One Piece East Blue

Chapter 16 Young People Smoking Less Smoking and Drinking More Milk

Smoker's mind was blank now.

He looked at the bottle in his mouth incredulously, his unsmiling face instantly flushed.

'puff! ’

Ace and Luffy couldn't help it at first looking at the extremely disagreeing picture in front of them.

One clutched his belly and rolled around with a smile, and the other laughed wildly while holding a bottle.

Da Dan and the others couldn't help it anymore, and laughed wildly, tears almost coming out of their eyes.

It was embarrassing for the Marines behind Smoker.

Everyone wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, so they could only hold back forcibly.

The whole body was shaking violently.

This is Major Smoker, known as the "White Hunter".

The existence of countless pirates was frightened, but now they are holding a bottle of milk and sucking there.

"Cigars are easy to smoke, so I invite you to drink milk."

Xi Ge looked nonchalant, and it made Smoker's heart burn with anger.

The power of the opponent's Devil Fruit is really weird.

Even he can't resist it at all.

He had just tried to use his Devil Fruit's power to elementalize his body, but found that even if his whole body was elementalized, he couldn't get rid of the bottle in his mouth at all.

"Don't worry, it's just a bottle of milk, and it will disappear after drinking." Xi Ge said, "Moreover, drink more milk to make your body strong."

Smoker walked with the baby bottle in his arms.

The rest of the subordinates followed far away, not daring to approach.

They are afraid that if they hear Smoker's milking voice, they will find a chance to retaliate.

"The power of Devil Fruit?" In Goya Kingdom, Kizaru sat lazily on a chair, listening to Smoker's report: "It's quite interesting to be able to turn into a bottle of Devil Fruit."

"In this way, the suspicion of attacking Celestial Dragons can be ruled out."

This is the reason why Xi Ge is full of confidence.

Last night, he jumped into the sea in front of everyone, and then the dog digs away.

And now, he deliberately exposed his Devil Fruit's power.

No matter who, it is impossible to list him as a suspect.

After all, even Kizaru, who is as powerful as Marine San Admiral, cannot ignore the existence of sea water.

Devil Fruit cannot swim, this is common sense that everyone knows.

But it is this basic common sense that has become Xi Ge's greatest support.

Although Smoker felt dull on his face, he still had to admit: "Yes, this person's suspicion can be removed. But the identities of the two little ghosts next to him are somewhat unusual."

"According to intelligence, they were both sent here by Garp Vice Admiral."

Kizaru yawned and waved lazily: "Oh oh oh, if it concerns Mr. Garp, don't worry about that much. The task now is to find the criminals who attacked Celestial Dragons. Leave the rest alone. That's right, Major Smoker, by the way, is the milk delicious?"

Smoker: "..."

With the power of Devil Fruit, Xi Ge can still swim, which is extremely contrary to common sense, and successfully escaped Marine's pursuit.

After a month, Marine finally gave up the hunt for a while.

In order to give Charmako Saint an explanation, but also to deter others and maintain the awe of Celestial Dragons.

The World government directly issued a reward order, a strange reward order.

On the reward order, it was a man with a naked upper body and a head wrapped.

The name is temporarily replaced by a question mark, and the bounty is as high as 500 million Baileys!

The reward is very high. If according to the original plot, Luffy burned the flag of the World government because of the Enies Lobby, plus the deep sea prison and the battle on the top, plus the attack on the Celestial Dragons incident, the bounty would only be 400 million Baileys.

But Si Ge now, just because of the attack on Celestial Dragons, has reached 500 million Baileys.

The reason is just the expediency that Marine did to appease the broken-faced Charmako Saint.

Kizaru had already evacuated with a large group of troops yesterday, and with him were the royal family of the Goa Kingdom and all the officials who made the plan to burn the uncertainty terminal.

The arbitrary slaughter of civilians by the Goa royal family is already a violation of the laws of the World government.

As Marine, it is naturally impossible to just ignore it.

What greeted them may be nothing but prison life.

Xi Ge didn't know this, but Xi Ge was surprised by the newly appointed king.

Outluk III.

It is Sabo's father!

Hearing this news, although Xi Ge felt surprised, but he had to temporarily admit that his fate was terrible.

In the original plot, Sabo's father, Outluk III, originally wanted Isshin to let Sabo marry the royal princess.

Because of Sabo's departure, Staley was adopted.

And after more than ten years, Staley did marry the princess of the royal family of Goya.

Later, because the king of the Goa Kingdom and the princes died inexplicably, they succeeded in inheriting the throne and became the king of the Goa Kingdom and went to the Holy Land Mariejois to participate in the World Summit.

Same as Shanks' broken arm and Sabo's amnesia.

Although because of the appearance of Xi Ge, many things have deviated from the original trajectory.

But in the end, everything is still the same.

Although the vast majority of Marines have already evacuated, a small group of people stayed.

The leader is Smoker.

Gorbo Mountain returned to its former calm.

"Ace! How many times have you said it, defense! Defense!"

"Luffy! Don't drink milk, go practice target shooting. Hit enough bullseye a thousand times this morning, otherwise there will be no food. Drink milk? No milk!"

Xi Ge lay comfortably on the rocking chair with a cigar in his mouth and cocktails on the table next to him.

This kind of petty bourgeoisie life is a comfortable group.

Next to him, Smoker was holding a cheap cigarette.

"Mr. Xi Ge, you said last time about my development direction of Smokey Fruit, I still don't quite understand..."

Xi Ge spit out a smoke ring and glanced at the cocktail next to him.

Smoker doesn't look fierce, he has good eyesight, and before Xi Ge straightens up, he has already picked up the cocktail and delivered it to Xi Ge.

"Mr. Xi Ge, can you elaborate on it?"

These days, Smoker is almost living here.

Running over in two days, like Xi Ge, ask questions about developing fruits.

Running down one time after another, not only the shoes were about to wear out, but the wallet was also about to deflate.

In order to please Xi Ge, he did not hesitate to spend his salary to buy Xi Ge a cigar and a wine.

As a result, he himself can only smoke these cheap cigarettes, and he is reluctant to smoke cigars. He respects Xi Ge.

"Um~Smoker, your savvy is not very good. I said it so obvious last time, so I still don't understand."

"Didn't I say it last time, I should... Hey? What did I say last time?"

‘Ahem! ’

Smoker had already pricked his ears and waited for Xi Ge's next words, but he choked off his smoke when he said something directly.

I was coughing violently there, and suddenly there was something in my mouth.

Xi Ge shook the rocking chair: "You are still young, drink less cigarettes and drink more milk."

Smoker: "..."

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