PS Thanks to xj1414126 for the support of 60 flowers, thank you very much! //

When a group of people arrived at the living room, a big word "righteousness" was written on the wall of the living room, which seemed to remind the beggars to be chivalrous. Ao Long looked at this atmosphere and thought that maybe Jinping would like the beggars very much, and Jinping was called the existence of Haixia in the original book.

Of course, Salon's beggar gang was influenced by him, and they had strict discipline in their boldness, and many of the laws of the Four Seasons Island Country were copied by him, of course, this also shows that the laws studied by those pedants are indeed worthy of recognition.

"Lord, I don't know where your next purpose is, do you need the beggars to make some preparations?"

After everyone was seated, Monet put away the dragon flag and stood behind Ao Long, followed by Luo and Kerra. Sa Long asked about Ao Long's itinerary, in fact, the specific itinerary Ao Long already had a rough plan in his heart, there are eleven years before the top war, which means that it will take a while for that generation to grow up, and the current peace of the sea can also be maintained for a while.

"I'm going to go to Hancock first, and then I'll go to Sky Island and Golden Country, but there is still a ship missing, Salon, do you have any shipbuilding talents over the years?"

The original intention of the establishment of the beggar gang was not to do chivalrous deeds, but to explore the intelligence of the great shipping route, and to recruit all kinds of talents, so as to enhance the credibility of the people at the grassroots level. Of course, all of Salon's subordinates will not lack shipbuilding experts, and sure enough, Sharon said confidently:

"Rest assured, as long as it takes half a year, I will definitely build a powerful ship for you!"

In fact, Ao Long's requirements for ships are not high, because he can refine weapons himself, it is just a trouble, and the materials are insufficient, and he doesn't want to be too ostentatious, so he said.

"There's no need to build a new one for me, just find a suitable one for me to use in the ship under construction by the beggars. After so many years, the development of the beggar gang has worked hard for you, Salon! "

Looking at the body of the giant sitting in the living room taller than Ao Long standing, Ao Long can feel the powerful power in Sa Long's body, since he taught him the "Nine Grades of King Kong Formula", Sa Long's cultivation has been steadily improved, the original he can only rely on the innate giant strength of the giant clan to fight, can not develop special moves, but now he, like King Kong, extremely powerful, but also has a strong defense, coupled with the fierce "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon", in the great channel to break out of the prestige.

Originally, the navy saw that he, a defected lieutenant general, actually formed a new organization, and wanted to capture him in the city, but after a battle, it was found that his strength had reached the level of a general, which made the Warring States regret that they had missed a good general, and after seeing that the beggar gang was also doing something that did not violate the law and was not extreme, they let Sharon go.

"In fact, it is all under the guidance of the lord, the development of the beggar gang was originally very restrictive economically, but since the lord became the king of Canghai country, the beggar gang has carried out trade with Fish-Man Island, and the economy has been greatly improved, and more orphans and patients can be rescued.

Looking at the eloquent Saroon, it is hard to imagine that this former vice admiral can grow like a man after he is in charge on his own. Talent is not only a scarce item, but also something that can be cultivated and worth investing in, and I believe that when the big counterattack, the beggar gang led by Sharon must be a sharp knife.

The reunion with Sa Long was very joyful, and everyone finally started a banquet at Xia Qi's extortion bar, and at this time, Reilly and Xia Qi knew that Ao Long still had such a hidden strength.

After everyone ate and drank, Ao Long received frequent eye warnings from Xia Qi, and it seemed that he was asked to withdraw from the scene quickly and not delay the boss's big event.

Ao Long, who is very knowledgeable and interesting, took everyone back when the moon was scarce, after all, the Spring Festival is worth a thousand dollars, and it is very rude to disturb the happy life of the elderly.

The next day, Sa Long took Ao Long to the shipyard of the beggar gang to choose a sea boat, and as a result, Ao Long took a fancy to a shuttle-shaped black sailing ship at a glance, which is a five-masted sailing ship, and the area seems to be good, the most important thing is that it has an attic-like style, and the Chinese elements make Ao Long like it at a glance.

"Alright, Salon, let's just that ship, it's all flaged, that's my new Canglong, five stories high."

Saron looked at the ship, it was basically built according to the appearance of the Black Pearl that Ao Long once gave, of course, it is now the Canglong.

The structure of the ship is reasonable, the streamlined hull and huge power make it extremely fast, and there are dozens of cannons on board, and the firepower is powerful.

Of course, Ao Long probably won't need those guns, but the speed is very much in line with Ao Long's needs.

In the evening, when everyone dispersed, Kerra and Luo were settled by Salon, and Monet naturally entered Ao Long's room, and the secretary was not part-time, but had to work around the clock.

It is a blue room, through the window you can directly see the sea outside the Chambord Islands, and can also overlook the chaotic neighborhood of Chambord, there is a small balcony, you can sit on it and drink a little osmanthus wine, look up at the starry sky, and think about life.

These are not the point, the point is that today's Monet, changed into a white gauze dress, barefoot, is on the balcony, dancing, the red halo after drinking has not yet dissipated, came back to soak in a hot bath, changed into this hazy suit, white gauze with a colorful streamer.

The toes of the two feet lightly touched the floor of the balcony, the plump body was like a fairy, dancing dexterously, the colorful streamers were like a cloud blooming around the body, and the plateau red on the top of the snow-capped mountains was looming, as if it was blooming proudly after the warm summer.

The moonlight and starry sky outside the balcony have formed the most beautiful background, reflecting the immortal energy contained in Monet's whole person, in fact, she is now practicing the method of cultivating immortals, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, her body is light, and her temperament is like a void, it is indeed like Cui'e in the fairy palace, the emerald green long hair that slowly grows up, and the shawl at will, is even more chic.

Such a beautiful view, it is a pity that only Ao Long is blessed to enjoy it, and the room here seems to have been reserved for him in advance, and it belongs to the highest point of the entire block.

Tasting the unique fruit wine of the One Piece world, the taste is mellow, looking at Monet's dancing, it seems that the beauty of life is nothing more than that, but his eyes are through the starry sky behind Monet, the world is so big, Ao Long wants to see it.

And Monet seemed to be tired of dancing, so he sat in Ao Long's arms at the end of the day, picked up the fruit wine on the table, took a sip, and fed it directly into Ao Long's mouth.

Feeling that Monet's mouth did not follow the fruit wine, and entered together, Ao Long naturally did not show weakness, so under the light and breathable gauze, he grabbed Monet's soft/soft body and directly searched up and down.

Monet smiled, sprinkled the rest of the fruit wine on his sarsa, the whole sarse was clear, the body was already half-covered and half-hidden, in the fragrance of wine, Ao Long directly Monet, poured Monet on the cushion of the balcony, taking advantage of the moonlight, fishing for the moon, as if probing the bag.

The two of them were already emotional, and between their mouths opening and closing, they had seen murmuring, as if every encounter was like a first meeting, a little shy, and a little happy.

The sea breeze blew across the balcony at night, and it was no longer able to blow the wine-soaked sari, but the sari had been torn to pieces between the two of them.

On this night, the warm sun of the Spring Festival tent rose, and from then on, it was not only Xia Qi who did not come to the dynasty early, but also Monet.

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