The sea area on both sides of the Great Shipping Channel has no air currents and no currents, and it is a sea area that is permanently calm. It is impossible for ships that rely on the power of the wind to move through it, and the windless zone is an extremely dangerous sea area. It's also home to sea kings, i.e., giant sea monsters.

And the ships of the One Piece world basically rely on the wind or ocean currents to move forward, that is, fixed channels. This is also the reason why the world needs nautical charts, which can indicate in detail the direction of the ocean currents, that is, the route of the pirates' adventures.

Nine Snake Island is located on the windless island, the country of the female fighting clan "Nine Snake Clan", as the name suggests, this is an island where only women live, they are born as warriors to cultivate, shoulder all the household and labor, even after pregnancy, only give birth to girls, the characteristic is that a snake is wrapped around the body, with the ability to transform into weapons at will, the country is built in the high mountains covered by jungles, the building has a full Celestial Empire flavor, the island has the absolute norm of "man ban" hundreds of years ago, once a man enters this place, The end is to be wiped out, and almost every emperor here has died of lovesickness.

The mother-in-law just abandoned the throne and left Nine Snake Island to survive, in fact, the original book did not explain how the daughter country gave birth. According to the merfolk family, the adult fish's tail fin is divided into two legs, and after it is divided, it will go to land to combine with humans, and after pregnancy, it will return to Fish-Man Island to breed, and Ao Long suspects that the same is true of Nine Snake Island, or something similar.

On the Canglong, Ao Long was lying on the deck basking in the sun, Kerra was working the side of the cultivator Fishman Karate, and Monet intimately helped Ao Long rub his shoulders, Ao Long spent 400 million energy points to exchange for a set of "Four Elephants Returning to the Yuan Gong", which corresponded to the four systems of earth, wind, water and fire, Ao Long handed over the "Water Elephant Returning to the Yuan Gong" fascicle to Monet, the current stage is to control water, sea water, rain, soda and other ordinary water, which can be upgraded by devouring other water in the later stage, and finally fused, a bit similar to incineration.

If the incineration recipe is to need different fire, then "Four Elephants Return to the Yuan Gong" is the four elephant version of the incineration, of course, this is not the world of frequent alien species, Ao Long Professor Monet, step by step, the first is to absorb the water in the air, because this is the most common contact with water, but also the most ordinary water, the content is small, easy to control, can control the condensation of gas, condensation of snow, which can achieve the initial control of the temperature of the soda.

And Monet seems to be very interested in condensing qi into snow, and he is also very talented in learning, "Eternal Evergreen Gong" is an exercise aimed at the improvement of vitality and life level, just like the annual rings of a tree, Zhongzheng is peaceful, and steady and steady, Monet has practiced for more than a year, and his strength has made great progress, at least the current Luo can't beat Monet, plus "Water Elephant Returns to the Yuan Gong", Monet's offensive and defensive abilities are available, and it can be regarded as a route that can go on forever.

Kella, on the other hand, fell in love with the attack technique of Fishman Karate, and under the efforts of Fisher Tiger and Jinping, she learned it at a young age. Of course, secretly she was very envious of Monet's ability to control water, and she knew that it was a different power from the Devil Fruit, because Monet's bath and other things were completely unaffected.

On the way to Nine Snake Island, being idle is also idle, Ao Long thought about continuing to teach his subordinates, anyway, when he is strong, he can better work for him.

"Luo, today let's talk about the fruits of your surgery. Tell us about your understanding and development of the fruits of surgery. "

Lying on the leisurely chair, drinking chilled grapefruit juice, Ao Long lazily started his brain journey. He hoped that the ideas and suggestions that were different from this world could help Luo unlock the fruit ability to a greater extent.

"The fruit of surgery is one of the fruits of the superhuman line. Operative fruit abilities can create a hemispherical/global space, in which people and objects can be cut, exchanged, spliced together, and even exchanged people's consciousness at will, but the cut person will not die or even be injured. "

Luo's eyes were calm, leaning on the mast, holding his own Devil Cry, looking in the direction of the sea, and then looking at Ao Long and saying, his expression was calm, and he seemed to have nothing to hide.

"Actually, there's an anti-heaven function, isn't it? The most anti-heaven ability is to do "immortal surgery", but it can only be used once, and those with the ability to perform the fruit of surgery will also die. "

Looking at the flash of surprise in Luo's eyes, as well as a hint of suspicion, Ao Long knew that Luo might feel that he was looking for him for immortal surgery.

"Luo, what do you think is immortality and what is immortality? What is immortality? What is it that heaven and earth are destroyed and I am alone? "

Luo looked at Ao Long with a puzzled face, he knew the legend of Ao Long, but it didn't mean that he could understand these very profound metaphysical questions, in his opinion, not being old is not dead, you are not old, will you still die?

Looking at Luo, Ao Long said very frankly:

"If you say that you are not old, my dragon clan is not very old by birth, but if you say that you are not dead, the current marshal of the Navy and the three major generals can kill me. I heard that the five old stars of the world government have undergone immortal surgery, and you said that if I sneak up on Mary Joya again and kill one of them, will immortality be over? “

"It's... Not old... Is that the difference between being immortal and being immortal..."

It seems that he feels warm for Ao Long's honesty, and he is also relieved that Ao Long does not covet his immortal surgery, and he is even more confused about the destruction of the world and I am alone in this realm, this is a realm he has never heard of, does there really exist such a person in the world? Isn't that a god?

Looking at his young and immature face, Luo, who has gone through the vicissitudes of life since childhood, seems to be born with a sense of distrust of people. Fortunately, Ao Long's prestige and status are there, and Luo knows that this is a strong man who is different from Doflamingo, and he is also a strong man who can be trusted. Ao Long looked at Luo and continued:

"Luo, you know what? I think the so-called immortal surgery of your surgical fruit may be to remove all the lesions and the aging of cells, and solve the decay from the cellular level, which is the ultimate in mortal art, so you need to water it with your vitality. But have you ever thought about it, through cultivation, from the cellular level, continuous transformation and evolution, when it is strong to a certain extent, is it better to achieve immortality? "

Listening to Ao Long's whim, Luo felt that there was still such a direction in cultivation, cultivating from the cell level.

"Lord Ao Long, do you mean that through cultivation, the effect of the operation can be achieved? That's just a few more people who can not get sick or die of old age, which is the same as what you said about the destruction of heaven and earth and I am alone. "

Luo no longer cares about the so-called immortality, it seems that it is still far from immortality, and he is now a little more interested in immortality.

"Heaven and earth are destroyed, and I am alone, that is the direction I am pursuing now, Luo, if you want to understand the mystery of life, follow in my footsteps!"

As a cloud of the western sky, watching another day pass, Ao Long knows that in the official history or mythology of the Celestial Empire, how many people ask for this realm but can't, a catastrophe, thousands of years of cultivation, all made ashes!

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