Under the leadership of Ao Long, the population of Canghai Kingdom has developed greatly, and many intelligent sea beasts have a certain degree of demon transformation tendency after obtaining the cultivation method, and the overall strength of the original people is also increasing rapidly.

On the windless belt from the New World to the West Sea, Prime Minister Gui Cheng arranged some shrimp soldiers and crab generals, which was regarded as opening up the underwater trade road, and many products of the West Sea were traded to the New World and Fish-Man Island through Capenbergi, and then many products from the bottom of the sea were also sold to the New World or the West Sea, and the construction of the entire trade chain promoted the economic improvement of the Canghai Kingdom.

The world government knew that the Canghai Kingdom was underwater, and it was too difficult to break through from the outside, so it actually thought of breaking it from the inside. In fact, the navy was originally going to design to kill Ao Long and his gang on the sea, but considering Ao Long's strength, they wanted him to lose his popularity and seize his foundation.

is worthy of being a five-old star who has been playing politics for hundreds of years, and by arranging CP0 to enter Fish-Man Island to win over and rebel, he happened to run into a fish-man careerist like Hody Jones, so he hit it off, and the best way to break into the enemy's interior is, of course, to cause chaos and blame Ao Long.

Originally, Hodi Jones wanted to provoke the hatred between humans and Fish-Man Island first, and then pour dirty water on Ao Long, saying that he couldn't tolerate the Neptunes and favored the Terrans.

At this time, outside Mermaid Island, in a hidden bay, there was an ancient pirate ship moored, and he was the Flying Dutchman. The people of CP0 and the Hoddy Jones they rescued are here, and the captain of this ship is Van der Dyken 9, the Target Fruit Ability.

Under the intermediate adjustment of CP0, the three parties are currently in alliance, Hody Jones in order to subvert the regime of Fish-Man Island, he came to be the king of the Canghai Kingdom, Vanderdyken IX is interested in White Star's ability to summon sea kings, and wants to marry White Star, and the world government wants to weaken Ao Long's strength, and it is best to force him out of the sea.

At this time, Ao Long was in the council hall of the Crystal Palace, convening the ministers to report on the progress of the year's work and the things that needed to be solved by him.

"Your Majesty, the three sisters of Hancock were brought back by the mother-in-law of Nine Snake Island, she expressed her great gratitude for your help, and said that if there are any difficulties in Canghai Country in the future, Nine Snakes will try to help as much as possible."

Monet explained the whereabouts of the three Hancock sisters, and by the way, he also talked about the attitude of the empress of Nine Snake Island, and tried his best to help within the scope of his strength.

"Okay, let's put Hancock's affairs aside for now, it is estimated that she will definitely attract attention after returning home with her temperament. Neptune, I see that your brow is furrowed, and you seem to be bothered by something, so you might as well speak it out and listen to it. "

"Your Majesty, after Otohime and the others returned to Ryugu City today, my daughter Shirahoshi received a letter of confession, and His Majesty knows about the particularity of Shirahoshi, so I can't make up my mind if it's a prank or something else."

"Oh, this thing? You don't have to worry, you're just clowns. "

Ao Long remembered the flying Dutchman, wandering around the Canghai Country like this must also be an unstable factor, and it must be solved before leaving the island.

"Regarding the follow-up development of Canghai Kingdom, everyone can come step by step, and everyone knows how to use the mobile phone, if there is anything that cannot be decided, you can contact me or Monet at any time. In the next period of time, I will probably go out for a few years, there is nothing important and I probably won't come back. "

"Your Majesty, please let me accompany you to protect your safety."

Fisher Tiger got down on one knee and asked Ao Long to accompany him.

"No need, Tiger, you were also against the yellow ape in the last slave emancipation incident, I hope you can strengthen your cultivation, at least to reach the elite general or above. So you can stay in Canghai Country, and by the way, you can also garrison the Crystal Palace and the Water Capital, so as not to make any more trouble, and the World Government will not just forget it. "

"Yes, Tiger will definitely achieve a breakthrough in cultivation as soon as possible and surpass the level of a naval general! Share your Majesty's worries. "

What could be more encouraging than having higher expectations of one's own leader? Fisher Tiger is like this now, and after being cheered on by Ao Long, he vows to surpass the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters to repay Ao Long's kindness.

"Your Majesty, what about Hody Jones and the others who assassinated Princess Otohime?"

I saw Jinping, who was in charge of the internal security of Canghai Country, and asked for advice on how to solve the follow-up of the assassination.

"Well, Jinping, wait, I'll find out where those rats are hiding now."

Ao Long took out the causal compass from the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven, entered spiritual power, followed the cause and effect, and searched for results related to Hoddy Jones, only to see a light curtain shot out of the causal compass, forming a screen in front of everyone, inside the screen was a dilapidated pirate ship, wasn't it Hody Jones and Van der Dyken IX.

Looking at the CP0 in suits and leather shoes inside, Ao Long felt that this time it seemed that he was going to harvest some energy points again, and watching the three groups of people gather on the flying Dutchman, there would definitely be nothing good.

"That's... The Flying Dutchman..."The experienced Minister Zuo recognized the ship at a glance.

"Yes, that's right, that's Van der Dyken IX, captain of the Flying Pirates!" The right minister on the other side also expressed his views in a timely manner.

"Hody Jones !!" Jinping spotted the criminal who had escaped from his hands at a glance, and gritted his teeth, this was a traitor to Fish-Man Island who wanted to get into Ao Long's reputation.

But although they were angry, because Van der Dyken IX and Hody Jones were both Fish-People, their tolerance for their kindred began to flood again, and Neptune seemed to want to intercede for Hody Jones, how could this be, Ao Long directly stopped Neptune from speaking at the right time.

"The road is also a trip to the world. Selecting the virtuous and capable, stressing faith and harmony, so that people do not only kiss their relatives, do not only have sons and sons, so that the old have the end, the strong have usefulness, the young have growth, the widows, the lonely and the sick, all have support. Men have a share, and women have a home. If you abandon the goods on the ground, you don't have to hide them for yourself; The power of evil does not come from the body, and it does not have to be for oneself. It is because of the plot to close but not to prosper, to steal and thieves and not to do it, so the outside of the house is not closed, it is said to be the same! "

"Your Majesty Shengming!!" Although I don't know why Ao Long mentioned this spiritual program again, everyone is very discerning and calls Shengming.

"It's not up to us to decide whether we are holy or not, since we have said that we will treat everyone equally, then we must treat not only humans fairly, but also the fish-people race. Since they have broken the law, follow the law! "

"Xia Li, this time I'm going to go far away, can you predict some good fortune?"

Looking at Xia Li, who had never said a word, Ao Long asked deliberately. Ever since Ah Long was arrested by Ao Long's order and later escaped from Fish-Man Island, Xia Li has been lukewarm to Ao Long.

"Your Majesty is here, show your ambitions, and succeed!" Xia Li still looked cold, brushed her crystal ball, and said lightly.

Three days later, under Ao Long's orders, the North Sea Giant Monster Karaken, the Prime Minister of the Canghai Turtle, the Commander of the Guards Fisher Tiger, the Commander of the Praetorian Guard, Jinping Jinping, and 5,000 shrimp soldiers and crabs surrounded the flying Dutchman.

The first to strike was the North Sea Monster Karaken, who poked the dilapidated Flying Dutchman into holes with his powerful tentacles, and then several Devil Fruit Abilities were caught off guard. People with CP0 lost their ability to breathe directly in the water because the bubble was broken.

Hody Jones, the only one with the ability to resist, originally thought that he could easily take it, but he didn't expect CP0 to hand over Hody Jones a murderous drug, and Hody Jones, who was addicted to drugs, was fierce for three minutes, and was directly defeated after Fisher Tiger came out and was also captured.

The people who were escorted back to the Crystal Palace, Ao Long was not interested in interrogation, anyway, on the way, Van der Dyken IX also explained his behavior and sinister intentions in issuing a white letter to Shirahoshi.

In the end, those who had Devil Fruits were directly exchanged for energy points, and those who did not were directly turned into fertilizer in the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven. After this battle, Ao Long cleared all the hidden dangers around the Canghai Kingdom, and the world government did not send any more people into the water after learning that the CP0 army was wiped out, which was too risky and too low.

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