"Is this the Red Earth? Tiger, I sense the expectation in your heart for the emancipation of slaves, if it were you, how would you do it? "

Looking at the 10,000-meter-high Red Clay Continent in front of him, this is the bottom of Mary Joy, who has never observed the Red Clay Continent so closely, Ao Long found that this is a very special soil quality, and the texture is hard and not inferior to metal.

"If it were me, I would have climbed to Maryjoy's bar with my bare hands, and then set fire to it everywhere, causing a riot, and freeing the slaves."

Fisher Tiger said his way, the red clay continent is too high, there is no grass, and you can only climb it with your bare hands, this is a steep cliff-like continent, like a red boulder inserted into the sea, facing the sea is not the beach, but the red soil that the sword cannot penetrate.

For this dream, Fisher Tiger has been training in climbing techniques for many years, for which he is also known as a great adventurer. But who can understand that the original intention of his adventure was only to be able to climb the Red Earth Continent and liberate those enslaved people.

"Young master, this red clay continent is so high, Mary Joya is on top of it, how can we get there?"

Monet's strength can't meet the needs of this emancipation of slaves, but Ao Long still brought her, under Ao Long's teaching, plus the double cultivation of the two, Monet's strength is now no problem against a colonel-level navy, and she can help create chaos when the time comes.

"You two don't resist, I'll take you to a place."

With a wave of his hand, the two of them were put into the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven, and Ao Long summoned his mount Hexue at the same time, and he didn't have to fly on his own, and he didn't have a brain.

"Where is this? Monesque Monet. "

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds in front of him, the beach island, although he didn't see the sun, but the light was still very sufficient, Fisher Tiger was surprised that he was still next to the red earth continent just now, and suddenly it was like coming to a tropical rainforest.

"This is a private world of the young master, oh, it's amazing, let's go, I'll take you to the camp over there."

Monet, who has been following Ao Long for a long time, naturally knows very well what kind of place this is, the original crew of the Canglong is here, Ao Long let them cultivate land and build villages here, on the contrary, there are currently two Fish-Man Islands the size of this world, and there is no problem with a simple life.

Outside at this time, Ao Long, who was riding the crane snow, quickly climbed the clouds, and along the cliffs of the Red Clay Continent, he had to sigh that Fisher Tiger was a character, so steep, so high on the Red Clay Continent, he actually climbed it with his bare hands, which was a feat that no one had completed in history.

Looking at the clouds below, looking at the red cliff above that could not be seen at the top, Ao Long never understood how Tiger took those slaves away even if this kind of place was up, you must know that there are masters stationed here, and it is also a lot of obstacles to cross out from the front.

After flying for a long time, he finally arrived at Mary Joya, looking at this city above the clouds, Ao Long felt that the world government would indeed pick a position. This is the highest peak in the world, and overlooking the entire One Piece world does have the illusion of controlling all beings, but it is a pity that it is destined to suffer a great change that has not been seen in 800 years.

Ao Long has found out that the family of Musgarud Saint among the Celestial Dragons likes to collect fish-man slaves the most, and it is said that many fish-men or mermaids have been purchased by this family and become slaves over the years, so Ao Long is ready to use this family to cut down.

Through the seventy-two changes, he transformed into the appearance of the native people, and found out the location of the castle where the holy of Musgarud was located, and Ao Long sneaked directly to it, and the first goal was to find the location where the slaves were held, and then free the slaves. Of course, the treasures and collections of the Tianlong people are also the goal of Ao Long's trip.

After entering the Holy House of Musgarud, he waved his hand to release Tiger and Monet, arranged for the two to search separately, and at the same time controlled the movement, and if they were found, they would contact them by phone.

After the three of them went their separate ways, they were each in charge of a piece, and sure enough, Ao Long's luck was not good, and when he didn't find anything, Tiger came with the news that he had found the place where the slaves were held, and Monet also sent news that she had found the treasure of the Holy House of Musgarud, and both of them were now hiding in the shadows, waiting for Ao Long's action. is worthy of the popularity in the original book, and it has gone a lot smoothly to liberate the slaves.

Ao Long first rushed to the place where Tiger found that the slaves were being held, only to see that it was a dark and damp room, which was like a cage for the slaves, and there were many people that Tiger knew.

"You're... Big Brother Fisher Tiger..."

"Brother Tiger, have you been caught in too... Abominable Draconians. "

Those who knew Tiger saw Tiger and a human enter the room, and were surprised that Fisher Tiger appeared here, this is the top of the Red Earth Continent, the center of the world government, Mary Joa, it is impossible to attack it, then it can only be captured as a slave.

"Drey, I wasn't arrested, it was our Majesty who brought me to save you."

When Tiger saw his friends suffering, he was even more angry with the Draconians, but he was also happy that they had been saved.

"Your Majesty? Isn't our Majesty the Grand Knight King of Neptune? "

"Alright, I don't have time to explain so much, so let's come with me first."

Time was pressing, and the Draconians could find out at any time, so Tiger directly broke the cage where the slaves were held and released all the slaves.

"Can you save us?"

At this time, a girl's voice came from the cage next to Ao Long, and Ao Long looked back and saw that it was three little girls about 16 years old, who spoke the most beautiful one, and there were two girls next to him who couldn't find their age.

"Okay, I'll let you out. Tiger, release all the slaves, let's make a big fuss today, and let the Draconians know that even if it's Mary Joa, they won't be safe. "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Ao Long directly released the three girls, and at the same time accelerated the pace of freeing the other slaves.

"Hello, my name is Boya Hancook, benefactor, what's your name? This is my sister Boya Sanda Sonia, Boya Marigorud. "

"Oh, hello, Hancock, my name is Ao Long. You can help everyone open the cage first, and then help everyone get out of here first. "

didn't directly receive everyone into the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven, the rescue that was too easy to obtain would never be cherished too much by them, and there were actually some powerful pirate captains among these slaves, who were not necessarily good people.

"Tiger, I'll go to Monet's side first, and I'll leave it to you. Once you've rescued everyone, set fire to them everywhere and create chaos. There is also the Holy Family of Rozwald, where many slaves are also imprisoned, so let's work together to escape. "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

In fact, if these rescued slaves work together, they can still rescue all the slaves without too much movement, and by then with some powerful former pirate captains among the slaves, some of them will definitely be able to escape.

However, Ao Long can foresee that there will be many unruly people who will dislike Tiger and even disobey orders after being released, and then it will be the time of the great chaos of Mary Joy, and the slaves who need to be rescued by Ao Long are those who obey his orders and reunite around Tiger.

Although it will seem a little cruel, but the waves are sweeping the sand, and it would be good for Ao Long to save them.

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