PS wrote a little bit of a fragment that everyone likes in the last chapter.,The result has been reviewed three times.,It's not passed.,Add a more chapter today.,To compensate! //

"He is indeed a rare talent, and I think he must be very willing to follow in my footsteps."

Asking for a glass of wine again, Ao Long said confidently, as if the man had already entered the house.

Xia Qi looked at Ao Long's confident appearance, and secretly wondered in his heart who Ao Long was going to invite, at this time, the only people he knew in the Bamboo Bar were Rayleigh and the red-haired pirates, could it be Rayleigh?

"Oh, yes? It seems that you are very confident, but unfortunately the person you want to invite may not have that ambition, and it seems that your majesty the Dragon King will be busy for nothing. "

Refill Monet's coffee. Xia Qi took a puff of cigarette, elegantly exhaled the smoke ring, and seemed to look at Reilly with some melancholy.

"Oh? Are you talking about His Excellency Hades? It seems that his avoidance of feelings makes you resentful very much, in fact, Xia Qi, you can use strong Oh, I have that kind of special medicine here, do you want it, absolutely let the Hades King obey you in the future. "

"Ahem, ahem... Ahem, ahem..."

Reilly, who was eavesdropping on the sidelines, was immediately choked by his drink after hearing Ao Long's suggestion. The red-haired Shanks across from him saw this scene and slapped the table and laughed.

"Hey, boy, tell me what you're here for, and don't make a fool of yourself and act like a charlatan."

Looking at Xia Qi, who was frowning, there seemed to be some signs of excitement, and Reilly over there was directly anxious, if he was really given a special drug, where would he put this old face in the future.

"Hehe, it looks like Hades Reilly thinks my medicine is not effective, boss, tell you secretly, this is made of acacia fish and seahorse oil on the bottom of the sea, and it is definitely not that kind of dog skin plaster."

Seeing that Reilly looked distrustful and disgusted, and asked Ao Long to hurry up and get down to business, Ao Long directly strengthened his sales efforts.

"Oh, does it really work that good? Get me a copy? "

"Hey, hey, Xia Qi, don't listen to this kid's nonsense. Hey, boy, who are you looking for hurry up and find it, don't dig a pit for the old man here, and if the person you are looking for is me, tell you directly, no fun! "

The Hades King Reilly on the wine table jumped directly to the table, interrupting Ao Long and Xia Qi's business, how could he not understand Xia Qi's intentions, after buying that medicine, he was not defensive against Xia Qi, and it was very likely that he would be hit.

"Haha, Hades Reilly, if you want to help me, I'm glad to do it, don't refuse so quickly, I'll talk to you about One Piece Roger's widow later."

Ao Long looked at the excited Reilly, it seemed that the speed just now was not much slower than the pheasant, it seemed that he was definitely at the level of a general, worthy of being the deputy captain of the One Piece ship.

Although some people can't be accepted as subordinates, it is still possible to borrow power appropriately, such as Rayleigh the Hades, Edward the Whitebeard and others.

Of course, the sentence about One Piece Roger's widow was directly transmitted into the secret, ignoring the stunned Reilly.

Ao Long carried a jug of wine directly to a dinner table next to the red-haired pirates, where there was a 13-year-old boy wearing a furry winter fur hat with leopard spots, eyes with special dark bags, and two small gold earrings on each ear.

His saber was placed at the dining table, eating food quietly, counting that he had been away from Doflamingo for half a year, and he had heard the conversation between Ao Long and Xia Qi just now.

Of course, with Ao Long's identity and status at this time, Luo was just a nobody, and he would definitely not have thought that the person Ao Long was looking for was him.

"Can we have a drink together? Doctor! "

Ao Long directly raised the wine and filled Luo's wine glass, and sat down opposite Luo with a calm demeanor, as if he did not mean to wait for Luo's answer.


Although he didn't know why Ao Long found him, one thing Luo could be sure of now was that Ao Long definitely knew his identity, and he was vigilant and immediately touched his knife with both hands.

"I think we're just drinking and chatting amicably, and among the people present, it seems that your strength is the weakest, and this knife won't bring you much security."

Looking at the people around him who were staring at him, Luo already knew that this was not an ordinary bar, the Hades King Reilly, and the red-haired Shanks were all famous characters in the sea.

"You're right, so may I ask Your Majesty the Dragon King, what are you doing with me as a child?"

Calmly analyzed the situation he was in, Luo was very decisive in giving up armed resistance, not to mention that I heard Ao Long say that he was here to find someone to follow, could it be him.

"Could it be that the person he is looking for is that little broken child?"

Reilly muttered, with his eyesight, he didn't find anything special about Luo, just a young child.

"That kid isn't simple, haven't you noticed? How could a child who quickly calmed down in front of the Dragon King be nameless, not to mention that the Dragon King came all the way to recruit him, it seems that my intelligence is not in place! "

Xia Qi, who was opposite Reilly, seemed to be stuck in memory, and searched through her brain to match the famous sea thief of this age, but she didn't find any relevant information about Luo.

"Captain, I thought the person the Dragon King wanted to recruit was you, and you were a child after a long time."

This is the scene that happened opposite the crew of the red-haired pirates chatting with Shanks, it was too dramatic, whether it was Shanks or Reilly, they were both masters worthy of Ao Long's recruitment, but in the end it was actually a little-known child.

"I always thought that life is worthy of awe, so being a doctor is a profession worthy of respect, not to mention being a doctor with superb means, how about it, if you are not interested in following me."

Looking at the child in front of him, calm and sharp, at the same time, there is a ruthlessness of revenge and the eye to plan the overall situation.

"If it were someone else, I might have drawn my sword against you, but if it was your Majesty the Dragon King, I would still be willing to serve you."

Trafalgaro looked at Ao Long with a smile and took one sip of the wine that Ao Long poured for him, and this glass of wine was the promise of the two.

Looking at Ao Long's expression of surprise and consternation, Trafalgaro smiled.

"Does it feel like it's easy for me to say yes?"

"Hehe, it's actually okay, with the heroic posture and strong strength of my Canglong King, shouldn't all the heroes bow their heads and follow me to the death when they see me?"

Although surprised, Ao Long was not too surprised, but joked.

"In fact, more than a year ago, when you made a big fuss about the World Government Mary Joya and burned down the Tianlong people's residential area, I have admiration for you. When I heard you about the great harmony of the world before, it felt like a mouth cannon, illusory and boundless, but seeing your efforts for this, I knew that you were a legend worth believing in! "

Looking at Luo, who looked serious and admired Ao Long, Ao Long still couldn't help but feel a little proud, and a little fluttering.

"Of course, the most important thing is your strength, which makes me see the hope of revenge, since you came to look for me, then I think you must have investigated me, and you must be clear about my past and enemies."

Ao Long was speechless, looking at Luo, it seems that it is still the strength that has the strongest persuasive power.

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