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Deep black clouds suspended in the air, like the terrifying black hole nebula, devouring the surrounding Yuan Force and light. The mysterious light in the black clouds swept through, seemingly expounding the wonderful principles of heaven and earth, but if you look at it for a long time, you will find that the spirit seems to be swallowed up.

Ao Long's eyes stared at the black light cluster with extremely hot eyes, and slowly stretched out his palm, this is an innate spirit rune that contains the origin rules of heaven and earth, which is equivalent to the answer to deciphering the way of the world.

The ancient rune, quietly suspended in front of Ao Long, the volume of this rune is not large, only the size of a football, and like a dancing flag, it trembles with the tumbling of the yuan force, and the light of the rune continues to flow and change, but no matter how this rune changes, its shape, sometimes turns into a kunpeng, sometimes into a black hole, a powerful devouring force, constantly spreading, and the entire void is fluctuating with this mysterious rhythm.

This is a black hole, a talisman of heaven and earth condensed from a black hole!

Just when Ao Long took him into his hand, he saw that on the stone pillar that was originally an ancient well without waves, the light waves rippled, forming a black whirlpool, in the center of the whirlpool, there seemed to be an endless wasteland, in the center of the wasteland, there was a huge black stone pillar standing, at the top of the stone pillar, there seemed to be a figure sitting on the top of the stone pillar.

It was a white-haired old man in a black robe, with white hair in a black robe and a hint of mystery.

The originally closed eyes seemed to be awakened by Ao Long taking away the ancestral talisman, and it seemed that he felt something, the ancestral talisman had met the non-heavenly lord, and the trajectory of fate seemed to have deviated, which was not something he could tolerate.

The old man's eyes, there were no whites, there was just a deep darkness like a black hole, a pair of black pupils, as if even the light between heaven and earth was forcibly swallowed in, staring closely at the Ao Long on the altar.

"What a thief, he actually dares to covet the supreme treasure of my sect!! Give me death!! "

Looking at the majesty of this old man, he should also have the level of an earth immortal, but it is a pity that there is only one remnant soul left now, and the volley turned into a large black handprint, full of devouring power, and directly hunted and killed Ao Long, it is obvious that his moves contain the way of devouring, and it should be the previous master of this devouring ancestral talisman.

"Hehe, it's just a remnant soul, even if you're alive, I'm not afraid of it, let alone just a dead one!! The flying dragon of the cloud dragon is in the sky!! "

Ao Long sat on the Lei Yuan Crystal Beast, didn't move, and also stretched out his crystal jade palm, volleyed into the air, turned into a bronze fist, turned into a bronze dragon and strangled against the black palm.

"Hehe, even if the old man has fallen for tens of thousands of years, it is not something that you and other juniors can humiliate!! The Devouring Ancestral Talisman is not something you can covet, hurry up and return it to the old man!! "

Indeed, this old man was also the overlord of a heaven and earth back then, although he had been dead for a long time, but his power was undiminished, and this chapter seemed to contain a world and a world, and he was ruthlessly enveloped by Ao Long.

It's a pity that even the surrounding light was swallowed by his giant palm, but the bronze dragon that Ao Long's punch turned into was like an electric light poisonous dragon diamond, stirring the black fiercely, and finally broke away directly, and the attack of the old man with black pupils was broken.

"How? Old guy, do you still want to rely on old age? Obediently hand over the secret of this great wilderness monument, I can spare your life!! "

Ao Long's heart is actually in a groove, people don't have a fate, Lin Dong can get guidance here, but he is embarrassed to come here, and he still has to kill him. Fortunately, his own strength is not bad, and he is not at the mercy of others, and since he has torn his face, Ao Long will naturally not be polite to the old man with black pupils.

"Hmph, do you think you can do whatever you want if you break my offensive? Tell you, even if you take him, you will never be able to refine him!! Before the old man fell, he had set up a seal in the Devouring Ancestral Talisman, if this seal was not broken, no one would ever be able to refine it!! "

"So you mean it's useless for me to hold this Devouring Ancestral Talisman? Should he be returned to you? "

Ao Long shook the palm-sized Devouring Ancestral Talisman in his hand, and looked at the black-eyed old man who seemed to hold Ao Long's handle with a smile.

"Hmph, things that don't belong to you, even if you grab them, you can't get out of this space, don't force the old man to do it!!"

In fact, the old man with black eyes was still shocked in his heart at the moment, although he was not a man of destiny, but he couldn't see through this strength, you must know that even if it had fallen, his vision still existed.

"Really? That's the seal you're talking about, right!? It's a pity, it's still too fragile to work for me! "

Without taking the old man's words to heart at all, Ao Long directly picked up the Devouring Ancestral Rune, and pinched it gently, like the sound of a bubble breaking, a black rune the size of a palm lay quietly on his hand.

"Damn, who are you? Are you one of the Demon Emperor's men? Today, even if the old man fights and his soul is scattered, he will leave you here!! "

Seeing this scene, the old man with black eyes seemed to have seen an incredible scene, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he thought that he had mastered the truth, so he directly rose from the ground and turned into a black dragon soul in the air. The scales and armor on the black dragon soul were neatly arranged, and the mighty appearance and dragon power emanated, making the Thunder Source Crystal Beast that Ao Long sat down with deep unease.

"Oh, I didn't expect it, it's still a black dragon to get the way, but unfortunately only the dragon soul exists, but it's the same taste as me!!"

You must know that Ao Long's bloodline promotion is to need the resources of these dragon clans, although he is now also a yellow dragon, but he is not a pure dragon clan, to be precise, he is a person, turned into a fish, step by step to today, so the feelings for these water tribes are not as deep as the feelings for the human race.

"Boy, today I will let you see what is called supreme power, leave the Devouring Ancestral Talisman, and the old man can also give you a chance to kill yourself."

I saw the black dragon soul turned into the old man with black eyes rise into the air, and he didn't give up the last effort, after all, he is just a remnant soul now, he can survive for some more years without doing anything, and even if he leaves Ao Long, the chance of his own fall is also very great.

"Hehe, it's just a remnant soul, do you think only you can transform?"

Then Ao Long patted the head of the Thunder Source Crystal Beast and told him to guard the entrance, preventing other people from entering the bottom of this lair, and also preventing the old man with black eyes from escaping later.

Ao Long transformed into a yellow dragon, which seemed to be able to tear through the void between its teeth and claws, and its horns pierced the sky, and its long dragon whiskers swayed in the wind.

"What!? You're a Dragon!? As a dragon clan, I don't take it as my responsibility to protect the heavens and the earth, but instead take refuge in the devil, today I not only have to recapture the ancestral talisman, but also clean up the portal!! "

The size of the black dragon soul looks a little bigger than Ao Long, and after seeing Ao Long turn into a dragon, he roared even more tyrannyly, and grabbed Ao Long's seven inches without hesitation!!

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