One Piece: Dream Destroyer Mentor Marine King

Chapter 120 The Fury Of The Deep Sea

"Pay attention to the movements of the other 'Four Emperors' and order Fujitora to go to Greenbit to assist in defense."

Marineford, Sakazuki chewed his cigar and looked at the intelligence officers who kept walking in the corridor.

"If any other Four Emperors attempt to approach Sabaody Archipelago or G5, immediately notify Porusalino to intercept them."

Dauberman sat at a small table nearby and listened to Sakazuki's instructions.

After the correspondent left, Dauberman asked, "Aren't we going?"

Sakazuki turned the cigar in his mouth and blew out a stream of smoke:

"He didn't apply to the headquarters, which means he has his own arrangements. We only need to do a good job of deterrence from the outside. Marineford..."

"It also needs to be guarded."

Judging from the combat effectiveness shown by Dylan, it is impossible for the red-haired side to have enough manpower to compete with G5.

The 33-year-old Dylan and the 45-year-old Bullet are enough to crush the Red Hair Pirates and Rayleigh.

In his prime, Rayleigh could only tie with Bullet.

Now Rayleigh is in his twilight years and Bullet is in his prime.

What's more, Rayleigh also had one of his hands chopped off by Dylan.

Thinking of this, Sakazuki was also a little confused. On the surface, the gap in combat power between the two sides had widened.

So what's the redhead's back-up?

Are there any gold medal players hidden somewhere?

Sakazuki frowned. There were many strong folk in the world, but those people were not what he was worried about.

What makes Sakazuki most uneasy is the pirate group that "disappeared from history".


"They are not strong enough to compete with me head-on, so now it's time to 'play their cards'."

"Play your cards!?"

"That's right, although Yixiao won't take the initiative, but since he has accepted Sakazuki's order, the pressure on G5 will be much less, and our operating space will also increase. On the red-haired side... ··”

"I have roughly guessed his 'backhand'."

"Call the order——"

Everyone looked solemn.

"All senior officers will be on standby after handing over matters to the adjutant general."

"All combat forces have entered a state of war. No civilian ships, merchant ships, or warships are allowed to approach Greenbit. Anyone who crosses the border will be regarded as an invasion."

"Greenbit has entered the stage of war control, and street martial law has been implemented, and no one is allowed to go out or run around without permission."

Commands flow directly from the G5.

G5's combat troops directly took over the security authority of Greenbit.

The streets within the royal capital were deserted within a few hours. The surrounding coastline has also been cleaned up.

High on the fort, all the cannons were manned by Marines.

Civilian ports were also completely blocked.

Although there was G5's tall fortress blocking the way, the people of Greenbit became nervous once again.

War - is coming again!

But this time the people did not pray to some "god".

Because standing in front of them, resisting the wind and waves, was the man known as "the strongest Marine in history."

Although he rarely appeared in front of the public, Greenbit's changes in more than a year impressed everyone.

"You must come back safely!"

This is the voice and prayer of all people.


The waters east of Greenbit.

Hundreds of meters under the sea.

"How did you find us."

Jinbei and Sunbell stood in the sea and looked at Tom opposite.

A few months ago, Jinbei received a mysterious invitation on The Fish Men Island.

Then he left The fish men island.

The man told him something about "Dawn" and also told him about his current situation.

Although under the protection of G5 Ruoyouruowu, few mermaids are sold anymore, Jinbei still has the irritability of the murloc in his heart and the dissatisfaction with the death of Fisher Tiger.

Jinbei accepted the man's invitation.

Their purpose is to wait for the "order". Someone will tell them the route of the G5 fleet, and one of their tasks is to sink the G5 warship, at least to delay it.

But before the "order" was received, they met the terrifying enemy in front of them - "The Angry Sea" Tom.

A man who easily defeated Jinbei several times and overpowered "Diamond" Jozi with his strength.

Among the known high-end combat capabilities of G5, "Raging Sea" Tom also ranks extremely high.

The scariest thing is that so far, apart from easily defeating Jinbei and suppressing Jozi, no one has seen him use his full strength.

Tom did not answer Jinbei's question. Its arms shook slightly, and the surrounding sea currents began to gather on his body.

Jinbei's expression tightened, and the elderly fishman holding the harpoon next to him also looked solemn.

"Be careful, his 'Murloc Karate' is very different from what we practice!"

The huge Uzumaki began to spread in all directions with Tom as the center.

Jinbei and Sunbell felt the intense friction caused by the water flow.

After the two looked at each other, they simultaneously raised their webbed palms and exerted force towards the sea current.

But the obstruction of the two people only made the big Uzumaki slow down slightly for a moment, and the next moment the vortex hit at a faster and more violent state.

"This won't work. Someone has to attack him."

Sunbell held the harpoon across his chest.

Last time in Marineford, Sunbell swept away Jinbei, Straw Hat and Rayleigh with huge currents.

But Tom reacted and immediately gave chase.

Jinbei and Sunbell, who were well aware of Tom's power, took turns delaying and barely managed to escape from Tom.

But this time, they felt that if they ran away directly, one of them would die in Tom's pursuit.

"I go!"

Jinbei's arms are covered in military colors.

Despite all the achievements he had made in the past two years, he still lacked confidence when facing Tom.


By the swirling water flow, Jinbei emerged from Uzumaki and raised his right arm towards the center of Uzumaki.

"Mysterious meaning·Guiwa·······"

Before Jinbei could finish charging up, a brown figure jumped out from the center of the big Uzumaki like a sharp arrow.

Jinbei's pupils shrank.

How could there be such speed...

Before the thoughts in his mind calmed down, Tom had already grabbed Jinbei's neck.

The center of the swirling current below collapsed. Tom turned his body and held Jinbei's body before diving towards the center of the vortex.


Sunbell, who was still resisting the current in Uzumaki, took a breath.

Just when Tom rushed out of the sea, the currents tens of kilometers around him suddenly converged crazily towards the center of Uzumaki.

The pressure of the powerful turbulent currents is not inferior to that of the deep sea thousands of meters away, and is even more violent.



During the dive, Jinbei punched Tom in the stomach.

Tom seemed unaware, and Jinbei became more and more frightened.

His armed color...

His own "Oniwa Shoken" couldn't even defeat his armed defense.


A small voice spoke.

Tom pressed Jinbei and sank directly into the center of Uzumaki.

The moment he entered the water, there was not a trace of water splashing.


"Return to the ruins!"

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