G5 Branch, inside the base commander's office


Dashiqi stood at the door and said loudly

"Come in."

Taotu didn't even raise her head as she processed the multiple documents that had just been sent to her.

When she was a lieutenant general in the headquarters, she also had a lot of daily work.

Taotu didn't expect that such a position would be so tiring.

She had been almost busy since morning.

She had been processing documents non-stop.

"Lieutenant General Taotu, the target has been captured"

"According to the instructions, he will be temporarily detained in the dungeon and will be sent back to the headquarters with the prisoners to be escorted next month."

Dashiqi reported her mission.

No matter what to do next, it is her duty and mission to deal with the previous task first.

"It was done in two days, very well done!"

After hearing what Dashiki said, Taotu temporarily stopped the work in her hands.

She looked at Dashiki with a satisfied smile.

The double training during this period has completely transformed the girl in front of her.

Now, in terms of swordsmanship and strength, Dashiki will have no problem being selected as a colonel or even a major general.

It's just that in non-special periods, naval officers above the level of general need a certain amount of military merit to achieve it.

The simple improvement of strength is still a little bit short.

What Dashiki is doing now is to accumulate step by step.

"The amount of tasks completed recently is quite good."

"Even the current three generals did not do such things in the New World when they were young."

""Dashiqi, your future is limitless!"

As her subordinate, Taotu was also very proud.

Dashiqi didn't care about military affairs at all.

She only cared about the task at hand and the enemy she was about to face.

"Lieutenant General Taotu, I just heard from Lieutenant General Vergo that it seems that our operation is about to begin?"

Dashiqi is also a straightforward person.

If she knows something, she will not hide it in her heart.

"That's right, come and sit here."

Momotu pointed to a chair beside him.

In the G5 branch, it seems that Momotu is the actual person in power now, but he can mobilize people at will.

In fact,

Momotu and the soldiers of the G5 branch do not trust each other.

When it comes to the people around him who can be truly trusted, the only one around Momotu is Dashigi.

"Lieutenant General Taotu, I can do it while standing"

"If there is anything you need me to do, feel free to give me the order."

Dashiqi waved her hand, knowing her identity and mission.

Taotu no longer forced

"Starting tomorrow, we will suspend the pirate capture mission."

"You take this Den Den Mushi with you and we split into two groups"

"Go to Yachi Nagashima on the map. This mission is very dangerous."

Taotu is so powerful, but she can say such words. You can imagine how difficult this mission is.

Dashiqi did not ask questions.

Instead, she waited for Taotu to continue.

Such an important matter.

No need to think too much.

Taotu will also explain it very clearly.

"Previously, there was no momentum for progress due to the delay in action."

"So I didn't tell you the actual situation."

"Our targets this time are Kaido's"Hundred Beasts Pirates" and Charlotte Linlin's"BIGMOM Pirates"’!"

""Two large pirate groups that have been stable in the New World for many years!"

When Taotu said this, she felt a little excited.

Under the condition that the navy and the pirates are in balance with each other, large-scale actions rarely occur.

Taotu has also experienced turbulent times.

But in recent years, generally speaking, it is still very peaceful.

After hearing this, Tashigi couldn't help but feel a throbbing in her heart.

Although she had long known that the mission to the New World this time was not ordinary.

It was most likely related to the Four Emperors Group.

But what she didn't expect was that the navy's appetite would be so big that it directly targeted the two Four Emperors Groups!

"Recently, our explorers in the New World have been reporting"

"Charlotte Linlin's men frequently come into contact with Kaido's men, and the specific reason is unknown"

"However, judging from the intelligence, the possibility of a struggle is not high."

"What the headquarters is worried about is that the two of the Four Emperors will work together!"

Momo Rabbit said the main reason, and Lu Feng in the dark heard it clearly.

There was an original connection between Charlotte Linlin and Kaido.

If they cooperate with each other for some kind of benefit, it is not impossible.

Lu Feng also understands the principle of checks and balances at sea.

Each group of the Four Emperors has a very terrifying strength. The reason they have been able to check and balance the navy over the years is entirely because of their internal struggles.

But if they cooperate, not only will the balance of the new world be broken.

Even the balance of power between the navy and the pirates will be broken.

That's why the navy prepared for a rainy day and sent Momo Rabbit as the vanguard in advance.

Momo Rabbit gave Tashigi half a minute to relax.

Then, he continued:

"Don't worry, the mission you and I will go on is dangerous, but it's actually not difficult."

"Our goal is not to kill anyone, nor to capture anyone."

"Instead, we need to gather enough intelligence to disrupt their possible deals and cooperation."

"If something happens, we have stronger people behind us to back us up."

When we don't know anything, everything is terrible.

At least we should first figure out the purpose of the other party's negotiation. This is the job of the advance team.

"Vice Admiral Taotu? Can you tell who the two sides are negotiating with?"

Tashigi asked curiously.

At least we have some useful information, which can be regarded as a supplement to the insufficient intelligence.

Taotu replied:

"The Four Emperors Kaido had no information and only knew that they were participating in this meeting.���There will be no fewer people"

"Charlotte Lingling's side should have dispatched three groups of children, but only one of them had accurate information."

"The 14th daughter of the Charlotte family!"

"One of Big Mom’s four dessert stars!"

"The Juice Minister…Charlotte Smoothie!"


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