Thank you Sunday boy and flowers for the tip and praise encouragement, thank you for the flower tip and praise encouragement of the person in the mirror!!

Five days of Hu Tianhai made Ma Xiaoyun's slender legs and wild figure completely bloom.

Good times are always short-lived, and from the joy, she woke up, worried about the safety of the Royal Beast Sect, and finally prepared to let Ao Long set off.

After all, although the ancient battlefield is gone, the biggest secret of the Royal Beast Sect no longer exists, but their enemy, the Beast Control Sect, has always been there. What's more, this time to the ancient battlefield, the elites of the two sects can be said to be completely annihilated, more like a fuse.

The early morning sun shone on the top floor of the Wangjiang Pavilion, behind the white and curtains, was a wide stone couch, where Ao Long enjoyed four or five days of an emperor-like life, luxurious and corrupt, and did his best.

"Brother Long, when are we leaving?"

Ma Xiaoyun asked.

As a result, this absurdity ended, and it was not until the afternoon that I went out again.

After settling the account and going out, Ao Long took his two daughters and went straight to Xunyang Gudu, it is said that this Xunyang River stretches for 30,000 miles, passing through the border of the Dao domain and the border of the Sword Sect, and the Royal Beast Sect is in his upper reaches, so Ao Long is ready to carry the two beauties and travel all the way up.

Xunyang City is said to be a city that existed before the ancient war, when there was a strong human race powerhouse Yunyang whose strength was comparable to that of the Alien Demon King, who resisted the enemy thousands of miles away, so that this peace and tranquility were preserved. The people in the city now still retain some of the customs and ideas of thousands of years ago, and at that time, the alien demons had not yet invaded the Martial Arts Continent, and the anger was not as strong as it is now.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Just when the three of them were shopping around the small vendors and enjoying the peace and tranquility of this thousand-year-old ancient city, suddenly in front of the ancient city wall, a bell tower where people came and went and worshiped every day suddenly rang!

The alarm bell rang for a long time, and in an instant, the worshippers woke up one after another and ran in all directions.

"Oops!! The alarm bell wants to go through the sky!! Everyone, run away!! "

A terrible roar broke the silence of the ancient city, and everyone looked panicked as if the end of the world had come.

"Hey, big brother, can you tell me, what's so alarming?"

Thousands of years have passed, after all, there are still many non-locals in Xunyang City, and I saw a man with a weathered face who seemed to be burdened with heavy hatred but did not lose his mind, stopping a local who seemed to know the inside story.

The man was very unhappy to be stopped, but looking at the wound marks on the young man's face, he knew that this person in front of him was a ruthless character, and quickly explained:

"Look at the little brother, aren't you a native of Xunyang City? It is said that the old city lord, in order to protect Xunyang City, resisted the enemy thousands of miles away, but in the end he did not come back, but there was a general-level enemy who still broke through the defense line and killed Xunyang City. "

Ao Long knew that the general this person was talking about should be a demon general, which was equivalent to a powerhouse in the Wheel Realm, and in the current Eastern Xuan Domain, it was comparable to a party in charge

When the young man heard this, his brows were also tightened, and it seemed that he was also shallow.

"And then?"

"Later, it is said that the young city lord who stayed behind at that time made a move, but in the end, he still did not kill the other party, but sealed that powerful seal at the bottom of the Xunyang River in the same way!"

"So what does all this have to do with the bell ringing?"

The young man with the scar still didn't understand and asked.

"It is said that at that time, the young city lord practiced the middle exercise, called the "Immortal Golden Body", which is a kind of Dharma body condensed through the power of faith, and he can not return home, he left this bell tower, so that everyone can worship every day, if the bell rings one day, it is a failure to suppress the demon!!"

When the young man with the scar heard this, he fell into deep thought, and the passer-by saw that he was distracted, and immediately ran away when he got an opportunity.

Ao Long took the second daughter and looked at the person in front of him with interest, and from his breath, he could feel a trace of similarity with enlightenment.

According to his appearance and his suppressed hatred temperament, Ao Long remembered a person.

Without stepping forward to get acquainted, Ao Long had already found that the current city lord was rushing to the bank of the Xunyang River with a wave of masters, and took the second daughter's hand, and he also followed, to be honest, he was still a little interested in that "Immortal Golden Body", especially if he was able to seal a demon general in a small Cheng realm, such strength was not bad in the martial arts world.

Maybe this ancient city also has a different kind of secret?

rushed to the riverside, there are not many people here, and those who remain are either stunned people who are not afraid of death, or elites who are confident in their own strength.

The young man with the scar who asked for directions was in the middle of the crowd, staring at the river with a frown.


Suddenly, the Xunyang River flowing eastward seemed to have stopped at that moment, and then a powerful energy burst out, and next to the Xunyang Gudu, a huge whirlpool appeared, and the rolling black magic power sprayed out, and the entire whirlpool began to become black as ink.

From the middle of that whirlpool, an extremely evil force emanated, which seemed to have the effect of disturbing people's minds and stimulating violence, and Ao Long had already discovered that scarlet qi appeared in the eyes of many so-called masters.

It's not a fuel-efficient lamp, and it seems that the sealed demon down there really has some power left.

The whirlpool was getting bigger and bigger, the black and magic power were getting more and more majestic, and Ao Long could feel the manic scarlet aura in the air getting stronger and stronger.


Finally, someone couldn't help it, and a beam of blue and Yuan Force slammed into the center of the vortex like a thunderbolt from the Nine Heavens.

"Damn the devil, give me a death!"


The city lord is a middle-aged man with beautiful hair and beard, his handsome face is very temperamental, and his body is full of energy, but unfortunately it is only a Xuan Realm, of course, this strength is also an elder in religion, but it may not be enough in front of the demons.

It seems that they are worried that everyone's actions will promote the demon to break free quickly, and they want to stop it, but there is still no time.

The angry masters around him seemed to have received a signal to fire, and the rolling Yuan Force turned into colorful light, constantly bombarding the whirlpool.

And below the surface of the water, there was also a golden humanoid golden body, but unfortunately, below the chest of the golden body, it had become pitch black, as if it was entangled in magic, and it was barely suppressing a hole under him that was constantly bubbling black gas.


At this critical moment, the majestic Yuan Force beams fell from the sky, but unfortunately they did not bombard the rolling magic power, but smashed into the head of the golden body!!

This time, it is a perfect interpretation of what is called a pig teammate!!

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