Two hours later, more and more people gathered in the training ground.

The non-commissioned officers gathered in groups of three or five, talking about the test that was about to begin.

Because it was a test for non-commissioned officers, it was relatively not a secret.

Nearly 400 naval recruits gathered in groups of seven or eight outside the training ground.

"There are so many people? The navy seems to be very idle!"

Lu Feng tried to release his mental power completely.

He could see almost half of the situation in the training ground through his mental power.

After the second upgrade, the basic perception ability has also improved a lot.

From a recruit to a non-commissioned officer, it takes about one to three years for an excellent marine. It is also an especially important experience to understand in advance what qualities and strengths a non-commissioned officer should have.

These recruits also came to join in the fun with the idea of gaining experience.

"Which NCOs do you think are the best? I guess among the sixty NCOs in this test, Staff Sergeant Iron Axe Joker must be the first!"

"Sergeant Jockley is very powerful, but I never thought he was as good as Sergeant John Yee of the martial arts school!"

"Sergeant Donato with Two Guns is also a hot favorite. Do you want to take a gamble?"

"There is also a dark horse among the sergeants, Sergeant Shuichiro, who has the ability of the Mantis Fruit. Don’t underestimate him because he is young and may be able to defeat his seniors!"

"Why did you all guess Staff Sergeant or Sergeant Major? Is there no dark horse among the Corporals?"

"I can tell at first glance that you're a newcomer. In this kind of competition, corporals are all just runners-up and will be eliminated in the first round!"

"What I’m saying is, if I were these corporals, I would have given up long ago, hahaha!"


Standing in the last row, Tashigi was very calm while listening to the laughter behind her.

Such a noisy environment was very common.

She had gotten used to it in the past two years.

Speaking of talent,

Tashigi herself was talented.

Otherwise, she would not have been promoted to the position of a non-commissioned officer in two years. But

Tashigi chose a different path from others.

She was obsessed with swordsmanship, even though she knew that girls were at a natural disadvantage to become swordsmen.

But she was still obsessed with it.

If she played to her strengths and specialized in judo or martial arts, maybe she would be a leader among non-commissioned officers now.

""Is this girl nervous?"

Lu Feng muttered to himself.

With the completion of the second upgrade, the spiritual connection between Lu Feng and the sword master Dashiqi seemed to have changed a little.

To be more specific, it seemed that Dashiqi's mood would become a spiritual signal and be transmitted to Lu Feng.

At this moment,

Dashiqi's uneasy mood was directly fed back to Lu Feng.


"They are the chief examiners this time!"


The noisy scene suddenly became quiet.

Looking at the entrance of the training ground, two tall figures walked directly towards the soldiers' formation.

"It turns out that... Is my luck so bad?"

Tashigi lowered her head and said to herself.

The colonel walking on the side was not unfamiliar.

It was Burnham who asked Tashigi to take the test again.

If it was just Burnham, as long as Tashigi could get a passing score, her fate of being demoted to the East China Sea would have basically changed.

Unfortunately, the tall man walking in the front holding a cross-bone sword.

His bony face looked like he was malnourished.

But with a helmet and a navy coat, he had a different aura.

It was the examiner who gave Tashigi the lowest score last time, and also a colonel of the Navy Headquarters... T. Pengen!

As a swordsman, T. Pengen's swordsmanship was amazing.

It was rumored that he had cut a pirate ship in half like cutting a steak many times.

So, there is also a loud nickname... Ship Slayer!

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

When T Peng En appeared, Lu Feng trembled twice with excitement.

Not bad!

Judging from his momentum and style, he should be a very powerful swordsman.

The cross-shaped long bone sword must be of a high level.

I haven't chopped or stabbed for ten days, and today I finally have the chance!

"Burnham, which one is the corporal swordsman who killed the pirate with a bounty of 12 million?"

As soon as T. Peng arrived at the scene, he remembered the corporal who was given an exception.

There is an instinctive sense of competition between swordsmen.

Since becoming a colonel, T. Peng has not had anyone to spar with for a long time.

The opponents he met were either poor in swordsmanship or just for show.

Being able to kill a pirate with a bounty of 12 million in a matter of seconds, the swordsmanship of this corporal who was given an exception can be imagined.

"Haha, do you want to see it now? Why not wait until after the assessment?"

Burnham said in a good mood.

But T. Pengen shook his head,"Hey! It was agreed that I can have a chance, but I must meet him. How can you wait so long?"

""Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you."

Burnham waved his hand, signaling the sergeants and sergeants in the front row to make way.

Dashiqi stood there, watching the crowd gradually make way.

She knew that

T. Penn and Burnham should be walking towards her.


Dashiqi tightened her sword in her hand.

There was no need to be so nervous.

She was different from before.

This was a rare opportunity, and she had to be more confident.

Dashiqi kept telling herself in her heart

"Peng En, this is the swordsman with potential that I was talking about, Tashigi!"

""Dashiqi, this is Colonel T. Penn."

Burnham immediately introduced them.

"Hello, Colonel Burnham!"

"Hello, Colonel Peng En!"

Dashiqi saluted with a particularly tough look in her eyes.

But when T Peng En saw Dashiqi, he showed disgust on his face.

"I remember you, the female swordsman whose swordsmanship was not upright at all.……"

T Penn expects���His mood was swept away, and his tone was particularly fierce.

Burnham felt that the atmosphere was not right, and asked:"Penn, have you two met before?"

"Of course I have seen him before."

T. Peng En replied, and then said,"Dashiqi, step out!"

"Yes, Colonel Peng En!" Dashiqi didn't understand, but replied loudly

"Your assessment has already ended. Leave the training ground now, immediately!"

The fierce reprimand made the sergeants present gasp.


PS: I hope that the readers who see this will support Nanao and give me the flowers and evaluation tickets in your hands. Thank you all.

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