That year, the flowers bloomed just right, and the moon and stars were scarce, but I was in the slave cage of the Celestial Dragons, looking up at heaven.

Ten years of unbearable looking back have chilled my life and closed the door of my heart, it seems that only the endless dark night can make me feel sinking.

Until that night, the same flowers bloomed just right, the full moon was like a wheel, and it was you who crossed the red earth continent and broke the door of the house.

At the moment when I untied the shackles on my hands, I knocked on the dusty door in my heart, this is the yearning of youth, the ecstasy of love.

I still remember the day you ravaged the Tianlong people, for my suffering, and for my renewal.

I am also willing to turn into a breeze and sweep over your dreams.

Since that day's banquet, Hancock has returned to Nine Snake Island with the treasure given to her by Ao Long, and there is a jade phoenix golden step shake in it, Ao Long said that she took it with a good look, and personally inserted the ends of Hancock's hair. After waving goodbye, Hancock shook at Jin Bu and fell into lovesickness.

After returning to the royal palace on Nine Snake Island, Hancock immediately found the Devil Fruit she had kept, but before she could send it to Ao Long, she felt weak and fainted, and collapsed on top of her bed.

Boya Sandasonia immediately discovered Hancock's anomaly and immediately found Boya Marigorud.

"Mary Gorud, let's see what's wrong with the eldest sister, the temperature of her whole body is rising, she can't breathe well, she seems to be having a fever, what should I do?"

Boya Marigorud on the side was also anxious, their physique had greatly improved since they had eaten the Devil Fruit, and they had basically never been sick. What's more, Hancock was fine when he went to Ao Long before, why did he suddenly fall ill.

"Sister, what's wrong, no, we have to go to my mother-in-law to see, she is well-informed, she must know what the situation is."

Soon the mother-in-law heard the news that Hancock had fainted, and hurried to the palace, looked at Hancock's symptoms, and saw Hancock tightly holding the golden step shake that Ao Long had given her. She sighed deeply:


As soon as she sighed here, Boya Marigorud and Boya Sandasonia were anxious.

"Mother-in-law, what are you sighing for, sister, what's wrong? Why did you get sick all of a sudden? "

"That's right, mother-in-law, what's wrong with my sister, she won't die, right?"

Looking at the two red-eyed little girls, Mother-in-law said directly:

"If you get this disease, you will die, the first emperor and the former emperor both died of this disease, or the successive kings of the daughter country died of this disease."

As soon as they heard what their mother-in-law said, the two of them were anxious, thinking that it was just a sudden illness, but they didn't expect it to be so serious.

"What then? Mother-in-law, you have to think of a way, you must save your sister! "

When the third sister Boya Marigorud heard this, she hurriedly prayed to her mother-in-law to find a way, but Sandasonia heard the loophole in her mother-in-law's words.

"What's the mother-in-law, didn't you say that the previous emperors all died of this disease? But aren't you okay? You must have a cure for this disease! "

Sighing again, Mother-in-law said:

"It was in the first place that I left Nine Snake Island and left my daughter's country to treat this disease."

"Is it necessary to step down from the throne of king to cure this disease? What the hell is this, why is it so strange? "

"It's lovesickness!"


"That's right, the daughter country does not allow the appearance of men, and naturally there will be no lovesickness, only when the king of the daughter country falls in love with a man, will he suffer from lovesickness, and the only cure for this disease is to let the lover eventually become a family, but this is not allowed by the law of the daughter country. As for the object of snake queen's lovesickness, even if I don't say it, you should know who it is. "

The two sisters watched their body temperature get higher and higher, like Hancock, who had a fever and burned his head to the point of confusion, and made a decision.

"The law can be changed or something, the first task now is to treat my sister, her current state can't move, let's go and ask Lord Ao Long immediately!"

"Huh!? Lord Aolong! "

Hancock, who was originally in a daze on the side, immediately regained some energy when he heard the word Ao Long.

The autumn breeze is clear, the autumn moon is bright,

The fallen leaves gather and disperse, and the jackdaws are frightened.

When do you know when you will see each other? It's embarrassing to be on this night!

Enter my lovesick door, know my lovesickness,

Sauvignon Blanc long memories, Sauvignon Blanc is infinite,

I knew it was so stumbling, how could I not know each other at the beginning.

Soon the two sisters rushed to Ao Long's Canglong, and as soon as they told the situation, Ao Long knew what was going on, and after explaining, Ao Long hurried to the palace of the Nine Snakes Kingdom alone. The lovesickness of Nine Snake Island is very strange, it can make people's bodies appear all kinds of abnormalities in a short period of time, and even quickly die.

Rushed to the sky above the palace, looking at the Chinese-style palace building in front of him, Ao Long also felt very cordial, only to see Ao Long directly use the art of resisting the wind, drifted down to the balcony of Hancock's dormitory, and took out ninety-nine roses from the dragon bead cave sky, with a little dew-like water droplets, a fragrance came to the nose.

And when the mother-in-law saw that the main lord was coming, she immediately avoided it with great interest.

"Hancock, I heard that you are sick, I came to see you, you see, this is a rose for you!"

The moment Hancock, who was in a daze, heard Ao Long's voice, he immediately recovered from lovesickness, sat up from the bed, and looked at Ao Long holding a rose, Hancock felt that his heart was about to melt.

"Ao... Lord Ao Long, give me roses, are you proposing to me? "

Looking at Han, who was moved to tears, Ao Long naturally knew what to say at this time.

"So, lovely Queen Hancock, will you be my woman? Stay by my side and fight with me in the future! "

"I'm willing to !!"

Taking the roses with both hands, Hancock threw himself directly into Ao Long's arms and cried with emotion.

At this moment, Hancock felt that he had the whole world, and perhaps the past suffering was just to give him a chance to meet and get acquainted with Ao Long.

Holding the excited Hancock, Ao Long felt the sustenance in her heart, thinking that she still had the slave mark of the hooves of the Celestial Dragons, and the three sisters made up a story about the defeat of Gorgong with Boya Sandasonia and Boya Marigorud in order to cover up the fact that they had been slaves.

"Hancock, can I help you remove the mark of the Dragon's Hoof?"

"Really? Lord Aolong, can you still get rid of that mark? "

Hancock heard that the dragon's hoof, which could get rid of her nightmare, looked nervously at Ao Long with watery eyes, afraid that he was just joking.

"Well, I have a spell called Spring Breeze and Rain, which can remove this damage and make your skin grow back, and when your two sisters come back, I will help you remove that dragon's hoof."

"Well, Lord Ao Long is so powerful, nothing can stump you."

When a man is strong enough, he can provide a woman with a sense of security, and this is strength.

Although the irresistibility of the Celestial Dragons has been broken with the help of Ao Long, the imprint of the Celestial Dragon's Hoof still reminds the three Hancock sisters of that unbearable time, so she is really happy to be able to remove the imprint.

"It's good to be young! I think when I was young, I also had a beautiful love..."

Outside the dormitory at this time, Granny Ma's mother-in-law took Boya Sandasonia and Boya Marigorud to secretly observe what was happening in the dormitory, lamenting the passing of her years and the death of love. Boya Sandasonia and Boya Marigorud wept with joy when they heard the news that they could remove the dragon's hooves.

"Can you finally get rid of that nightmare..."

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