"Robin, I can live in O'Hara now, would you like to move out with me?"

"Well, Robin is willing to move out and live with Brother Ao Long" I don't know what came to mind, little Robin whispered with a blushing face.

"Then tomorrow, let's go hunt for the treasure together, Robin, and in the future, let me raise you" Staring into each other's eyes, Ao Long promised.

"Thank you, Brother Ao Long" moved Robin, who was crying, threw himself into Ao Long's arms, and years of loneliness were like finally finding a harbor to anchor.

After a night, the relationship between the two seems to be more intimate, little Robin gives Ao Long the feeling of dependence, and Ao Long gives Robin the feeling of security.

When he woke up early in the morning, Ao Long immediately felt a petite and soft body in his arms, and when he looked down, Robin was sleeping sweetly, which looked even more petite and cute from this angle. But why are the lovely eyelashes trembling slightly, it seems that little Robin already knows how to be shy.

Looking at this kawaii face, Ao Long lowered his head and slowly approached Robin's face, feeling that the fair cheeks seemed to be heating up rapidly, and slowly the white began to blush. As if aware of what was going to happen, little Robin's eyelashes fluttered more often.

"Let's go


kissed her on the lips, and from then on she was labeled as Ao Long.

"Get up, go, let's go find the treasure!"

The shy Robin couldn't pretend to be asleep anymore, and pushed Ao Long away and shouted loudly.

"You are my treasure, my treasure, see where you run" Ao Long laughed and chased after Robin, who ran away laughing.

A new day will begin again.

The treasure in One Piece is not so easy to find, not to mention that the pirates full of the sea are like locusts crossing the border, looking for the so-called treasures everywhere, that is, the bandits that exist all over the world, and they are even more plucked.

So other industries to get rich, it seems that Ao Long does not have the relevant conditions, whether it is the force value or the ability to start a business.

Then the rest of the direction can only be to find a "monopoly" industry, the bottom of the sea that others can't go to seems to be Aolong's unique resources, at least those shipwrecks can definitely find valuable things, and then pearls and so on. As for fish, there is no need to think about it, the cost performance is too low, and it can meet the food needs.

Then it's how to improve your strength, otherwise you can only look at Baoshan and can't get it. What's more, the two children who have no strength but have great wealth are not putting themselves in danger.

So the next steps should be, treasure hunting, improve strength, settle Robin, and continue to improve strength.

The two went to a deserted coast, and Ao Long pointed to Wang Yang's sea and said to Robin.

"Here, in the future, will be our back garden!"


Ao Long jumped into the water and turned into a prototype, his one-meter-long body swayed with the waves, and his mighty shape made Robin's eyes shine, is this what Ao Long's brother looks like after he advances? But what the hell is that laundry scattered on the ground...

"Robin, you wait for me on the shore".

"Well, Brother Ao Long be careful."

Ao Long remembered that there was a shipwreck in the nearby sea before, but the water was too deep to dive there before, so this time he happened to go there to collect treasure.

Soon, the light in the water began to dim, and Ao Long was getting farther and farther away from the sea level. Soon arrived near the wreck, but saw a giant octopus guarding the wreck.

After advancing, Ao Long's physical mass has been greatly enhanced, even if it is a sea king, he will dare to fight, not to mention that it is just an ordinary sea beast, don't think that if you are big, you can pretend to be 13.

Sneaking to the back of the octopus, Ao Long violently turned into the dragon's tail, like an offline speargun, rushing towards the octopus's brain, Ao Longguan This tactic is called decapitation tactic.

The giant octopus also spotted Ao Long, but he was confident in his own defense and didn't defend the little bug too much. Yes, in the eyes of a giant octopus that can wrap a sunken ship, the Ao Long of this matter is a worm, and he can't even raise the desire to slap.

If he had known that there was something called the undefeated embroidery needle of the East, perhaps he would not have been so careless, and it turned out that he was tragic.

The advanced Ao Long's mouth full of white teeth, although it can't compare to the hardness of diamonds, can also be called iron teeth and copper teeth. Just now, Ao Long exchanged his last 20 energy points for a diagram of the brain structure of an octopus, and he already knew where to insert it, which could go directly to the softest flower core, of course, the brain flower.

So, in the carelessness of the giant octopus, Ao Long is like a needle piercing the weak spot of the octopus's head. A few bites off the octopus's skin, and the fishtail took another slap and got in.

Although it is very disgusting, it is like eating pig brains, but it is really a great supplement for Ao Long, I saw that it was running a fish dragon change, and the flesh and blood of those octopuses were transformed into the purest energy as soon as they entered the mouth, and were absorbed by Ao Long's flesh. And Ao Long's body is also supplemented by a large amount of energy, and the eyes have grown, the teeth are sharper, the scale armor is more regular, and the bones are more dense.

At this time, the giant octopus finally woke up under the pain in the brain, and the bug just now didn't seem to be so simple. I saw it use its tentacles to pump it towards the place where Ao Long had burrowed, as if it wanted to swatt Ao Long to death like a fly.

It's a pity that it's doomed to be just useless.

"Roar! Roar!! Roar!!!! "

As the brain was gradually devoured by the dragon, the pain caused by it was intolerable to the giant octopus, and it began to roar and stir at the bottom of the sea.

The silt on the bottom of the sea was turned up, and the wreck began to dismember under the ravages of the octopus, and the Ao Long in the head was still desperately trying to absorb it, like a bloodsucking worm, parasitic in the octopus's brain, but this parasite is gradually becoming stronger, and the devouring ability is also increasing.

Finally, the zombies ate his brain. No, Ao Long ate the brain of the giant octopus, which is the most concentrated part of the octopus's whole body, which is rich in nutrients, and Ao Long also grew smoothly to three meters.

The giant octopus collapsed on the bottom of the sea like a piece of poop, and its angry eyes seemed to tell of unwillingness.

Ao Long in the octopus's head felt that the octopus had stopped struggling, and knew that the octopus should have hung up and drilled out.

Looking at the octopus in front of him and the shipwreck on the verge of shattering, Ao Long did not feel guilty, not to mention that he was a human in his previous life, it was normal to eat fish, even if this octopus was huge, but Ao Long knew that it had no wisdom, it was just a giant beast, and the abundant energy of the One Piece world made the beasts here become strong as long as they were not killed by natural enemies, and size was a manifestation of strength.

"System, exchange the giant octopus in front of you!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully exchanged for a giant octopus, and after extracting it from the system, you will get 8,000 level 1 energy points, and there are currently 8,000 level 1 energy points left."

Sure enough, because there are no brains, all octopuses have become less valuable, not to mention a 1% discount.

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