Thank you for the flower reward from the person in the mirror, and thank you for the flower reward of the immortal!!

The seven houses of the Oriental Qinglong are: Jiao, Kang, Di (D), Fang, Heart, Tail, and Kei (J). The seven stars lined up in a mysterious formation, like a huge divine dragon flying in the vast night sky.

Among them, Jiaosu: belongs to the wood, which is Jiao. It is the head of the Seven Houses in the East, and there are two stars like the two horns of the dragon. The dragon's horn is the first rush of the fight, so it is fierce.

Kangsu: It belongs to gold, and it is a dragon. It is the second night in the East, and it is the neck of the dragon. The dragon's neck, guarded by the dragon's horns, drives the whole body, so there is a lot of luck.

氐宿: It belongs to the soil and is a raccoon dog (i.e. a dog badger).

Accommodation: for the day, for the rabbit. It is the fourth house in the east, and it is the belly room of the dragon, and the ancients also called it "Tiansi", and take the dragon as the heavenly horse and the house has the meaning of four stars. The belly of the dragon, where the five internal organs are, where all things are digested, is fierce.

Antares: For the moon, for the fox. It is the fifth night in the east, and it is the waist of the dragon. The heart is fire, and it is often used in conjunction with the house to discuss "the central government dominates the four directions". The dragon's waist, where the kidneys are located, the source of metabolism, cannot be taken lightly, so it is fierce.

Ojuku: Fire, for the tiger. It is the sixth Nakshatra in the East, and the nine stars of the tail form the tail of the dragon. The dragon's tail is the most vulnerable part of the fight, so it is more ferocious.

Minojuku: It belongs to the water and is a leopard. It is the last night in the East, a whirlwind caused by the swing of the dragon's tail. Therefore, the good wind in Keijuku, once it is particularly bright, it is an omen of the wind, so it also represents the character who is good at teasing right and wrong, and the image of the main tongue, so it is more fierce.

Therefore, the stars in the four elephants and twenty-eight constellations are: Jiaomu Jiao, Kang Jin Dragon, Di Tu Raccoon Dog, Fang Ri Rabbit, Heart Moon Fox, Tailed Fire Tiger, and Kei Water Leopard.

After solving Shi Xiu, everyone took a little rest, especially the injuries of Lin Dong and Qingtan were treated, as for Ao Ban's Tiegada, after eating the trident, his spirit was refreshed, and his strength seemed to be further advanced, and when he finished digesting it, it should be at least the Five Yuan Nirvana Realm.

"Young master, this time Lin Dong met a mysterious person named Qing Pheasant in this hall, it seems to be a green dragon that survived in ancient times, and he also passed it on to Lin Dong!"

Qingtan took Ao Long's arm and told him the story of what happened during this time very affectionately, although Ma Xiaoyun next to him didn't talk much, she looked like a very arrogant huntress, but Qingtan, who was familiar with Ao Long, still felt the gaze of Ao Long from her body from time to time.

A woman's sixth sense is very accurate, so she is busy swearing sovereignty as soon as she gets better.

"That's right, we have also obtained one of the most precious inheritances in the Tiangang Alliance this time, and it is not worth the trip!!"

Lin Dong also said happily, who knew that Ao Long just glanced at him coldly.

"Look at your happy look, if you honestly practice the "Northern Spiritual Skill" that I passed on to you to the depths, don't talk about the inheritance of the pheasant, even if he himself is not necessarily your opponent, he is not good at learning, what is the use of so many inheritances!! I've been in a cloud and dragon nine appearances so far, and I'm not the same as the Quartet!! "

For Lin Dong, Ao Long doesn't know if his personality has also changed after intercepting his opportunity, resulting in although his cultivation is higher than in the original book, his temperament is not as good, so Ao Long is a little angry.

"Uh... Master, I...."

Lin Dong looked ashamed, and he was silent, in fact, Ao Long taught him the "Secret of the Underworld" is indeed profound, but that requires continuous comprehension of the way of devouring, and the difference with the martial arts world is that it needs to be enlightened, otherwise there will be a bottleneck, and the exercises taught by the pheasant can exert incomparable power as long as the yuan force arrives, so he was still very happy when he first got this inheritance.

"Okay, I didn't say anything about you, it is said that with your strength, it is not bad now, but your enemies will never be strict with you, so be more careful in the future!"

Seeing Lin Dong's humble and teachable appearance, Ao Long didn't continue to say more.

"Sir, according to what Qingtan said, there is a green dragon that is more than 10,000 years old entrenched in this Green Dragon Palace, and it seems that he is also looking for something? Will our secret treasure be the first to be accessed? "

Xuan Su asked with a worried face, after all, she knew that Ao Long's trip was not just for Qingtan and them to relieve the danger.

"What treasure? We've swept it all aside, so there's probably nothing missing, right? "

Qing Tan asked with a cute face, you must know that they have never robbed the trio during this time.

"Really? You've all swept it clean, so how did the hidden space under this hall come out? "

Ma Xiaoyun on the side interjected with disdain, she had already felt Qingtan's hostility towards her, although she disdained it, but she couldn't help but be annoyed in her heart, especially Ao Long's doting appearance towards Qingtan, which made her heart can't help but feel pantothenic.

"Okay, according to the information I got, in this Green Dragon Palace, the secret treasure should still be there, otherwise the green pheasant who got the secret treasure would not have left so easily!"

Ao Long knew that the biggest secret treasure of the Green Dragon Hall was the Green Dragon Ball, and the Green Dragon Ball could directly connect with the Oriental Stars and Space of the Ancient Battlefield.

"Look, there seems to be a road there, we haven't encountered it before, why don't we go and see it first!!"

Qing Tan pointed to the depths of the palace below, and there seemed to be a tunnel, all of which were cast in this bronze, and I don't know where it leads.

"Let's go, let's see!!"

Without hesitation, he turned forward, and everyone hurriedly followed.

It was pitch black along the way, but this was not enough for Ao Long, only to see him turn into a dragon and go straight forward, igniting all the bronze ancient lamps on the bronze walls on both sides.

Let's go... Let's go...

In the silent corridor, there were only the footsteps of a few people, and there was no danger. After walking for about ten minutes, a circular palace appeared in front of everyone's eyes, the overall layout of this palace is like a universe of heaven and earth, and in this universe, the stars are shining, arranged in a mysterious pattern, and there is a pedestal in the shape of an altar in the center.

The whole is nine stories high, and the four sides are some totem reliefs of dragons fighting and fighting, opening the world and stabilizing the world, and it is obvious that these are artificially arranged.

Above the altar is a square solid bronze pointed tablet that looks as if there is some secret hidden in it.

"That secret treasure must be in this bronze obelisk, let me smash him and take out the secret treasure that the young master wants!!"

Qingtan on the side took out his medicine pestle with great interest, and knocked on the bronze tablet like a baseball bat.



"Be careful!!

There was a sound of golden fire colliding, the pointed obeli was not knocked open, and the green sandalwood was ejected by the huge anti-shock force.

In the exclamation of everyone, Ao Long flew forward in time to catch her, and Qingtan, who was still panicked, was happily hugging Ao Long's neck directly at the moment, and seemed unwilling to get off him.

"Shameless!! Shameless!! "

Ma Xiaoyun saw this scene and secretly spat in her heart.

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