suddenly freeze.

"Uh... Uh...."

"Okay, why don't you go soon!"

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