One Piece Dragon System

Chapter 26: Fight! (Please Collect)


Roger found himself out of breath due to the pain in his body, and immediately took a big breath. Because he breathed in too fast, Roger choked and started coughing loudly. However, for the sake of the pirate group he founded and his companions, For his life, Roger had to resist the desire to cough and said to Rayleigh beside him:

"Rayleigh, this Sengoku will never attack us so recklessly. There must be some conspiracy, so wait for Sengoku, as soon as Garp arrives, leave the two of them to me, and you go protect your friends!"

"But your body won't be able to hold on?"

Just listening to the voice, he felt that Roger was enduring huge pain. When he heard that Roger had to face the two strongest Marines alone, Rayleigh's face suddenly became a little reluctant.

"Don't worry, Rayleigh, I, Roger, will not die like this! Trust me!"

Although Rayleigh's expression could not be seen clearly in the darkness, Roger had already guessed it by hearing the voice. However, in order to prevent unnecessary damage to his friends, Roger had to make repeated guarantees to prevent Rayleigh from letting Sengoku's conspiracy succeed in order to rescue him.

"Okay!" Roger made a decision that no one could change, not even him, Rayleigh, but Rayleigh had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Of course, Roger and Rayleigh's words, although not loud, were slightly heard by everyone on the boat. Although it was a bit vague, everyone on the boat probably guessed it.

They didn't make a sound or move. They were just silent. But if you get close, you will hear that there will be a "tap" sound in each person's mouth, hands, and muscles all over the body. Although it is very small, it is You can all tell that this is them repressing their inner impulse to cry and their own incompetence.

Even Buggy, who was timid and afraid of death, remained silent for a while.

On the other hand, Chu Han had a plain face, and there was no emotion in his eyes as calm as autumn water. He just held the hand on Murasame's knife handle that was so pale that the veins were exposed, showing that his heart was far from clear at this time. It looks so peaceful on the surface!


Chu Han felt the powerless feeling of being at the mercy of others. Even when he fought against Sakakis, Chu Han didn't feel this way. But in front of two strong men, Garp and Sengoku, Chu Han was able to Realizing that my own strength was so weak and pale, I could only hide behind Roger and Rayleigh and pray for their protection.

"Sengoku? Garp? One day I will be stronger than both of you. I can only control my destiny!" Chu Han held Murasame tightly, gritted his teeth and whispered, the hot golden pupils in his eyes ignited, in this darkness It was extremely bright and dazzling in the environment. Under the oppression of Garp and Sengoku, Chu Han longed for something in his heart for the first time, something called power and power!

Power and power!

Those who master the two powers are the masters of this world. At this time, Chu Han is ruthlessly dominated by the power and power possessed by Sengoku and Garp. If he wants to control his own destiny, Chu Han only needs one The method is to be stronger than the two of them!

Roger and Rayleigh are the captain and deputy captain of the same ship, and they are top experts. Although Chu Han's voice is small, how could they not hear it? However, neither of them spoke, but their eyes flashed with admiration and relief. look.

Meanwhile, over Uzumaki.

When the falling Sengoku and Garp felt that they were about the same, they immediately used the six-style 'shaving'. With a "Peng" sound, they were shocked by the counterattack force coming from their feet, and they floated in the air.

Then the two of them stepped on the air continuously, and continued to float in the air.

The two of them also didn't waste time. Sengoku released his violent aura and transformed into a huge golden Buddha, directly illuminating the huge Uzumaki.

Garp also released the huge volcanic aura, quickly raised his huge fist, and then used Armament Haki to harden the fist directly and hit the black pearl below.


The attack didn't come, but the aura of the two people did. Perhaps because they have been fighting with Roger all the time and have seen too many strong men, no one on the Black Pearl did anything disqualifying, but some of the weaker ones were affected by it. Without this momentum, his whole body began to tremble.

Shanks and Buggy, who were both weak in terms of momentum and strength, could not bear the overwhelming momentum and started to tremble all over. If it went on for a long time, they might even faint.

Chu Han, on the other hand, had a cold face, and the hot golden pupils in his eyes were filled with incomparable stubbornness. Even in front of the vast sea-like momentum of Garp and Sengoku, Chu Han still stood proudly, forcibly controlling his body without flinching. Look directly at the two people falling from the sky.

The blood of the dragon family never allows Chu Han to bow his head, not even Garp and Sengoku, because they are not qualified yet!

"Hmph! Just what I want!"

Seeing this, Roger's pale face suddenly turned cold. He pulled out the gorgeous blade from his waist and released an aura that was not weaker than either of the two people in the sky. It resisted these two terrifying auras and made them unable to attack. A step beyond the thunder pool.

The two devastating auras on the ship were resisted, and everyone immediately felt relieved. However, now is not the time to slack off. You must know that the two strongest Marines on the ship, even their captains may not be able to defeat them even if they try their best. One, so they didn't dare to be careless at all.

What's more, this Marine siege is really strange. It can't end in a battle so easily. Maybe with a little negligence, it may be destroyed here this time.


Sengoku had no doubts about Roger's momentum to block him and Garp, but Roger seemed to want to fight him alone, which really made Sengoku a little unhappy. However, this was also what Sengoku expected, so Sengoku just snorted coldly, and then Let the breath of the whole body explode to an Ultimate.

Because he's going to attack.

Feeling the aura of Sengoku beside him, Garp knew that Sengoku was about to launch an attack. Although he sympathized with Roger and wanted to take back his fist, he had to realize that his stance was different, so Garp did not hold back at all and directly used He used his full strength to make the black iron fist strike downwards even sharper.

Faced with such a danger, there was no trace of panic on Roger's face. Instead, his expression became even colder, because he understood that as long as he dodged even a little, the attack of anyone above him might destroy his pirate ship. Todoroki was smashed to pieces, and not even his own comrades would survive.

So he, Roger, couldn't hide or panic.

But Roger was able to get here step by step. Although most of them have the heart to protect their partners, the will buried deep in Roger's heart is a fighting maniac!

PS: Three things to do when reading a book: collect it, reward it, and send flowers ╭( ̄▽ ̄)╮

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