Had it not been for him, Xi Ge would have left East Blue directly.

For this powerful and mysterious man, Xi Ge was looking forward to it.

"It should be able to explode golden trophies." Xi Ge was busy with the work in his hands, while dreaming about it.

The battle between Zoro, the world's number one swordsman in the future, and Eagle Eye, the number one swordsman in the world, is not justified without exploding a golden trophy.

Although the strength of the two is very different, no matter how Zoro is, he is much stronger than the original Fengchecun himself.

"Golden trophies, don't ask too much. It's enough to give me two or three thousand strength attributes, and the speed attribute is also good..."

"Mr. Xi Ge, please hurry up, the guests are all urging."

Paddy, now the chef of the sea restaurant, urged.

The business of the restaurant on the sea is so hot today.

As soon as the three of Xi Ge came back, Paddy captured the young man.

"I see." Xi Ge looked at the various meats piled up in the operation room, and stretched out a hand: "ROOM·Boning Field."

Under the power of dissecting the fruit, the food piled up in hills was instantly divided.

Not to mention the different beef and mutton, even the fish has been cleaned up.

Even the tiniest spines were removed, without any damage to the skin of the fish.

Handling ingredients is always the most troublesome and energy-consuming task for chefs.

Because the blood is immersed in the meat, the meat quality will be affected and become smelly.

But for Si Ge, it is not a problem at all. With a snap of his fingers, all the ingredients have been processed properly.

This is simply the god-level ability that every chef dreams of.

"That's it, this ability to dissect the fruit is not as bad as I thought."

With the continuous use of the power of dissecting the fruit during this period, Xi Ge's understanding has become more and more thorough.

"This dissected fruit is simply a weakened version of Op-Op Fruit." Xi Ge said to himself.

Op-Op Fruit, it is not unreasonable to be called the "Ultimate Devil Fruit".

As the fruit of Paramecia, an entity that can attack Logia capable people is already very pervert in itself.

What's more, Op-Op Fruit is also designed with space and soul abilities.

Within the scope of the ROOM, whether it is a person or a variety of objects, it is equivalent to a patient being pushed onto the operating table.

Those with Op-Op Fruit ability can cut and splice the opponent's body, even the mind!

What makes Op-Op Fruit worthy of the title of ‘Ultimate Devil Fruit’ is because it can achieve the dream of mankind since ancient times: immortality.

Immortality beyond time!

Xi Ge believes that dissecting the fruit is a weakened version of Op-Op Fruit, not touching porcelain.

But it is true, the power of these two Devil Fruits is too similar.

First, Op-Op Fruit can create a space, as can dissecting fruits.

Second, Op-Op Fruit can cut, exchange, and splice anything in the ROOM space, and it can also be done by dissecting the fruit, but it is only limited.

Either the other party completely gave up resisting from the bottom of my heart, or completely lost consciousness.

The third point is that Op-Op Fruit can attack the entity of Logia ability without blessing Armament Haki. As long as the opponent does not resist, the fruit can also be dissected.

The most important thing is that Op-Op Fruit can perform ‘unold surgery’ by consuming and sacrificing one’s own life, as can dissecting the fruit.

However, performing a ‘removal operation’ on anatomical fruit consumes not the life of the capable person, but the anatomical fruit itself.

Once the culling operation is performed, the dissected fruit will completely crumble and disappear completely.

"Excluding surgery..." Xi Ge murmured, "Perhaps this is the best result."

East Blue, the town of Shelters, no accidents happened.

In order to save a little girl in the town, Zoro hacked to death the pet wolf kept by Monka's son Belumeber.

Belumub threatened the little girl's life and arrested Zoro.

The only thing that surprised Si Ge was that the little girl saved by Zoro had two Pirate Hunter cousins.

Knowing this, Si Ge also opened his mouth in surprise: "Cousin...cousin...Beru May is really dead, letting the pet wolf bully the cousin of the sword god Joseph and the swordsman Johnny."

Johnny and Joseph met Zoro after all.

The two went out to hunt the pirates. After returning empty-handed, they were filled with outrage when they learned the whole thing.

The two passionately rushed into Marine's 153rd branch base together.


There's no after that.

There are two more crosses beside the cross that tied Zoro.

Seeing the photo of the three people tied to the cross, Xi Ge almost smiled: "Don't say it, it's really symmetrical."

Of course it is symmetrical.

Zoro is in the middle, and Joseph and Johnny are tied to the left and the other.

The key is the tattoos on their faces, one with the word pirate pierced on the left cheek, and the word pirate pierced on the right cheek.

The three are tied together, in exceptional harmony.

Of course, Xi Ge couldn't be more familiar with the two of them.

Although his skills are terrible, he is very loyal.

Hawkeye only said that Zoro was weak, and the two dared to drew their swords and rushed to attack Hawkeye.

The same was true when facing the Dragon Pirates. After learning about Nami's story, the two had the obligation to directly join forces to kill Arlong.

"Brother Zoro, will anyone really come to save us?"

Johnny asked weakly.

The two of them have been tied here for three days. As for Zoro, it has been almost a month.

"Hey! You two, how many times I have said, don't call me big brother, how do you think you two are older than me!"

Zoro's condition is much better than the two of them. The two of them looked like they were about to die, but Zoro was still alive and well, as if he was okay.

His milk in these years is not for nothing, and his physical fitness is extremely strong. Don't talk about it for a month, even if it is tied up for another month, it will be fine.

"Okay, Brother Zoro."

"Yes! Brother Zoro."

Zoro: "..."

At the same time, Luffy ran into Alvida and Kerby by mistake, and after defeating Alvida, he came towards the town of Shelz.

The original Luffy can easily defeat Alvida, not to mention the current Luffy.

Alvida was first beaten by Ace, and now by Luffy.

If one day is beaten by Sabo again, the achievement will be full.

At this moment, Xi Ge got the information, and the Creek Pirates who had entered the Grand Line returned.

There is only one main ship left of more than fifty ships, and it is still in tatters.

As for the crew, there is no one in ten.

The Great Pirate Group, which originally had nearly five thousand people, now has more than one hundred people left, which is extremely miserable.

Xi Ge was relieved now, the Crick Pirates came back, can that man be far away.

Regarding head iron, except for Jack the Drough, one of Kaido's three major disasters, Seago only serves Creek.

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