One Piece Dragon Lord

Chapter 352 Clay Shemale Knife

Princess Lei Jiu was taken aback by the scream of killing pigs. She suddenly raised her head. She could no longer see the figure of the Demon Blade King, but found two arms flopping desperately not far in front.

Is this the arm of the Demon Sword King?!

There is a swamp ahead, could it be that the Demon Sword King fell into it?

Princess Lei Jiu was taken aback by this thought of her, and she ignored the others, she quickly put away the map in her hand, took off the gloves Gu Chen gave her, ran forward, and ran to the swamp where the Demon Sword King fell into. Earlier, he had only two wrists left and he could still see.

"Why did it sink so fast?"

Princess Lei Jiu was very worried and suspicious, then grabbed the hand of the Demon Blade King and pulled it up vigorously.

Although the Demon Blade King had sunk his head, his consciousness was still there, and when he felt Princess Lei Jiu was holding her hand, he also grabbed her backhand.

Seeing that his consciousness was still alive, Princess Lei Jiu lifted her internal strength between her hands and slowly injected it into the Demon Blade King's body to prevent him from losing consciousness before he came out.

But Princess Lei Jiu is just a girl after all, it is very difficult to hold the Demon Blade King to prevent him from sinking, let alone pull him up.

At the edge of the overlord flower bush behind him, there are already a few overlord flowers that have just lost consciousness but have not died, slowly standing upright, and the high-rise flowers slowly hanging down, searching for creatures that can prey in their vicinity. .

Like being eager to find food to replenish energy after being injured, the few Overlord flowers have stretched out the long stamens before they found their prey, looking for targets everywhere.

Princess Lei Jiu's heart trembled slowly, she was pulling the Demon Sword King, and she had no time to clone herself to deal with the overlord flowers that eat meat!

"Demon Blade, why don't you kill all those flowers and then take the knife! If I get entangled by those tentacles, neither of us will survive!"

Princess Lei Jiu said anxiously to the mud in the swamp above the head of the Demon Blade King.

This is really the time for Tenten to refrain, and the ground is not working.

But at this moment, trouble came, and the voice made by Princess Lei Mei was noticed by the group of hungry Overlord Flowers.

The stamen tentacles of several Overlord Flowers ran straight towards Princess Lei Jiu.

Princess Lei Jiu looked at the tentacles and felt nervous for a while, but she suddenly became wise and came up with a way.

She exerted force again, using all the strength of her whole body, and pulled the Demon Sword King up from the mud of the swamp by a palm of her hand! His elbows can already be vaguely seen, and Princess Lei Jiu is already very weak and strenuous. Continue to wipe his hand, slow down the sinking speed, while turning his head to stare at the group of interrogated stamen tentacles.

Ten meters.

Five meters.

Three meters!

Two meters!

one meter!


When the Huarui tentacles were about to touch Princess Lei Jiu, she quickly released the hand holding the Demon Blade King, and then leaned back vigorously! She escaped the attack of Huarui's tentacles in an instant!

And those tentacles could no longer be retracted, and they were directly wrapped around the muddy arms of the Demon Blade King along the direction of advancement.

The stamen tentacles entangled things, although they did not entangle the original target, they still gained a lot in the end. Pulling the arm of the Demon Blade King suddenly tightened the long stamen, and exerted force to pull him down."~ , 口"中.

Princess Lei Jiu lay on the ground next to her and did not dare to speak anymore but silently put on her gloves and summoned her bow and arrow. On the other side, she stared at the straightened flowers.

In a short while, the head of the Demon Blade King was exposed, and his face was covered with dirty silt.


The Demon Blade King was still spitting in his mouth, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

He shook his head like a dog in the water, only then reluctantly opened his eyes.

But as soon as I opened my eyes and saw a lot of life-threatening stamens on my arm, I instantly became calm!

He didn't want to be the lunch of the king's flower!

The Demon Blade King's mouth was still speechless, maybe his mouth was full of disgusting mud!

"Thunder "

Princess Lei Jiu could barely hear him calling her own name again, and she seemed to be still talking about what happened to his knife, but Princess Lei Jiu had no time to care about what he was talking about, she calmly used a few internal forces to penetrate After removing the gloves, with dark red sweet blood, aiming at the few stamen tentacles!

She is waiting

Waiting for the tentacles to pull the entire body of the Demon Blade King out of the mud of the swamp

Thigh comes out



After the Demon Blade King's body was all pulled out of the swamp, the whole person was like an arrow from the string, flying at the same speed by the stretched stamen to the direction of the Overlord Flowers!

"Lei Jiu!!!"

The Demon Blade King only felt that there was a great traction from his hands, and he was pulling him towards the direction behind him! He finally saw the place where Princess Lei Jiu was lying on her stomach, and saw that she was setting up a bow and arrow to face him. I couldn't help but startled, and I was scared into a cold sweat!

He knows the inner strength of the bow and arrow very well! As long as the skin is scratched, it will kill you!


With the sound of several air tremors, several dark red arrows of internal force hurriedly chased the direction where the Demon Blade King was pulled away and shot past!

Seeing that the few arrows were about to hit him, the face of the Demon Blade King had turned purple. Don't look at the arrows.

After a few seconds, the Demon Blade King did not feel the pain of the arrow hitting him, but only felt that his flying body was falling down fiercely!


As soon as he opened his eyes, he fell to the ground.

With the huge impact, a painful sensation came from his whole body, his head fell to the ground, and his eyes were completely dark in an instant, accompanied by dizziness and tinnitus.

At the same time, the hands of the Demon (Promise) Sword King also lost their restraints. He was dizzy for a long time before slowly climbing up from the ground with his hands.

The Demon Blade King wiped his face with his sleeve that was also covered with mud, spit out all the dirt in his mouth, and wiped his face roughly clean with the only hand that was not stained with mud.

He turned his head a little bit and saw a few dark red stamens behind him. Only then did he understand that Princess Lei Jiu's sword was not aimed at him, but through the tentacles of the stamens that entangled him.

He was greatly relieved and felt that he was saved. He looked up and saw Princess Lei Jiu holding back a smile and walking towards him.

"You are really brave! You used meat-eating flowers to pull me out of the swamp. I was not eaten by the mud, but I was almost eaten by the flowers!" The Demon Blade King murmured.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Princess Lei Jiu couldn't help laughing anymore.

"You have become a clay figure, so stop talking!" Ming,

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