Marin Fando, the Navy Headquarters, the Sengoku of Buddha, Karp, and the Chief of Staff of Tsuru met together again.

"Who is broadcasting live to Mary Joya, this is a big problem, we must arrest that Ao Long!!"

"Warring States, I think it's better to notify the other two generals to hurry up and rescue the yellow ape, it seems that that Ao Long is not simple, in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, it is safer to send more people."

Chief of Staff Tsuru looked at the troubled Warring States and directly gave the most suitable suggestion for the present. Regarding the video, the three of them had ordered the signal source to be cut off, but it turned out that it was not transmitted by the signal channel on their side, and it could not be cut off at all.

"Karp, do you want to take a run?"

Warring States looked at his old friend, still eating fairy shells there, and didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

"Hey, hey, Warring States, I'm too lazy to move, isn't there those young people, just let them go" In fact, Karp expressed his dissatisfaction with slavery at the last meeting, how could he stop Ao Long from freeing those slaves.

"Moses Moses, is it a pheasant? I'm Sengoku! Where are you now? "

"Oh, Marshal Sengoku, is there anything wrong? I'm basking in the sun on the sea..."

Somewhere in the Great Passage, the pheasant used his power to condense an ice floe and placed a deck chair on it, on which he was sunbathing.

"Okay, pheasant, can you be positive, don't always run out to sleep on the balcony, now there is a task entrusted to you, a big incident has happened to Mary Joya, all those slaves of the Heavenly Dragons have been released, the world government has ordered the admiral of the Navy Headquarters to suppress it, the yellow ape has arrived, you should also rush over."

"An order from the world government? Well, marshal, I see. "

Over the years, Ao Long's declaration of the great harmony of the world is like a thorn in his heart, whenever he encounters a task that does not conform to his concept of justice, the thorn will shake and move, all these years he has been even more slack, and he will go to the sea to drift and bask in the sun and sleep when he has nothing to do.

And in a certain area of the New World, on the warship of Akainu, his subordinates are showing him the live broadcast in the Navigation Daily.

"Ao Long!! How dare you commit such a crime again!! Everyone obeyed the order and rushed to Mary Joy!! "

"But General, our mission is to go to BIGMOM to ask..."

"That one can't be in a hurry for a while, so let's help Yellow Ape solve this world's criminals first, his threat is far greater than that of BIGMOM."

"Ah, all right, the warship will immediately turn around and head for Mary Joy!"

In this way, a yellow ape who had already confronted Ao Long, a pheasant who received an order from the Warring States, and a red dog who made his own decisions, the three major admirals all came to Ao Long.

"How? Yellow Ape, the battle just now should have consumed a lot of your physical strength, are you sure you want to have a fight with me? "

Holding the Qingque Sword, Ao Long, who stood in front of the three sisters Monet and Boya, seemed to have the momentum of being a man and a man.

"Hehe, who knows if you don't fight, I've been praising your name all the time, but what is your strength, who knows, although I don't know how you became the king of Canghai Kingdom, but the sins you committed this time are worth your lifetime of squatting in the city."

"Then let the world see the true face of the navy, look behind me, there are princesses of human countries, noble ladies, and children of ordinary human beings, but there are more fish people and mermaid people, these are all captured as slaves by those so-called Tianlong people, today I Ao Long is here, I want to liberate them!!"

"Talking so much can't cover up your crime of disrupting Mary Joya and destroying the order of the world government, stay, light speed kick!!"

"Yellow Ape, you can't take me with such a move. Cloud Dragon Nine Appearances of the Fish Leaping Dragon Gate!! "

I saw that the yellow ape attacked Ao Long from different angles with a flash of light speed, and Ao Long's Fish Leaping Dragon Gate was a sword that went sideways, swimming around his body, and was always able to block the yellow ape's legs at the right time. Although it does not have the domineering of the armed color, the Blue Sparrow Sword covered by Ao Long's spiritual power can also cause damage to the elemental body.

Ao Long believes that people have three treasures, which are spirits and spirits, and the corresponding ones should be armed color domineering, overlord color domineering and seeing and hearing color domineering, which has been verified in the duel with the pheasant before. Sure enough, the green sparrow wrapped in spiritual power blocked the yellow ape's attack every time, making him unable to advance an inch.

Hundreds of attacks in a second quickly consumed the yellow ape's physical strength, of course, Ao Long's physical strength was also consumed, but he was the body of a dragon, and he was originally relying on spiritual power, not physical strength, not to mention that he still had a world to support.

"Look at it or use the ultimate, otherwise it will be a small matter if you can't take this guy, and it will be a big loss of face if you are defeated by him."

I secretly thought in my heart that after I was defeated by Ao Long's hand and spread all over the sea, my whole face became even more obscene.

"Yo yo yo, it seems that your strength should be no less than that of a general, and you are really a strong opponent! Sky Cloud Sword! "

Raise the strength of your opponent so that whether you are embarrassed or not, the yellow ape will not look too useless, will you.

"Then let you also take a look at my ultimate, the flying dragon of the nine appearances of the cloud dragon is in the sky!"

I saw that between the dancing of Ao Long's Qingque Sword, a storm of sword qi was formed, and the sword qi storm slowly condensed into a cyan wind blade dragon in the air, and the dragon horn dragon scales were composed of the sword qi released by the Qingque Sword, only to see this cyan sword blade dragon flying up into the sky, facing the yellow ape's Tiancong Cloud Sword, swallowing it in one gulp.

However, the attacks of the two of them were very strong, and the Tiancong Cloud Sword was not so easy to swallow, only to see that the size of the blade wind dragon that swallowed the Tiancong Cloud Sword seemed to be gradually shrinking, and it seemed that the Tiancong Cloud Sword consumed the blade from the dragon's belly.

"It seems that your Tiancong Cloud Sword has been blocked by me, then let's go on and see how many times this consumption can come."

"Yo yo yo, what a powerful little brother, it seems that I may have to make a mistake this time, so how about trying this trick, eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade!!"

"A wide-ranging attack? You may not know that there is also a thing in this world called the magic weapon of defense, the dragon flag! "

I saw that in the face of the yellow ape's large-scale light bomb attack, Ao Long took out the Canglong Banner from the Longzhu Cave Sky, and unfurled it in the wind, and the Canglong Banner quickly became larger, covering the top of Monet and the others, blocking all the light bullets.

"The glitter fruit is really powerful, and my sword moves don't seem to be able to deal with you, but how about using your own abilities against yourself?"

"Huh? It's blocked, what a powerful flag, what is this made of, it can actually become bigger in an instant! No, what's that? "

I saw that Ao Long below directly made seventy-two changes, turning himself into a huge concave mirror, standing diagonally on the square, only to see that after all the light-speed bullets entered the mirror, they converged together at the same speed, and then the same speed of light rebounded!! The target of the rebound is obviously the yellow ape in the sky!

I saw that all the flashbangs were collected and rebounded by the mirror, and then bombarded the yellow ape's body, and in an instant, it was like being counterattacked by his own attack, and the yellow ape's whole person scattered like fireworks in the giant light bomb.

At this time, the pheasant also happened to come over, looking at Ao Long, who had turned into a giant mirror, and the yellow ape who was scattered by his own attack, with a confused face!! Is that okay too? It becomes a mirror to bounce light... It turns out that you can still play like this.

In fact, of course, it is impossible for ordinary mirrors to play like this, and they have long been blasted by the speed of light, but the mirror that Ao Long has become naturally has his power, and it is not so easy to burst, and the light that cannot break the mirror naturally has to obey the laws of nature and refract and reflect light!

"Oops, it hurts, I was hit by my own attack, this is the first time... It's so much fun... Hey, pheasant, are you here to help me? Great, this guy is so tough! "

With a grin, the pheasant looked at Ao Long, who had changed back into a human form, and then looked at the yellow ape that had exerted too much physical strength, but was still obscene, and it was really impossible to express the shadow area in his heart.

Back then, Ao Long can now fight with the yellow ape to this extent, on the one hand, he is completely blind when he uses the mirror to reflect the flash fruit, and there is also this way to break the game.

What he didn't know was the change technique used by Ao Long, and the mirror conjured up had its own solid attributes, and at first glance, he thought that the weakness of the yellow ape was too obvious.

Of course, the yellow ape himself is also very confused now, that obscene face is finally not that light and breezy smile, he knows that he seems to have met a nemesis.

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