One Piece: Dream Destroyer Mentor Marine King

Chapter 40 What Kind Of Despicable Person Keeps A Diary?

"Master... there is suddenly a lot of delicious food in the village..."

A crisp voice sounded from the distant path, and Dylan smiled and turned his head.

A little girl with purple hair was stumbling towards the wooden house holding a pile of food.

"Oh, it's Ayu, I already know it."

A large pile of food blocked Ayu's view, and she did not see anyone else at the door of the cabin.

When she staggered to the door and put down the food, she immediately raised her hands when she saw the tall Dylan and Ace.

"Eat... the food is not stolen, surrender... the little girl surrendered!"


Dylan laughed, took out the juice Sherryman brewed for him from the ring and handed it to Ayu's hand.

"Try it?"


"Uh... No way!!"

Dylan's face suddenly darkened, and before Ayu could react, Dylan said very seriously: "It is very unhealthy to drink juice before filling your stomach!"

Ace next to him looked surprised.

This guy······

When it was getting late, Dylan, Ace, Tenguyama Hito and the village chief sat around the campfire in front of the wooden house. Ayu fell asleep on Dylan's lap, holding a piece of barbecue in his hand.

"Has the outside world changed so much?"

The village chief's face was dimmed and lit by the bonfire: "Wanokuni... has been in seclusion for hundreds of years."

Dylan listened to their chat while pulling firewood. Ace was mostly narrating the situation outside, and he rarely participated in it.

Several major families in Wanokuni...

They are all deliberately closed to wait for those so-called bullshit legends.

It's just stupid.

And Oden is this idiot.

Dylan shook his head. Oden, this idiot, is very powerful, but he really lacks the temperament of a strong man and the means of a leader of a country.

Tenguyama Fei Te looked at Dylan sitting opposite, his expression unclear.

After a moment of silence, he finally said, "This General, seems to be particularly fond of Ayu?"

After hearing this, Dylan lowered his head and glanced at the young Ayu with a gentle look in his eyes.

"Well... I like this child very much. Her life should not be so miserable."

Dylan gently stroked Ayu's little head. Most children in this world didn't seem to have a happy childhood.

But most children can face life bravely.

Nami, Nokigao, Sabo, Hancock, Mingge, Ayu, Luo.

These people all had very unfortunate childhoods, but they were able to change their destiny in their own way.

Only Momonosuke, this idiot, could only bury his head in a woman's breasts besides crying.

Simple trash is no longer enough to describe him.

"It is true. If you live in this kind of place all year round, not only will you not have enough to eat, your health and life span will also be greatly affected."

Tenguyama Fei Te stared at Ayu who was sleeping soundly, his expression full of guilt and love.

Ace turned to look at Dylan, his expression slightly moved.

But thinking about Wanokuni's location and the customs here, he finally swallowed his words.

Although Dylan certainly meant no harm to him, it seemed inappropriate to ask him to save Wanokuni rashly.


After all, this is the middle part of the New World, and it is now almost out of the control of the World government.

Thinking of this, Ace clenched his fists tightly and thought to himself:

"'Hundred Beasts' Kaido..."


After staying in Weili Village for two weeks, Dylan and Ace bid farewell to the villagers.

"Brother Ace, Brother Dylan..."

Ayu looked at these two gentle elder brothers with tears in her eyes: "When can I go to sea?"

Ace knelt down and touched Ayu's head: "When I come back here, I will definitely turn this country into a place where you can have enough to eat."

Dylan pursed his lips and said nothing.

However, the Great Tengu Fei Tetsu on the side looked struggling. Just as the two were about to leave, the Great Tengu Fei Tetsu suddenly said:

"General, can you take Ayu away?"

Not only Dylan, but also Ace, Ayu, and the village chief all looked puzzled.

Ace was shocked for a moment and then felt relieved. After all, he was still a new pirate and had no fixed place to live.

And he did feel that in the New World, it would be difficult to protect Ayu's thoughtfulness with his strength, but this guy was different.

The entire sea was in awe of his reputation, and even the legendary pirates did not dare to set foot near the G5 branch easily.

If there... Ayu will live a happy life...


Dylan also squatted down and held Ayu's shoulders: "But first, Ayu must be willing."

Ayu, whose clothes were full of patches, looked a little reserved. She longed for the world outside, but she couldn't let go of her aging master.

"Ayu..." Tenguyama Hitotsu walked up to Ayu and took off his sword from behind - Second Generation Kitetsu.

"The world has changed so much, so you can go see the outside world on behalf of all of us. One day, I hope you can return to Wanokuni..."

"Tell us about your wonderful journey across the ocean."

Dylan frowned: "This knife..."

Of course he knew the origin of this sword, but the "Ghost Sword" series was a demon sword. Without strong luck and strength, it would be difficult to subdue it. One bad move might even bite the owner.

Tengu Shan Feite shook his head: "This sword is not for Ayu, but for the general."


Dylan was about to refuse, but Tenguyama Feiter intercepted him.

"Yes, it was given to the General. The twenty-year period predicted by Madam Shi was approaching. I would like to use this sword as a thank you gift from the village of Weili."

"Do you think the person who predicted it when Kozuki was referring to me?"

Ayu and Ace next to them both looked confused. They couldn't understand their conversation at all.

However, the village chief looked a little solemn.

"It may not be His Majesty the General. Even if he is not, then this sword will be regarded as the support money I will give to Ayu as my master."

Dylan pondered for a moment and then took over Second Generation Kitetsu. : "Okay! In that case..."

"When the prophecy comes, I will definitely come. Regardless of whether it is led by me or not, for the sake of Ayu and everyone, I will also contribute to this country."

When Dylan led Ayu towards the outside of the village, Ayu turned back three times every step. Although he decided to follow his master's arrangements and go to sea, how could he let go of the grace of upbringing so easily.


Dylan bent down and hugged Ayu, gently patting her back to comfort her.

Next to the hidden port, an unmarked ship has docked there.

"Vice Admiral." Two masked weirdos felt Dylan's breath and jumped from the side of the ship.

Dylan ignored them, but jumped onto the boat with Ayu and touched Ayu's head.

"Wait for me here. That idiot Ace is going to cause trouble. I'll go take a look and come back."


Ayu hugged Dylan and handed her the juice and nodded.

After getting Ayu's answer, Dylan turned back to CP0 and said, "Protect her and don't talk too much. Otherwise I will take off your mouth."


Dylan and Ace chose different paths when they left Wengli Village.

Seeing Ace's furious look, Dylan knew that this guy was going to Ghost Island.

But now that Kaido and the senior officials are gone, the only one who can fight is Yamato.



By the time Dylan arrived at the edge of Ghost Island, these two fools were already drinking.

"I can't leave here, father...that bastard. As long as I step out of Ghost Island, this chain will explode!"

"Ace, one day in the future, will I be able to be free and go on adventures in the sea?"

"Of course, Yamato! I will! The sea is so vast and wonderful. You will definitely be able to get out of this place and find your own life."



"who is it!?"

Yamato immediately became alert as soon as he heard the footsteps.

When Dylan appeared around the corner with Shura on his arm, Ace was surprised at first, and then his face lit up with joy.

"Is it you!? Haven't you left yet?"

"Yeah!? Is he an acquaintance of yours? Ace?"

Ace scratched his head: "No...not really...but..."

Ace stood up and ran to Dylan: "If you say it, you can definitely untie Yamato, right? Please!"

After speaking, Ace bent down and bowed deeply to Dylan.


Dylan walked past Ace and came to Yamato.

"Is this one? Is it a positioning bomb made by Quinn?"

Yamato's two wrists were trapped by huge alloy shackles, which made a "quick" sound whenever he moved.

"Yes, that's it!"

After entering the "New World" for more than a year, Ace has heard too many legends about this man.

With his strength, he can definitely save Yamato.


Dylan reached out and held one of the shackles, feeling the structure before the military color penetrated into it.


The shackles deformed in response, then broke and fell off.

"Really...really solved!? Great Yamato!"

Dylan glanced back at Ace: "You're too happy, kid. I'm not going to untie the other one."


Ace and Yamato spoke at the same time, both looking disappointed.

Freedom... has never been so within reach.

But it's still out of reach.

Seeing Yamato's disappointed look, Dylan pondered for a moment and then said: "This kind of thing certainly depends on my mood, doesn't it? But if you insist on a reason..."

"First, this guy is deeply influenced by that idiot Oden, and I don't like it."

"Secondly, it's also a form of protection for her. You'll understand next time we meet, Ace."

Hearing Dylan's words, Yamato, who was originally disappointed, stood up immediately, and the remaining shackles made a sound with her violent movements: "Why insult Oden, a man like him..."

"Shut up!"

Dylan glared at Yamato:

"What kind of man is he!? As a son, he left his elderly father to go to sea for the so-called 'freedom', put his father in danger and then died."

"After returning home, the enemy's power actually believed in those boring promises and scams, and danced naked for several years, causing his prestige to be completely lost."

"As a monarch, because of the illusion that a good-for-nothing son was kidnapped, he was distracted from fighting, causing the entire Wanokuni to fall. It is clear that everyone else has made a death determination to join him in overthrowing Kaido's rule, but what about him?"

"Do you still believe in this nonsense of 'let everyone leave after holding on for an hour'?"

"As a son, father, husband, and master. He is a failure and a complete waste!"

Yamato was shaken by Dylan's words.


"Do you still believe in 'freedom'? Do you still want to be Kozuki Oden? Such a waste, you even choose to inherit his name and last wish? Just because of two diaries?"

Dylan's eyes were on fire: "Why should I help you?"

What kind of despicable person would keep a diary? ?

"Think carefully, Yamato. In addition to the so-called 'freedom', people must also bear certain 'responsibilities'."

Dylan turned around and walked to the shore: "A piece of trash like Oden is useless except for having a little power!"

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